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Pakistan nowhere in Obama visit to region

I'd rather say thank you to meaningful trade or military help (even as a conciliatory gesture) than to a pointless official state visit.

Surely our egos are not so fragile that we want to match India tit-for-tat even in empty symbolism.

Lets wait and see how empty or how symbolic his visit is but I do believe considering the dangerous security situation in Pakistan his visit will be kept under wraps till the last moment.
US is also on overdrive to improve its image among Pakistanis, all the effort they put in during the floods and before cannot be undone! Pakistan being the strongest ally wrt W.O.T..how can he not come? Considering the new found drive to improve his country's image, he will also bring another big aid package. America also believes in keeping India some what irritated..so I believe he will be there..Wait and watch!
no no no please mercy on us please come and show us that atleast you come .huh god damn if he come or not we go weekly there for bagging and he never come because he cant give us more.

Dear Sir,

Just curious about your signature; are you a Jim Morrisson fan?

At least in India it will be a state visit. Of course that cannot be said about Pakistan if he makes an unscheduled stop there.

You are acting silly. American president visit a lot of countries. He visited Indonesia few months back. Its you who are making it a big deal as he is like a God. Sure he will come and visit India in due time but seems like its not in his priority list. Unless he would had visited by now.
i always think that if some one does not visit your country while he visiting your neigbour...it is not something you should be ashamed off or be angry at the person.....tge guy is coming to india on business and to kabul for monitering the situation there.....why should he visit Pakistan when he has nothing to do there? what if his schedule is full to make an unnecessary trip to Pakistan?. why should he visit-just to make sure your crowd happy with his presence?when most of your country men hate the US ?...........he just probably too busy to visit....so all of you guys just chill......coz his coming to India is business and its not like India is honored by his presence or anything
Its not question of Obama visit to Pakistan. He is sensible enough not to pay visit, because right now PPP govt is sitting on ejection seat. Visiting Pakistan means supporting that party. Where US govt adviser fully aware of PPP unstable govt and its corruption. On the other hand US govt is not happy, because of PPP govt mismanagement of funds and US aid.
But he might visit some flood rescue camps.
Lets wait and see how empty or how symbolic his visit is but I do believe considering the dangerous security situation in Pakistan his visit will be kept under wraps till the last moment.
US is also on overdrive to improve its image among Pakistanis, all the effort they put in during the floods and before cannot be undone! Pakistan being the strongest ally wrt W.O.T..how can he not come? Considering the new found drive to improve his country's image, he will also bring another big aid package. America also believes in keeping India some what irritated..so I believe he will be there..Wait and watch!

The elections were a simple joke. if he is visiting Kabul then many factors

1. US/NATO possible withdrawal in few years

2. keeping tab on Karzai.

if he is visiting India then

1. current biggest arm deal, nuke deal.

If he is not visiting Pakistan


1. Good for us we would not like to hear do more while he is standing on our soil :)

2. He would not liked to be grilled by hawks in Pentagon if he praises Pakistan while standing on Pakistani soil :)

3. He will certainly not like to face harsh questions by our media viz a viz US failure, Afia and so on.

Lets wait and see

visit or no visit the policies are decided by Pentagon not a prez himself .
MMS was the 1st State leader to be given State dinner at white House, with all the Top shots of Policy making in USA invited.
It was then Obama visit to India was signed.
It is not a random visit, it is with a purpose. But in case of Pakistan I don't see any reason of his going there, other than to say thank you for all the help in WOT, and USA will repay you for all those killed by Predator attacks(Strangely every Pakistani newspaper is reporting that all killed by UAVs are millitants??:what:.
The elections were a simple joke. if he is visiting Kabul then many factors

1. US/NATO possible withdrawal in few years

2. keeping tab on Karzai.

if he is visiting India then

1. current biggest arm deal, nuke deal.

If he is not visiting Pakistan


1. Good for us we would not like to hear do more while he is standing on our soil :)

2. He would not liked to be grilled by hawks in Pentagon if he praises Pakistan while standing on Pakistani soil :)

3. He will certainly not like to face harsh questions by our media viz a viz US failure, Afia and so on.

Lets wait and see

visit or no visit the policies are decided by Pentagon not a prez himself .
If he is not visiting Pakistan


1. Good for us we would not like to hear do more while he is standing on our soil :)

2. He would not liked to be grilled by hawks in Pentagon if he praises Pakistan while standing on Pakistani soil :)

3. He will certainly not like to face harsh questions by our media viz a viz US failure, Afia and so on.

he can order to do more while remaining in india or america.and related to questions,how many of the dangerous ques are asked to clinton ,when she came by ur media.btw u.s have excuse for killing any body.they prepare heir proof first whether they are liable or not.
During the Clinton visit - I remember the Pakistani media saying that Clinton should not have come. He came in a decoy plane, refused to be seen in public with Musharraf, insisted on a live telecast of his message and ended up lecturing Pakistan. If that is what Obama is going to do as well, does Pakistan really want him to come?
Whenever any US president visits Pakistan there is a mess, its a good news :tup:

and we are not in wot to pleasure Obama, we are doing it for ourselves
The sooner Pakistanis realise that in American eyes Today and in the future India and Pakistan are completely different allies we will see why this thread is pointless.

America needs Indian Business its 1 nillion mass market and new strategic ally that is anti china or not aligned them. India ticks the boxes.

India needs a new Super power to provide support over their china fears. USA can provide this
pakistan needs democracy which can survive atleast 50 yrs,after this a country is called as democratic.if general will rulre pakistan,then one will go another will come.some will have better another will have worst policy.the only thing is ppl cant remove generals whereas in democracy ,it is possible
During the Clinton visit - I remember the Pakistani media saying that Clinton should not have come. He came in a decoy plane, refused to be seen in public with Musharraf, insisted on a live telecast of his message and ended up lecturing Pakistan. If that is what Obama is going to do as well, does Pakistan really want him to come?

Simple answer NO. Point is what he will do? A thank you speech for WOT or perhaps "do more"? We can live without that. Noone is waiting for him in Pak.
Sir what do you think will be the consequences if he did not come?
Well for one, there will be a large backlash from the opposition, as well as the public - all pointing to the govt to say: "We told you so, we said we're being prostituted, have given our lives on the order of that country, and their President can't even step off the plane to visit us whilst he's in the region, let alone say thanks"

That will ultimately place the govt in a pretty difficult and indefensible spot.

When someone you know, someone you consider your friend comes to your town after many years, you expect them to pay you a visit. But they don't, so that hurts. That hurts in Indian culture, that hurts in Pakistani culture too, hain na? But what if that person comes, visits your neighbour, whose house is to your right, and then visits your neighbour, whose house is to your left, but then doesn't knock on your door and leaves. It hurts even more doesn't it? Especially when you've done so much for them.

Taking that analogy, you can see this will cause resentment and consternation across the board. It will reinforce the suspicions and anger towards the US, not lessen them.

The govt is weak, it's seen as the slave of the US, and this will be a huge slap in the face, a massive snub. The consequences will be a media on the rampage, whipping up emotions, a public charged, the opposition (PML-N, PML, Islamic parties, PTI), all emboldened with a big stick to beat the govt. How can the govt save face? What can Zardari give as an excuse?

Unfortunately in many cases we've seen, we operate on a tit-for-tat basis when it comes to treatment accorded to India. Nuclear deal, military hardware etc. Anything that is a +1 for India, must be a +1 for us. That's the mindset, as petty as it might sound. So if he's visiting India, smiling and shaking hands with MMS in Delhi, he must do the same in Islamabad.

Skipping a stopover in Pakistan would be stupidity of the highest order from the US. The political equivalent of Obama handing the noose to Zardari & co.

My 2 cents.
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