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Pakistan Nuclear & Missile Project/Program and Capability ahead of Indias (US Report)

India does not have the technology/materials to produce more nukes that it already does. If it did it would have and it would not have a nuclear deal with U.S.

Not quite. Pakistan has more poweful nukes and better delivery systems to blanket india in a faster fashion that india can blanket Pakistan.
I agree that pak might have stock piled more nukes than india but, as of 2012, india has technological edge over pakistan in missile delivery systems...:)...
I know it coz I have seen it myself, beforehand...
Nuclear weapons are a static weapon. They definitely add another dimension to the whole equation but their importance, especially in the 21st centuary, is questionable. We have moved well past the classic nation-state conflict era where armies could conquor the other nation, today, it is unlikely to happen. The conflict is more of an economic nature.

Secondly, the nuclear weapon is a child of the Cold War era and its main policy angle was of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) and do recall that the main proponents were the USSR and USA two entities seprated by a whole ocean and continent. Pakistan and India, however, are neighbours and if either nation bombs the other with a nuclear device the other would suffer considerably with the radioactive outfall. Why would either of the nations want that?

Lastly, we should update our interpretations of the nuclear weapons. In this new era where does it stand? In this era of non-nation state conflicts should Pakistan and India be stuck in the 19th centuary and try to choke one another?
I agree that pak might have stock piled more nukes than india but, as of 2012, india has technological edge over pakistan in missile delivery systems...:)...
I know it coz I have seen it myself, beforehand...

don't forget that we r now making miniaturized nukes for our missiles. which add more spice. less weight makes a missile more capaible in terms of distance and speed.
don't forget that we r now making miniaturized nukes for our missiles. which add more spice. less weight makes a missile more capaible in terms of distance and speed.

well,dear friend,i dont know where you get your info from,but lemme assure you that india can produce sub kilo ton warhead to 300kt warheads(these figures were revealed by ex chief of BARC Dr ANIL KAKODKAR)..
i can only pity your thinking if you think that pakistan with such low industrial/military research output can outperform india which ranks at number 7(in terms of number of research papers published and patents filed)...
you seriously need to take a quick look at the pace with which R&D has increased in india,or else,why dont you look up for technical seminars organized by various DRDO labs?you will get the feel
just the right way for america to kick pakistans *** by saying such things so that India can built a large arsenal against China

thats all
wait and see, the Us and Israel will punp india with weapons
and then we wil gift these nuke missiles to hizbullah.:lol:
And next day Israel will be eventually eradicated.:rofl:
well,dear friend,i dont know where you get your info from,but lemme assure you that india can produce sub kilo ton warhead to 300kt warheads(these figures were revealed by ex chief of BARC Dr ANIL KAKODKAR)..
i can only pity your thinking if you think that pakistan with such low industrial/military research output can outperform india which ranks at number 7(in terms of number of research papers published and patents filed)...
you seriously need to take a quick look at the pace with which R&D has increased in india,or else,why dont you look up for technical seminars organized by various DRDO labs?you will get the feel

Dude yr posts tells me about yr cave mentality ie India is Great.
Ur denying this in a very Country's military forum where we have discussed this a million times.

ever heard of Nasr BRBM with a warhead of less then a kilo??
Certainly u have!!!! but u still like to live in yr little cave.
this Nasr is a Nuke capable Battle range tactical Missile. this was what @***_PK was telling u.
When you people can demonstrate this


Then we will think you are HAVE ARRIVED


india has the complete TRIAD Land based SEAD BASED & air launched

PAKISTAN has only LAND BASED missles
well,dear friend,i dont know where you get your info from,but lemme assure you that india can produce sub kilo ton warhead to 300kt warheads(these figures were revealed by ex chief of BARC Dr ANIL KAKODKAR)..
i can only pity your thinking if you think that pakistan with such low industrial/military research output can outperform india which ranks at number 7(in terms of number of research papers published and patents filed)...
you seriously need to take a quick look at the pace with which R&D has increased in india,or else,why dont you look up for technical seminars organized by various DRDO labs?you will get the feel

I get a weird laughter when you mention about your DODO. Tell me more how DODO is a game changer in indo-pak military balance? I feel pity at a nation with Thrice the army and budget and still not able to get hold of a country much much smaller military and economic strength.

Perhaps you should hand over tissues to your people in the south so that they can clean after $hitting instead of collecting weekly DODO mags. Period
Nuclear weapons are a static weapon. They definitely add another dimension to the whole equation but their importance, especially in the 21st centuary, is questionable. We have moved well past the classic nation-state conflict era where armies could conquor the other nation, today, it is unlikely to happen. The conflict is more of an economic nature.

Secondly, the nuclear weapon is a child of the Cold War era and its main policy angle was of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) and do recall that the main proponents were the USSR and USA two entities seprated by a whole ocean and continent. Pakistan and India, however, are neighbours and if either nation bombs the other with a nuclear device the other would suffer considerably with the radioactive outfall. Why would either of the nations want that?

Lastly, we should update our interpretations of the nuclear weapons. In this new era where does it stand? In this era of non-nation state conflicts should Pakistan and India be stuck in the 19th centuary and try to choke one another?

You seem to be among the few "thinking minds" here. :)

Even the Soviets and Americans had come to recognise the dubious utility of Nuclear Warheads and have over the years progressively reduced their stockpiles. There must be a reason for that!

And both the Americans and Russians/Soviets discarded the idea of tactical nukes completely since their management problems far outweighed their utility!

And the biggest fact is that if any Country has to use Nuclear Weapons, it just means that it has just run out of options to preserve itself and is just going down forever.
It is simply the "Ultimate Cyanide Capsule".

Little wonder that only Puny Powers have to resort to threatening to use Nukes, e.g. North Korea. No worthwhile Military Power has threatened to use Nukes after the end of the Korean War. Nor has possesion of Nukes been the deciding factor in the conclusion of any conflict, e.g. Viet Nam.

The final conclusion is that Nukes mean something (not too much) till they remain unused. The moment one thinks to use them, they become useless.
What a Paradox that is!!
I get a weird laughter when you mention about your DODO. Tell me more how DODO is a game changer in indo-pak military balance? I feel pity at a nation with Thrice the army and budget and still not able to get hold of a country much much smaller military and economic strength.

Perhaps you should hand over tissues to your people in the south so that they can clean after $hitting instead of collecting weekly DODO mags. Period

i dont want to indulge in personal mud throwing competition my dear friend,but just to tell you some raw facts,banglore which is a "south" indian city produces more IPR(intellectual property rights) than all of pakistan's combined!
and you can laugh it off and give fancy names like "DODO" etc to DRDO,but you cant be this ignorant to overlook how many "PATENTS" have been filed by DRDO's various labs,for example,i'll take the case of LRDE and since i have personally worked on phased array radars,i would like to bring it to your notice that ,bangalore based LRDE has "PATENTED" 8-channel TRMM(a transmit recieve multi module with 8 independent T/R modules embedded on a single board hence rendering a very high density to our AESA radars)...
not many countries in the world has designed and PATENTED such a tech!
These are some of the products developed by LRDE,

and to quench your thirst,here are the patent documents of LRDE's 8-channel TRMM which are the building blocks of any AESA radar


When you people can demonstrate this


Then we will think you are HAVE ARRIVED


india has the complete TRIAD Land based SEAD BASED & air launched

PAKISTAN has only LAND BASED missles

Pak already has air based second strike capability. and sea based capability is underdevelopment. Search about it in this very forum then u will know.

I get a weird laughter when you mention about your DODO. Tell me more how DODO is a game changer in indo-pak military balance? I feel pity at a nation with Thrice the army and budget and still not able to get hold of a country much much smaller military and economic strength.

Perhaps you should hand over tissues to your people in the south so that they can clean after $hitting instead of collecting weekly DODO mags. Period
:rofl: he is crazy fan boy. The way he posts it gives an impression that he thinks they r ahead of America n China:lol:
well,dear friend,i dont know where you get your info from,but lemme assure you that india can produce sub kilo ton warhead to 300kt warheads(these figures were revealed by ex chief of BARC Dr ANIL KAKODKAR)..

Can you post the source for this ??
and then we wil gift these nuke missiles to hizbullah.:lol:
And next day Israel will be eventually eradicated.:rofl:

hmmm Hisbulla??????? then Taliban..... last LeT???? Are bhai..... pehle jin logon ko already diya hein unka kyaa huva???????
It's amusing to see our Pakistani friends going ballistic over this stupid vid which is nothing but trash and far far from reality, compiled by clowns - and the reason why its been yanked off You Tube! :cheesy:

Am I to be scared? Oh yeah! Seeing Pakistanis go overboard with their 'capabilities' and India's 'failures', Pakistan it seems will win hands down in the next war.
I'm heading for them hills.

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