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Pakistan PM cribs about India to NATO

Jana ji you are too much opposite what i thought. A women is symbol of peace and DEFENCE. Not offence. By the way they not teenage boys. They were 'SUICIDE BOMBERS'. Even a suicide bomber dog can be threat to any country. Am really upset the way u r talking. Even the mehman malik said they should respect pakistan's court decision on Hafeez same way pakistan respected indian court decision on Kasaab. what a shame. Am Truely speechless.
☪☪☪☪;909305 said:
Anyway its nothing to worry about...we can hit India in many ways without firing a single bullet ourselves.

Ya and the bombs keep exploding in your cities as the surrogate support to terror will bring results in your womb first.

Another? and why dont powerful India makes its defence so strong that few teenage boys cant reach their throwing dust in eyes of your powerful navy :angel:

Even with a very strong Airforce and arguably the best in the world, 9/11 happened. Do you think this line of argument from you holds any value at all ?
☪☪☪☪;909353 said:
We don't even need to convince indians.The fact that they cannot strike Pakistan itself is enough.Yeah Pakistan is India centric.We have killed you people and will kill more of you.Go to hell.

No please don't. Why is Pakistan crying all over the world about India then. We are concerned about the extremists in your country and we admit we are concerned. You are putting a brave face but your president is sweating.
Another? and why dont powerful India makes its defence so strong that few teenage boys cant reach their throwing dust in eyes of your powerful navy

cared to read the article??????:flame:

Mr.Gilani also said that there is massive increase in military budget of India

Funny ......isnt it???:smitten:

and for Kind info.....................Coast guards are incharge of Coastal secutity:bunny:
Another? and why dont powerful India makes its defence so strong that few teenage boys cant reach their throwing dust in eyes of your powerful navy :angel:

exactly when so claimed most powerful islamic nation pakistan and its nukes can not save its 30,000 citizens from taliban. While attacks going on weekly bases in pakistan. .i hope u got the reality bite..
Pakistan PM can complain to whomever he wants to complain. Such complaining used to work for Pakistan especially before 9/11 when America used to see India and Pakistan through the same lens. They used to accord equal importance to both the countries specially in the late 90's.

But everything changed after 9/11 and more so after 2005 when India and US decided to take the relationship to a new level in the form of 1-2-3 nuclear agreement.

Thanks to Mr. George Bush and some smart diplomacy from the Indian side, the Americans started to draw a line between India and Pakistan. No longer are they treated the same way. Not only the Americans went out of the way to sign a nuclear deal with India but they rebuffed Pakistan when it asked for a similar deal.

The fact is that India and Pakistan lack trust for each other. They always see each other in suspicion. Not much progress is possible in such conditions and it dosen't look as if this condition is going to change any time soon.
☪☪☪☪;909353 said:
We don't even need to convince indians.The fact that they cannot strike Pakistan itself is enough.Yeah Pakistan is India centric.We have killed you people and will kill more of you.Go to hell.

It seems some remaining Talibani scums trying to prove something here.

Your uncle sam is at your home and he's looking for someone with these sort of mentality. Look out of our room window, may be drone is hovering over your house ..
Another? and why dont powerful India makes its defence so strong that few teenage boys cant reach their throwing dust in eyes of your powerful navy :angel:

It seems someone in our western part producing these teenage scums faster than making the defence. But since uncle sam is there to sterile the terrorist wombs. Now its better for pakistan to listen what uncle sam is saying other wise you will need a visa to travel from punjab to balochistan.. :angel:
Jana ji to ur 1st post the reply is simple. India agreed for talks with pakistan due to america. America must have promise india alot stuffs including technology, greater role in AFGHANISTAN (main promise), and also assurence if pakistan again do any kind of mischief (like 26/11) Than america will support india. So india should not have any problem talks with pakistan. Kashmir will be india's part and talks will go on forever. So tell me whose benefiting by the talks? Ofcourse its INDIA.

And then suddenly a voice was heard " Schindler beta utth jaoo school ka time ho gaya ha" lol time for you to wake up and smell the coffee.:coffee:
Pakistan PM can complain to whomever he wants to complain. Such complaining used to work for Pakistan especially before 9/11 when America used to see India and Pakistan through the same lens. They used to accord equal importance to both the countries specially in the late 90's.

But everything changed after 9/11 and more so after 2005 when India and US decided to take the relationship to a new level in the form of 1-2-3 nuclear agreement.

Thanks to Mr. George Bush and some smart diplomacy from the Indian side, the Americans started to draw a line between India and Pakistan. No longer are they treated the same way. Not only the Americans went out of the way to sign a nuclear deal with India but they rebuffed Pakistan when it asked for a similar deal.

The fact is that India and Pakistan lack trust for each other. They always see each other in suspicion. Not much progress is possible in such conditions and it dosen't look as if this condition is going to change any time soon.

The 123 nuclear agreement also paved the way for China Pakistan to enhance cooperation in the nuclear field and while you guys are still struggling and tackling the legal issues and it will take years to finally overcome those, Pakistan by that time will be finishing the new reactors and will be in the process to acquire more.
And by the way enjoy your honeymoon with the US as with the new administration it may not last very long.
No please don't. Why is Pakistan crying all over the world about India then. We are concerned about the extremists in your country and we admit we are concerned. You are putting a brave face but your president is sweating.

We have hardly re payed the favor in terms of crying since this is the business India is very good at. We are just learning. On a serious note Because India is the main threat, it always was. Your last line was a good dialogue perhaps from a new Indian movie i suppose, in reality who is really sweating, we saw that after the world acknowledged Pakistans stance on Afghanistan while India was left out from the matrix.
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Gillani said this in joint statement unlike Indians leaders Indians do propaganda against Pakistan in corners and in ears of Americans. :D
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