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Pakistan Nuclear & Missile Project/Program and Capability ahead of Indias (US Report)

We Dont only have size but also Quality & Accuracy & that Nuclear Arsenal is going to give us a hard ride on your @** if you people ever dare to... well leave it I am sure there are some Intelligent persons present in India who better understand the reality. I know that,that retard man has retired but I was pointing about that maybe you should have a check&Scan on your army so that some people who share similar thoughts like him should be eliminated.After all this is a matter of your security :cheers: Well if in india Graduation is called school than for your information i have completed my school :rofl: & about how mature you are,it has been shown in your post that after how much time you have replied to my comment after thinking & consulting with your Mommy.Well night is going on & i think u should sleep now.Your mommy is waiting for you in bed.She know that you can't sleep without her.:lol:

You just have 7 posts to your credit and one of them already reported. That's not a good way to start your journey here.

I am convinced you are a hopeless and good-for-nothing kid and I am not going to waste any more time on you.
You just have 7 posts to your credit and one of them already reported. That's not a good way to start your journey here.

I am convinced you are a hopeless and good-for-nothing kid and I am not going to waste any more time on you.

Yes you are right thats not a good way because it has bring tears to the eyes of my fellow indian member & the cause of those tears is "Pakistan is ahead of india in nukes" :lol:
i like to know from pakistani member that what is the amount of plutonium produced in pakistan(weapon grade).what is the amount power it generate because it directly related plutonium production.
Khushab Research Reactor can produce 8 kg of pu-238, i dont know about 2nd reactor

here some pakistani member thinks plutonium can grow in tree, so please clarify.
Pakistan Ahead of india in Nukes

OK, now what?



jk lol
Before writing this,did you bother to check that what rubbish you are writing is reality or not:angry: India's all SRBM's are liquid propelled.Agni-1's only first stage is solid propelled its 2nd stage is liquid propelled.And fix it in your mind that Except Ghauri series missiles all of Pakistan's SRBM's and IRBM's are solid propelled & Shaheen III with its 3500 km range covers entire of india. :pakistan:

and when was Shaheen 3 inducted,our agni 3 have a range of 5500 km,two stage solid propellant,it will become operational early next yr,curently under the process of induction,u people still have no missile that is even close to agni-3,u people like to talk about numbers a lot,then also take this
let me ask all the member how can pakistani nuclear weapon will be more than india
first thing is that india is operating 6 unsafe nuclear reactor which produce around 130kg of plutonium a year .which is enough to make 26 nuclear bomb per year another thing is
A report by David Albright, published by the Institute for Science and International Security in 2000, estimated that India at end of 1999 had 310 kilograms of weapon grade plutonium, enough for 65 nuclear weapons. He also estimated that India had 4,200 kg of reactor grade plutonium which is enough to build 1,000 nuclear weapons.

By the end of 2004, he estimates India had 445 kilograms of weapon grade plutonium which is enough for around 85 nuclear weapons considering 5 kg of plutonium required for each weapon

The PHWRs that will be retained in the military part
of the nuclear complex will produce about 1,250 kilograms of unsafeguarded
reactor-grade plutonium per year enough to make 250 nuclear bomb
The potential of the FBR technology is huge for India's nuclear weapons programme and for power generation in near future. we can produce at least 50 nuclear weapon per year here is the link


let me ask about nuclear reactor of pakistan
how many nuclear reactor are there in pakistan
what is amount of plutonium it produced per year .
what is the yield of it nuclear weapon. note that yield of our nuclear weapon is at least 200 kt.
regarding delivery system agni-1 can cover entire pakistan and more over it is a solid fuel system.
delivery system of pakistan which are copied from north korea are liquid fuel. and more over one thing to remember is that in last 12 month India as tested all the missile in it arsenal and all are successful. i don't remember any missile tested by pakistan last year except one srbm.


Pakistan has more nukes than India: Report

'Pakistan has more nukes and fissile materials than India' - Politics/Nation - News - The Economic Times


Pakistan nukes outstrip India’s, officials say


Pakistan has more nuclear weapons than India: Report

^^Notice how they are mostly indian media reporting this. ;)
I do not understand why we waste time on this, congratulations to Pakistan let's move ahead. We do not have good weapons that is why we are spending on defense modernization on conventional weapons we feel conventional weapons will be more useful.

---------- Post added at 09:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 AM ----------

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and when was Shaheen 3 inducted,our agni 3 have a range of 5500 km,two stage solid propellant,it will become operational early next yr,curently under the process of induction,u people still have no missile that is even close to agni-3,u people like to talk about numbers a lot,then also take this

Yes Man we made it to showcase in the cupboard:rofl: Some Indian members sometimes starts behaving Non-sense while surfing These types of threads.Weapons are made to defend the nation&when a nation made it then they do not need to beat the drum in whole world that "Hey,man we have made the missile & now we are inducting it".The purpose of weapon development is to make it & induct it for use until&unless some nation continously face failures in making them Or they want to beat drum infront of whole world after getting rare successes.;) About Agni III,I just want to say that how many times you people will get fooled by DODO.Looking at your past record I hope it will become operational in next century .:P
We are not fooled by DRDO. It is Pakistani population by your army establishment. We are happy that DRDO and GOI do not hide any failure. It gives credibility to their claim about successes. If you use your brain you can understand failure is an integral part of any experiment. But Pakistan is an exception as they never disclose any failure. If your country is so advanced in nuclear research, it should be seen in the civil nuclear power segment too. Give some time to find your status in it. You claim your missile tech is very advance but in reality you can not even make a standard car or a rail engine. Now think who is being fooled.

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