I think I read somewhere statistics made by google each year about the searched words, and it was stated the most sexual oriented words were coming from Pakistan.
I don’t know if it is true or not, knowing that there are many indians working with google and thus quite easy to manipulate search algorithms according the geographical origins of the search requests.
But it could be also the real requests done originated from Pakistan or even several viruses infected computers due to lack of knowledge and awareness about safety and protection.
But to be honest I remember having seen Saray Am Tv program where the host highlighted the fact the there were several cyber coffee ( don’t know if you understand what I mean) where youngsters come to watch pornographics video on internet.
So even if we are not number one, we should accept the fact that the problem exists and we should tackle it.
If others countries are known for places where such videos are sold in daylight, it does not make a case for to not tackle the problem at home.