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Pakistan president tells US to stay out

It is absolutely fascinating to read the romanticism of journalists and posters on the issue of attacking a country and put it in the bag, as if one was visiting the Shopping Malls for their monthly needs!!

If fighting in the Mountains, and more so, in High Altitude, was that easy and feasible a proposition, have you wondered why the Kashmir issue has not been solved by a simple attack and a capture all these years?

Indeed, if warfare was that simple a proposition and if attack was as easy as one imagines, then complete Kashmir should have been a part of either India or Pakistan.

Why is it not so?

Warfare is not so simple an affair and capturing territory in the Mountains and more so, in the High Altitude, is not for the weak and chicken hearted!!

And lastly, like it or not, technology cannot replace the boots on the ground, if one wants to declare a victory!!
And he believes that it is as smooth an operation as pinching a baby's bottom!

So where did i said that its as smooth as you mentioned above? Again misquoting me into your self dilussioned words. Its time you quit the rant and if you are unable to understand my post, its better you ignore it.
As usual in a state of denial!

I never went into the techanical details of whether it will be a walk in the park or a garden of death for them. I said that US wants to attack pakistan's nothern area. As for india role, we all know india isnt much saint either:angel:. If you happen to skip the post, let me recall it for you in one of the threads started by you about how india is helping musharraf combacting terrorism, Jana posted an article from Senator Mushaid Hussain, go have a look at it again, obiviously you can deny whatever you want to but do have a look at it so it clears your clouded mind about india's intensions about pakistan.

As for the US are you ignorant enough to understand that every senator whether democratic or republican is threatning for a military action against pakistan's tribal area. I wonder if the same level of threat would had been issused against india, how would you react and who smells the real coffee.

Whether its an easy job or not, thats another debate, the fact is pakistan is being threaten and thats not the first time its done, so IMO there is every possible reason to believe that this threat is a serious one, specially when it is no more about AQ rather if your old memory is lost once again, its about pakistan's nuclear programe that seems to be the hot topic of the West and specailly when hillary clinton makes remarks such as a joint US UK team to safeguard them.
By the way let me remind you that though land assault maybe difficult in the tough terrains, US is known for a different tactics, air and tomahawks. Land invasion is the last thing for the US to consider.No dont come up with its success rate, US isnt even considering it when it comes to its own success rate, they just bomb irrespective of who gets killed. Remember the incidents in afghanistan where they just use to bomb marriages, even the NATO troops.
I never went into the techanical details of whether it will be a walk in the park or a garden of death for them. I said that US wants to attack pakistan's nothern area. As for india role, we all know india isnt much saint either:angel:. If you happen to skip the post, let me recall it for you in one of the threads started by you about how india is helping musharraf combacting terrorism, Jana posted an article from Senator Mushaid Hussain, go have a look at it again, obiviously you can deny whatever you want to but do have a look at it so it clears your clouded mind about india's intensions about pakistan.

For discussion's sake, let us assume that journalists say that the world wants to attack Pakistan and obliterate it from the face of the earth.


Does it mean that we start jumping in fear, agony and wallow ourselves in self pity?

Yes we should.

That is if we are beyond understanding the reality and are gullible and infantile to believe the printed word as the Gospel Truth.

It does not require a super brain to realise the difference between 'desire' and 'can'.

One may want to attack and capture Pakistan, but the million dollar question,is that can it?

Anyone who has an iota of military knowledge would know it is a pipedream.

And anyone who is gullible and infantile, will go berserk!!

As for the US are you ignorant enough to understand that every senator whether democratic or republican is threatning for a military action against pakistan's tribal area. I wonder if the same level of threat would had been issused against india, how would you react and who smells the real coffee.

If wishes were horses, the senators would ride!

If they threatened India, I would only feel that there could not be so stupid a bunch of people to threaten India,

I assure you, I would not have sleepless nights since I know what India is capable of and what the Indian military can do!

Only those who are without self confidence and without faith in their country and government, would jump up and down in indignation and utter fear!

Whether its an easy job or not, thats another debate, the fact is pakistan is being threaten and thats not the first time its done, so IMO there is every possible reason to believe that this threat is a serious one, specially when it is no more about AQ rather if your old memory is lost once again, its about pakistan's nuclear programe that seems to be the hot topic of the West and specailly when hillary clinton makes remarks such as a joint US UK team to safeguard them.

Fear is no replacement for reality.

Churchill, it is believed to have stated, "Let the dogs bark, but the caravan will pass away!" or word to that effect.

Pakistan's nuclear facilities are safe. Remember what Condi Rice had said? Enough of Americans are roaming around in Pakistan (there is a thread here by a Pakistani stating so) and they are not poodle faking.

By the way let me remind you that though land assault maybe difficult in the tough terrains, US is known for a different tactics, air and tomahawks. Land invasion is the last thing for the US to consider.No dont come up with its success rate, US isnt even considering it when it comes to its own success rate, they just bomb irrespective of who gets killed. Remember the incidents in afghanistan where they just use to bomb marriages, even the NATO troops.

Ah so Tomahawks means victory?

Let them bomb, but that does not mean that they have won!

if they bomb, it would only help Pakistan contain the like of Mehsud. Of course, innocents will also die, but in which war, have the innocents not taken the brunt?

Or is your sympathy with Mehsud?

The more wealth that india and pakistan accumulate, the more their destiny is tied to the welfare of each other. Gone are days of war mongering---but the game for strategic juxta-positiong will take a new twist in days and months to come.

The u s has done some training in india and also in pakistan as well but it was long after the tora bora fiasco.

Pakistan's stand over here is that the u s had beef with Bin Laden---they haven't done anything to him---then their beef grew with taliban and we all know what is happening with that---.

Even though I have written quite a few times that the u s can take out pakistani assets by massive air strikes---but the result can render the world economy such a massive blow that there would be no coming out of it in one piece. It is truly fascinating when you listen to Hillary, Obama, Edwards, Ron Paul inadvertantly threatening to start up the 3rd world war----because disarming pakistan or attacking pakistan is tantamount to bringing into motion the forces that will cause the demise of the world as we know of it.

Pakistan and the muslim world is getting tired of living under the continuous threat from america. The muslim world is getting tired of being told that they are wrong all the time. We are tired of the west chosing leaders of their liking and imposing them upon us to do their bidding. They talk of imposing sanctions upon us---west needs to stop threatening us. They need some psychiatric assistnace.

For ENERGON on your search engine type 'HIGH ALTITUDE WARFARE' and read those articles please. Thanks.
May I suggest, "Friendship 2008" joint Pak-Sino anti-terrorism exercises where US Army may want to come to "help"?

Basically China's contingency plan for WW3 in Central Asia , i.e., SCO vs NATO...
Pakistan and the muslim world is getting tired of living under the continuous threat from america. The muslim world is getting tired of being told that they are wrong all the time. We are tired of the west chosing leaders of their liking and imposing them upon us to do their bidding. They talk of imposing sanctions upon us---west needs to stop threatening us. They need some psychiatric assistnace.

Mr Salim, this is for you to understand, the whole time i was trying to tell you, since you can understand Mastan sir better, read this paragraph in paticular. I've highlighted it for you the line that says it all. There is a limit any country will take this bullying and then will react and react forcefully even the modest of all.
A very good response indeed...

This will not only gain Musharaf Support within Pakistan but will also make US congress people against pakistan little less aggressive ...
Well i think this is the time to change our sides again because US agains try to shows its back, as they always done in the PAST ...

when I wrote the statement that muslims are tired of threats, I had not read Musharraf's statement that he made to the newsweek---'if you don't like what we are doing you can find somebody else to help you' something in that context---wow---about time the general showed some fangs----even Qazi Hussein Ahmed is a convert---things are going to change---

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