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Pakistan Nuclear & Missile Project/Program and Capability ahead of Indias (US Report)

When you people can demonstrate this


Then we will think you are HAVE ARRIVED


india has the complete TRIAD Land based SEAD BASED & air launched

PAKISTAN has only LAND BASED missles

Well LAND and Air Launched Oh. God! you missed Ra'ad. How mean of you for not giving the due credit to Pakistan for what is already established :D - Regarding Tirade, We have "Tube Launched Babur" already developed. Getting the sub-marine to launch is the only "missing-bit". Enjoy your feast as its not going to last long.. :D :pakistan:

Pakistan+Successfully+Tests+Hatf-VII+Babar+Cruise+Missile+from+a+new+caniste+submar  ine+launched+version+%25282%2529.jpg


Pak already has air based second strike capability. and sea based capability is underdevelopment. Search about it in this very forum then u will know.

:rofl: he is crazy fan boy. The way he posts it gives an impression that he thinks they r ahead of America n China:lol:

yeah,fan boy! exactly,a guy who has worked on phased array radars is a fan boy now! yeah go on,i am listening!
Can you post the source for this ??

here is the source,this is the interview of Dr ANIL KAKODKAR who repels various myths of thermonuclear tests,
please go through the complete 5 parts

Can you post the source for this ??

here is the source,this is the interview of Dr ANIL KAKODKAR who repels various myths of thermonuclear tests,
please go through the complete 5 parts
if the enemy thinks that we are superior to them then its good..but if they think otherwise its better...:devil:
Regarding Tirade, We have "Tube Launched Babur" already developed. Getting the sub-marine to launch is the only "missing-bit". Enjoy your feast as its not going to last long.. :D :pakistan:


No, that tube launcher was a prototype one, later utilized for developing the Multi-tube launcher for Land-based launch. Second-strike capability has nothing to do with this launcher.
here is the source,this is the interview of Dr ANIL KAKODKAR who repels various myths of thermonuclear tests,
please go through the complete 5 parts

here is the source,this is the interview of Dr ANIL KAKODKAR who repels various myths of thermonuclear tests,
please go through the complete 5 parts

I think this is the video where he states that India has deployed operational TN weapons.

Was searching this for a long time . Thanks for sharing.

yeah,fan boy! exactly,a guy who has worked on phased array radars is a fan boy now! yeah go on,i am listening!

LOL really!!!!

I dont think so

hmmm Hisbulla??????? then Taliban..... last LeT???? Are bhai..... pehle jin logon ko already diya hein unka kyaa huva???????

tm log fikr na kro tm logo k lea hamari ISI he kafi ha:rofl:
LOL really!!!!

I dont think so

tm log fikr na kro tm logo k lea hamari ISI he kafi ha:rofl:

I dont think i can answer your post..... because you havent answered by question..... either you didnt understand or you conveniently avoided answering....... Bhai jaan no need to answer this as i dont see any values in your posts

LOL really!!!!

I dont think so

tm log fikr na kro tm logo k lea hamari ISI he kafi ha:rofl:

You havent answered my question..... either you didnt understand or you conveniently avoided answering....... Bhai jaan no need to answer this as i dont see any values in your posts
I dont think i can answer your post..... because you havent answered by question..... either you didnt understand or you conveniently avoided answering....... Bhai jaan no need to answer this as i dont see any values in your posts

You havent answered my question..... either you didnt understand or you conveniently avoided answering....... Bhai jaan no need to answer this as i dont see any values in your posts
I have already answered in a funny way. Its just u who didnt understood.
dont worry about my reply..... something went wrong and was figuring it out what went wrong and there was some error in the site which made the reply look stupid.... but again....... you havent answered my question.... what happened to those who you have already given the nukes (or technology)
LOL really!!!!

I dont think so

well,what you think,does not matter , because it cant change one damn fact! it cant change the fact that i actually worked on our phased array radar rajendra at BEL gzb,the details of which i am NOT at liberty to discuss in public forums,
i can school you anywhere about phased array radar,though i am NOT a radar engineer in strict sense of engineering terminology,i am electronic and control engineer by graduation

LOL really!!!!

I dont think so

tm log fikr na kro tm logo k lea hamari ISI he kafi ha:rofl:

well,what you think,does not matter , because it cant change one damn fact! it cant change the fact that i actually worked on our phased array radar rajendra at BEL gzb,the details of which i am NOT at liberty to discuss in public forums,
i can school you anywhere about phased array radar,though i am NOT a radar engineer in strict sense of engineering terminology,i am electronics and control engineer by graduation
You seem to be among the few "thinking minds" here. :)

Even the Soviets and Americans had come to recognise the dubious utility of Nuclear Warheads and have over the years progressively reduced their stockpiles. There must be a reason for that!

And both the Americans and Russians/Soviets discarded the idea of tactical nukes completely since their management problems far outweighed their utility!

And the biggest fact is that if any Country has to use Nuclear Weapons, it just means that it has just run out of options to preserve itself and is just going down forever.
It is simply the "Ultimate Cyanide Capsule".

Little wonder that only Puny Powers have to resort to threatening to use Nukes, e.g. North Korea. No worthwhile Military Power has threatened to use Nukes after the end of the Korean War. Nor has possesion of Nukes been the deciding factor in the conclusion of any conflict, e.g. Viet Nam.

The final conclusion is that Nukes mean something (not too much) till they remain unused. The moment one thinks to use them, they become useless.
What a Paradox that is!!

Thank you for your kind words, Capt., I appreciate it.

I absolutely agree with your response and would just like to add that it is not just with the nuclear weapons. Our dynamics of rivialry are themselves stuck in the past! Hope we grow and progress in our visions and, Inshallah, in our relationship as neighbours.
Thank you for your kind words, Capt., I appreciate it.

I absolutely agree with your response and would just like to add that it is not just with the nuclear weapons. Our dynamics of rivialry are themselves stuck in the past! Hope we grow and progress in our visions and, Inshallah, in our relationship as neighbours.

Taking it further from your last post; you made a very important point about the use of nukes in two neighboring densely-populated countries. Anybody who uses nukes in this scenario will simply be hurting himself considering the geography. Nuclear fallout does not respect borders. Transmission through the atmosphere is one thing which Europe experienced at the time of Chernobyl (which was not even a nuke bomb), then what about contamination of water that flows in rivers passing from one country to another? Using Nukes is not like eating some halwa!

It is for precisely reasons like this that both NATO and the erstwhile Warsaw Pact woke up and discarded tactical nukes completely; then later worked to scale down nukes overall.

And I am not even going to talk about the possibility of unauthorised/illegitimate use of nukes by rogue/renegade elements. The possibility of that occuring is greatest in the case of tactical nukes again.

Even if I were the most jingoistic Military Hawk around, I'd treat nukes with extreme caution; because they are weapons of no return and extremely dubious utility as well.

It amuses me no end to see people here indulging in just loose talk of "we'll nuke this and we'll nuke that"!!
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Taking it further from your last post; you made a very important point about the use of nukes in two neighboring densely-populated countries. Anybody who uses nukes in this scenario will simply be hurting himself considering the geography. Nuclear fallout does not respect borders. Transmission through the atmosphere is one thing which Europe experienced at the time of Chernobyl (which was not even a nuke bomb), then what about contamination of water that flows in rivers passing from one country to another? Using Nukes is not like eating some halwa!

It is for precisely reasons like this that both NATO and the erstwhile Warsaw Pact woke up and discarded tactical nukes completely; then later worked to scale down nukes overall.

And I am not even going to talk about the possibility of unauthorised/illegitimate use of nukes by rogue/renegade elements. The possibility of that occuring is greatest in the case of tactical nukes again.

Even if I were the most jingoistic Military Hawk around, I'd treat nukes with extreme caution; because they are weapons of no return and extremely dubious utility as well.

It amuses me no end to see people here indulging in just loose talk of "we'll nuke this and we'll nuke that"!!

Absolutely! Once the nukes are unleashed it is game over. I agree with you.
I'd just like to add that these people who threaten to nuke each other aren't really at fault. The political discourse within our respective nations doesn't fail to highlight this point again and again. So these 'threats' are just an expression of that ever present albeit latent political will.
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