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Pakistan produces first indigenous wind turbine

This is shameful !

The wind turbine was only FABRICATED in Pakistan.

How complex is it to build a friggin'wind turbine afterall !
This is shameful !

The wind turbine was only FABRICATED in Pakistan.

How complex is it to build a friggin'wind turbine afterall !

It is not the first Pakistan assembles something and then proclaims manufacturing it. :D
Sorry to be a spoil sport but either I have forgotten simple arithmetic or Pak journalists are unable to do sums.

6KVA Wind turbine costs Pk Rs 1.2-million or about Pk Rs 200,000 per KVA. To generate 1MW (1000 KVA) would cost Pk Rs 200,000,000. At Rs 96 = 1 US$, this comes to $2.083-million.

According to the same article one could buy a 1 MW wind turbine for $1-million. It means that indigenous turbine costs double the money. If this is really true, what is the big deal?
End of day if I get electricity who cares about esthetics , after all we all loved Nusrat fatah ali , he was not very esthetic man he was good as something he did and the wind mill does something meaningful and that purpose is enough to have a reason for it to exist
A rotating shaft with wind blades and a generator connected through gear system ..this is a project they will do in bachelor degrees .. 5 kva is too small to supply national grid ..it can provide electricity to one or two house ..thats it ..

you are wrong my friend... i am doing my m.tech project on wind turbine designing... it is pretty much complex than what you think....

there are plenty factors affects on turbine.. like aero dynamics, wind speed seasonal ,annual average speed etc,no of blades and types of wind turbine.... etc.... if you want to know in detail ping me ... i will explain you...
excellent but majority of pakistanis cant afford this. the device is for richer folks great. if pak can mass produce them and hire large group of poor people to do assembly than they may able to afford it. then get media attention (plz no hype as usual)and go online so folks in pak can read about it and find out the cost, see if they can have it delivered postal style.
kya baath hain aj kal? Saree achee khabrain arahee hain :pakistan:
excellent but majority of pakistanis cant afford this. the device is for richer folks great. if pak can mass produce them and hire large group of poor people to do assembly than they may able to afford it. then get media attention (plz no hype as usual)and go online so folks in pak can read about it and find out the cost, see if they can have it delivered postal style.

not at all my friend, it might be difficult to design. but it is pg and pre phd level project....
brothers it easy if we as nation banned this bollywood gannd on tv instead make programs based on energy needs and simple instructions that citizens can follow to assemble their own we must have factories that employ folks to produce these.
i have joined pak science club forum but guess what their are only approx ten members i have contributed many circuit diagrams to build inverters, super joule thief circuit. anyway i have bought myself solar powered flashlights and much more and have usb pen full of diagrams maths formulas when i go Pakistanis this is what i am going to work on > starting with how to build > your own generators, windmill alternators, assembling small panels to make big solar panels, i also have purchased tunergy lithium battery charger that can charge any type of battery and so much more. one thing a nation must learn is to wind their own transformer read nikola tesla work. plus we dont have reliable internet connection in pak for information and knowledge or to join group forums. plus i am thinking of buying seeds to produce biodiesel and use the left over for soap, plus i am trying to find diagrams for pitbea oil press this way i can produce my own oil. i could just buy it for 100 pounds but it manual. in my village they just talk about tractors.

great ! u r doing a
gud job .dn t get dishearted ,just keep on doing the great work
Sorry to be a spoil sport but either I have forgotten simple arithmetic or Pak journalists are unable to do sums.
6KVA Wind turbine costs Pk Rs 1.2-million or about Pk Rs 200,000 per KVA. To generate 1MW (1000 KVA) would cost Pk Rs 200,000,000. At Rs 96 = 1 US$, this comes to $2.083-million.
According to the same article one could buy a 1 MW wind turbine for $1-million. It means that indigenous turbine costs double the money. If this is really true, what is the big deal?
Sir, when you have indigenous capability, you can bring down the cost by more research and mass production. Pilot projects are always costlier. You can look at Indian solar power program in Gujrat. In tender, one company at one year the rate per unit was Rs 17 while next year they quoted Rs 7.5.

So I think its a welcome development especially if you look decades ahead and how even developed countries are moving to these resources. Germany is perfect example for it. For developing country, China is one of the example we should follow.
For Pakistan nuclear reactors is the only practical solution.
These wind turbines may be good for remote open places such as a far off village .
It also affects the environment. Believe it or not. Solar power is much better especially if Pakistan uses Gujrat's model by covering its canals with solar panels. It saves water as well as generate electricity. Distribution is also easier.
No joke but what if we put money into mullah pocket to promote this indigenous project just might work, get isi to do covert work on media coverage on it, then again governmnet will try halting it. Some years back my uncle promoted mobile network so we had to contact big fish apparently the army i dont know how he got the contact we had a large tower installed but in a year or two it went downhill i asked family why?? they go bombing but i believe it was monopoly and government shut down. he now moved to turkey but travels the world doing telecommunication work.

The funny thing is in my village the mullah are chilled more of comedy than any seriousness everybody give charity and they have sher it more of picnic/fun fair chill ground any technology promotion will be in favor.
So when we gona feel proud by making a needle?-
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