Lolz. Implying that GEO media is representative of "Pakistani media".
Our media is extremely diverse and some are opinionated to the point of treason. Some media groups are in financial collusion with specific political parties. I don't expect you to get this. GEO is notoriously anti-Khan. Had Khan failed to point out Modi's apology, the first media house to criticize Khan would have been GEO - why didn't Khan highlight Modi's blunder?...they would bark.
Regarding Modi's blunder, it is a clear blunder, despite your verbal and mental undulations.
He apologised and therefore placed himself in a position of culpability, whether that refers to the lockdown per se, the ramifications of the lockdown, or both. Let us assume he has only apologised for the repercussions and the outcome of his decision (not for the act of lockdown itself), does this make chest beaters like you somehow sleep easy?? Modi-jee knows now he messed up and his actions led to a debacle but it's okay because he apologised for part of it and not the other?
A sensible statesman would never apologise for any element of a necessary decision, or at least one that he can reliably defend as "necessary" based on what was known at the time. This is basic leadership and statecraft that politicians should know. Modi should have held firm on his convictions but now that he has uttered the word "sorry", he has admitted some degree of culpability and so has shot himself in the foot, or spilled the chai on his walla.