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Pakistan preparing modalities to join SCO

It is restored, buddy. There were some diplomatic issues (during the famous Gorshkov debacle) but now we're back in Tajikistan. The only issue that was, was to agree to share the base with Russian military. earlier we wanted the whole base for ourselves but after the diplomatic push, we've agreed. After all, what difference does it make whether Russia joins us or not in the region?

They are there to keep their influence on former Soviet states while we're there to keep a bird's eye view on our threats. Having Russians alongside us is only going to benefit us more.
I thought there is any update on SCO.

Anyway recently SCO expressed the desire to include Pakistan and India.

Good step they should join SCO. Its counterweight to NATO
Guys, India is not a subject of discussion here.

I think Pakistan should join it. It will be benefecial in multiple ways:
(1) Better relationship with Russia alongwith certral asia.
(2) Increases Pakistan's say in other world forums.
(3) May form security umbrella with China or likewise nation.
(4) Enhanced trade benefit.
(5) More channels and better leverage upon India.
(6) Serves for negotiations with USA.
many more....
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Good for Pakistan.....

But wat will be Unkil ji's reaction to this..?:what:

karthik buddy what is your BR name please tell me honestly :lol:

anyways on a serious note joining this SCO helps pakistan how exactly???

SAARC,OIC & SCO i think are useless organizations that help no country in getting anything significant!
karthik buddy what is your BR name please tell me honestly :lol:

I have only one name and thats Karthic.

BTW I dont go to Indian forums for the only reason I need opposing thoughts to debate not the same thoughts.

anyways on a serious note joining this SCO helps pakistan how exactly???

SAARC,OIC & SCO i think are useless organizations that help no country in getting anything significant!

SAARC and OIC are useless but not SCO..especially if they r landlocked,rich in gas,have undeveloped markets that can be exploited etc etc.

But my only question (valid one) is what will be US reaction to ur country joining a supposedly economic cum military bloc with two of her worst rivals.?
I have only one name and thats Karthic.

BTW I dont go to Indian forums for the only reason I need opposing thoughts to debate not the same thoughts.

SAARC and OIC are useless but not SCO..especially if they r landlocked,rich in gas,have undeveloped markets that can be exploited etc etc.

But my only question (valid one) is what will be US reaction to ur country joining a supposedly economic cum military bloc with two of her worst rivals.?
I think he means in terms of development and political clout. You know in that term, ice_man is right. Other than China and Russia, all other countries are totally helpless. China and Russia fuel their development from Central Asian gas pipes but the countries with their leaders don't change.

The gas trade can be done even while outside being SCO. Take our relations with Russia for example. I am sure that Russia would be only too eager to help when it comes to billions of $$ worth gas trade.

For Pakistan, their main benefit would be China alone and secondarily with other countries here. But they already have good ties with Chinese and have scores of pacts with them. For gas pipelines, they'd have to shell out billions of $ which is not really wise at the moment because they have to first set their economy right.

I think Pakistan and India should play the neutral card and maintain bilateral strategic ties rather than enter any alliances.
I have only one name and thats Karthic.

BTW I dont go to Indian forums for the only reason I need opposing thoughts to debate not the same thoughts.

SAARC and OIC are useless but not SCO..especially if they r landlocked,rich in gas,have undeveloped markets that can be exploited etc etc.

But my only question (valid one) is what will be US reaction to ur country joining a supposedly economic cum military bloc with two of her worst rivals.?

ok i was joking but anyways.....glad to know you think like the people on BR!!

so as for your "valid question" well pakistan in history was a member of SEATO and CENTO

we always had close ties militarily and Economically with CHINA as for USA it can't dictate our foreign policy & domestic policy!

PAKISTAN is NOT as weak YET as the INDIANS would like to believe!

USA also was "worried" about our gas deal with iran but we still went ahead with it didn't we? USA was worried about our friendship with china we still went ahead with it!!!

so no worries about SCO :coffee:

BUT the question remains what do WE get out of SCO? what does tajakistan have to offer? LIKE SAARC is totally dominated by PAKISTAN and INDIA! so no progress happens and OIC does so much infighting that no progress their either!!

as for CHINA we already have a chill relationship so SCO or NO SCO we got nothing to gain!
Ultimately India will not be able to join. But its fun watching China pull their legs.
Ultimately India will not be able to join. But its fun watching China pull their legs.

We are the founders of NAM...you better read about it before you talk anything. We will not join any kind of alliance.
ok i was joking but anyways.....glad to know you think like the people on BR!!

Sir i ve seen enough of u guys making fun of BR.Serioulsy have u been there..? Except Pak-bashing (which only u guys notice) have u seen the depth of info those guys give in various threads...its just awesome.And so for me its a very good site and nonetheless i also understand why u hate that site for obvious reasons. :lol:

Now shall we get back to defence.pk..?

so as for your "valid question" well pakistan in history was a member of SEATO and CENTO]

we always had close ties militarily and Economically with CHINA as for USA it can't dictate our foreign policy & domestic policy!

Thats wat my point is....U guys had a primary relationship with US and then with China...But then u were in the US sphere of influence.

Now if u shift to Chinese sphere of influence how will Uncle Sam take it.?

PAKISTAN is NOT as weak YET as the INDIANS would like to believe!

USA also was "worried" about our gas deal with iran but we still went ahead with it didn't we? USA was worried about our friendship with china we still went ahead with it!!

No one wants a weak pakistan which in turn has more chance of a dictator or a mullah crackhead taking over it which in turn is the real concern for India.

I want a stable,peaceful,democratic,religiously moderate government on my western borders.

Hope u agree with me.

so no worries about SCO :coffee:

So then good for u.
IS SCO in addition to an economic pact is it a Defense Pact also? Like NATO?
Nope as per what Russia and China say, it is an economic-only version of NATO. There were recent problems in SCO member state in Kyrgyzstan. Russia sent its troops not to quell the unrest but to protect its military assets there while China simply refused to take any military action or volunteer military help.

All the situation was handled completely by the Kyrgyz military and police. So unlike NATO, I don't think you'd get any military benefits in SCO other than perhaps the separate agreement you have with teh Chinese
Please keep to the topic, derailing from both sides. This is Pakistan and SCO, lets be nice and civil and keep to the topic, without resorting to who should and should not be in the SCO or trade with CARs

Very good step by Pakistan.
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