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Pakistan PM cribs about India to NATO


Nov 5, 2009
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Just when things were starting to get back on track between India and Pakistan, and a 'positive' outcome from the upcoming foreign ministerial level talks was expected, Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani's tirade over New Delhi's conventional war strategy has once again put the spotlight on Islamabad's obstinate attitude towards resolving long pending issues with the neighbouring nation.

Addressing the North Atlantic Council in Brussels, Gilani urged the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation to take active interest in South Asian security perspectives, claiming that his country is facing a continuous war threat from the Indian army's Pakistan-centric strategies.

"We remain concerned over Pakistan-specific Indian military doctrines such as the Cold Start envisaging a limited conventional war under the nuclear overhang, huge increase in Indian military budget and massive weapon acquisitions," The News quoted Gilani as saying.

"These together with discriminatory policies especially in the nuclear and technological arena have accentuated the regional imbalance in South Asia," he added.

Gilani once against raked up the long pending issues between India and Pakistan on the international stage, saying outstanding disputes such as Kashmir , Siachen, Sir Creek, and the river water sharing require a just and peaceful resolution, as these issues have a significant bearing on South Asia's security.

Gilani said that Pakistan wants to resolve all impending issues with India peacefully through composite dialogue, which, he said, was stalled after the November 2008 Mumbai terror attacks due to 'ostensible reasons' tabled by New Delhi.

He stressed that Pakistan acted swiftly against the 26/11 suspects and put them behind bars, which indicated that his country 'sincerely' wanted to cooperate with India.

"We have done our utmost to bring the perpetrators to justice. We have indicated to India that only serious, sustained and pragmatic cooperation is the sure way of addressing each others concerns on terrorism," Gilani said.

Without mentioning India, which Pakistan claims is using Afghanistan's soil to launch terror activities inside its territory, Gilani said Islamabad would never allow terrorists to use the country's soil for any militant activities, and neither would it permit the use of its neighbouring territories against Pakistan.

"It is our national resolve not to allow terrorists any space on our territory. Equally, we will not permit the use of territory of our neighbours for sponsoring, supporting or abetting acts of terror against Pakistan," he said.

Pakistan PM cribs about India to NATO: Rediff.com India News
India can thrust war on Pakistan, PM tells Nato

BRUSSELS: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, while pointing towards the Pakistan-specific Indian military doctrines such as the Cold Start, has urged the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) to take active interest in South Asian security perspective.

“We remain concerned over Pakistan-specific Indian military doctrines such as the Cold Start envisaging a limited conventional war under the nuclear overhang, huge increase in Indian military budget and massive weapon acquisitions,” he said.

“These together with discriminatory policies especially in the nuclear and technological arena have accentuated the regional imbalance in South Asia,” he said while addressing the North Atlantic Council (NAC) here on Friday. Gilani said it was a nuclearised region and issues of peace, strategic stability and security pose formidable challenges to Pakistan and impinge on global peace and security.

He said Pakistan-India relations had a significant bearing on South Asian security, adding, unfortunately, outstanding disputes such as Kashmir, Siachen, and Sir Creek continue to fester and require a just and peaceful resolution.

“Our region is also water stressed. As a lower riparian, these water issues have started to impact Pakistan’s agriculture and the wellbeing of our people,” he added. Prime Minister Gilani said issues of peace and security, in particular, strategic stability needed to be addressed in a forthright manner.

Gilani said Pakistan believed that all these and other issues between Pakistan and India must be resolved peacefully through dialogue. Prime Minister Gilani said regrettably since the past two years, the composite dialogue process was stalled, adding the ostensible reason given by India was the Mumbai terror attack.

He, however, pointed out that Pakistan acted swiftly to get the suspects arrested. “We have done our utmost to bring the perpetrators to justice. We have indicated to India that only serious, sustained and pragmatic cooperation is the sure way of addressing each others concerns on terrorism.”

Prime Minister Gilani said Pakistan had suggested that the Joint Anti-Terrorism Mechanism be reactivated, adding: “We desire good neighbourly and cooperative relations with India”. He said Pakistan and India had no option, but to resolve peacefully all outstanding disputes including Kashmir, Siachen and water.

“We must also work closely on eliminating terrorism and forging closer economic and trade relations,” he added. Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani while vowing not to allow any space to terrorists in Pakistan said the country had done and accomplished more in Afghanistan than the international forces. He focused on Pakistan relations with Nato, Afghanistan and India and said it knew fully well how to plan its strategy to cope with all challenges it was confronting. “We know better than most outsiders how best to prosecute our counter-terror efforts,” he said and added Pakistan had not only proven its ability to do so but also managed the internally dislocated people by terrorism in a short span of time.

“We would never allow terrorism and violent extremism to overtake our way of life, our culture, our traditions and disrupt our societal harmony,” he said. The prime minister said Pakistan had utilised its own national capacity to effectively deal with militancy and terror imposed from across the border from Afghanistan.

He said the turbulence in Pakistan’s adjoining regions had continued to have a serious detrimental effect on realising the full development potential.The Pakistani nation, Gilani said, was fully united in eliminating the menace of terrorism and mentioned that his government had given political ownership to the counterterrorism campaign that was being brilliantly executed by the Pakistan Armed Forces and the security agencies.

“It is our national resolve not to allow terrorists any space on our territory. Equally, we will not permit the use of territory of our neighbours for sponsoring, supporting or abetting acts of terror against Pakistan.”

Gilani said Pakistan had done more and accomplished more than the international forces in adjoining Afghanistan. “All this has been at a considerable cost. Over 30,000 casualties, $50 billion worth of losses in property and infrastructure and thousands of disabilities. The economic costs are astounding. Yet we will press ahead and will not relent.”

Gilani said he was here at the Nato headquarters to seek understanding, and neither acknowledgement nor gratitude. “Pakistan has done its utmost. We will continue to do what is right and just. We do it for our own sake.”

He said Pakistan was happy to partner with Nato on the anti-terrorism front. “We only want you to understand that we are fully capable of determining how best to proceed in the prevailing environment given our national capacities,” he stressed.

“Pakistan and Nato share a common objective of making the regional and global pace possible and the close practical cooperation between the Nato and Pakistan, which we have been able to foster in recent years, is crucial for achieving the cherished goal,” said Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani at a joint press conference with Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen here at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels.

“We agreed that Pakistan and Nato will jointly cooperate to defeat terrorism,” said Nato Secretary General Rasmussen. In a reply to a question, the Nato secretary general said the organisation would consider the option, if Pakistan requested for the training of its civil law enforcement agencies. “We have already military to military cooperation and agree that the cooperation should expand,” he added.

India can thrust war on Pakistan, PM tells Nato
score is leveled when Pakistan was doing everything for peace then India was behaving like a nakhreeli dulhan now why under US pressure India is dying for the talks .

And btw for talks Pakistan can not close its eyes towards Indian threat to Pakistan
Just when things were starting to get back on track between India and Pakistan, and a 'positive' outcome from the upcoming foreign ministerial level talks was expected, Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani's tirade over New Delhi's conventional war strategy has once again put the spotlight on Islamabad's obstinate attitude towards resolving long pending issues with the neighbouring nation.

Addressing the North Atlantic Council in Brussels, Gilani urged the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation to take active interest in South Asian security perspectives, claiming that his country is facing a continuous war threat from the Indian army's Pakistan-centric strategies.

Pakistan PM cribs about India to NATO: Rediff.com India News


Pakistani Army will remain India-centric: Kayani

Pakistani Army will remain India-centric: Kayani-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times

India not a threat: Zardari

India not a threat: Zardari - Pakistan - World - The Times of India

India no threat to Pakistan: US

India no threat to Pakistan: US-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times

why they are so confuse and what about pakistani army?

Pakistani Army will remain India-centric: Kayani

Pakistani Army will remain India-centric: Kayani-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times

India not a threat: Zardari

India not a threat: Zardari - Pakistan - World - The Times of India

India no threat to Pakistan: US

India no threat to Pakistan: US-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times

why they are so confuse and what about pakistani army?

Because they are politicians and they will keep on twisting words for their own interests whereas Pakistan Army is straight forward and do not mince words.

Obviously india is a threat for Pakistan and even for the China in the Region. So if Pakistan's COAS says that Pakistan Army will remain India centric nothing is wrong in it... we are well aware of our defence needs to counter any insurgency by Indian army
An what about your foriegn minister S.M. Karshna who declared Pakistan as a heaven of terroists.. why did he gave such statements when Indian and Pakistani Prime Ministers met on saarc summit..

What he has said is a reality, a 100% fact.

The attack on New york, 26/11 Mumbai, Kabul, Moscow all originated from Pakistan. Every big terrorist in the world get captured from Pakistan.

But, Mr SM Krishna has not said that these terrorist are patronized by Govt of Pakistan or ISI.

Even govt. of Pakistan accepts that and says that these are non state actors.

Pakistani Army will remain India-centric: Kayani

Pakistani Army will remain India-centric: Kayani-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times

India not a threat: Zardari

India not a threat: Zardari - Pakistan - World - The Times of India

India no threat to Pakistan: US

India no threat to Pakistan: US-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times

why they are so confuse and what about pakistani army?

do you think we should forgive and trust india for 1971

India of 71 is same India of 2010

we must remain on Gaurd. enemy is enemy its only stupids who forget past and expect good from enemy.

Pakistanies are friendly people , we could have forgiven but in 2004 Indian leadership boasted and claimed their new military doctrine based on Info-centric warfare are specifically for Pakistan or Pakistan centric.

Yes like israel we have to be on gaurd against our real enemy and we are forced by India to be India centric when it comes to threat preception
What he has said is a reality, a 100% fact.

The attack on New york, 26/11 Mumbai, Kabul, Moscow all originated from Pakistan. Every big terrorist in the world get captured from Pakistan.

But, Mr SM Krishna has not said that these terrorist are patronized by Govt of Pakistan or ISI.

Even govt. of Pakistan accepts that and says that these are non state actors.
:lol::lol: Ok SO ?

What can you do about it other than coming on knees
Because they are politicians and they will keep on twisting words for their own interests whereas Pakistan Army is straight forward and do not mince words.


Then why crib? If your Army is India centric we have all the right in the world to be Pakistan centric. What's wrong in this.

Pakistani Army will remain India-centric: Kayani

Pakistani Army will remain India-centric: Kayani-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times

India not a threat: Zardari

India not a threat: Zardari - Pakistan - World - The Times of India

India no threat to Pakistan: US

India no threat to Pakistan: US-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times

why they are so confuse and what about pakistani army?
Pakistan army will remain India-Centric. And Zardari said Indian is not a threat. He never said India is not an Enemy.
do you think we should forgive and trust india for 1971

India of 71 is same India of 2010

we must remain on Gaurd. enemy is enemy its only stupids who forget past and expect good from enemy.

Pakistanies are friendly people , we could have forgiven but in 2004 Indian leadership boasted and claimed their new military doctrine based on Info-centric warfare are specifically for Pakistan or Pakistan centric.

Yes like israel we have to be on gaurd against our real enemy and we are forced by India to be India centric when it comes to threat preception

India have never attacked pakistan you just have to came out of your complexes and illusion of Gazva e Hind type BS then you will realize there is no need of any worry.

We can peacefully co exist and develop.
What he has said is a reality, a 100% fact.

The attack on New york, 26/11 Mumbai, Kabul, Moscow all originated from Pakistan. Every big terrorist in the world get captured from Pakistan.

But, Mr SM Krishna has not said that these terrorist are patronized by Govt of Pakistan or ISI.

Even govt. of Pakistan accepts that and says that these are non state actors.

and what about Indian state's terrorism in Kashmir which has killed over 60000 people in Kashmir. you say Pakistanis terrorists and not to your state which is still spreading bloodshed in alledgely occupied area of kashmir. and by the way these terrorists are not Pakistanis, rather most of them are either agents of Raw or CIA which try to defame Pakistan by undertaking these kind of attacks.
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