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Pakistan not invited by Joe Biden to "Climate Summit" while Turkey, Israel, China and others were

Biden playing old games with khan won't give him break anymore keep watching rest they leaving Afghanistan anyway leave shit behind again like 80s
Pakistan only relevance comes vis a vis afghanistan ...otherwise US is not much interested .....
That is not a bad thing at all. Finally, all efforts should be directed at improving the economy, and the welfare of the people.
What's the size of Bhutan's economy?

Bhutan’s GDP is $2.531 Billion. The population was approx. 760,000 in 2019 according to the world bank. So a GDP per capita of over $3300.

Bhutan, while being a country that borders China, still trades more with the US then China. But all this is dwarfed by the fact that more than 95% of Bhutan’s trade is with India. This is more about politics then anything else. It is de facto an Indian vassal state.

Not to say this is wrong, it’s Bhutan choice, but if they antagonize China, especially on behalf of India, another Doklam like situation should probably be anticipated.

This is a meeting of the US and major regional powers with their vassal-client states/spheres of influence in tow. 19th century great power competition is back. (Just waiting for Indian whataboutism: commenting ... “what about Pakistan, isn’t it a vassal state of China”, blah blah blah)
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You will ?


Only Imran knows how to play them at their own game. Me, Imran, Jinnah and im sure many others share the same energy. Imagine 200 million people thinking the same way, that would be a cultural victory, don't even need weapons.

They are now recalibrating India to be this moral authority and they will use it against you like they did in the 2000s. Beat them at their own game and get there first. Then thank me when the trade deals and invitations start flooding in.

I'll give you an example, NZ PM is pumped up to be this moral champion but she allowed a horrific massacre play out in her tenure, all brushed under the carpet, some photo ops and move on. But with you, you could plant a billion trees but no one will take notice because they have shaped some of you to be the typical hollywood villan and they make you enjoy that role because you think its resistance, its not, you are getting played all because they can point their fingers to keep you down. Play the game to win, don't play it to become a pawn again and again and again.
Just last year ? Plastic Road ? mobile solar-powered tent for Himalays ? Solar water purifier ? Envigreen Edible Bags ? Self Repairing Roads ? Cane based prosthetics ?

You need to come out of your cave more often.

abey dhakan ismay NEW invention kya hey half of the world manufacturing Solar powered stuff... edible pori dunya pichlay 15 saal say banati phir rhe hey WTF are you talking about? What "NEW" thingy India has produced or developed in the past 50 years tell me ? any NEW invention any NEW product jo dunya ke paas na ho ya nahi the pehlay? From Russian Yankot aka Brahmos? LOL
Because they know he is a selected PM in a hybrid regime. Just a puppet. No one wants to sully their reputation by associating with him.
All the foreign dignitaries to Pakistan make a beeline for the generals house , immy is just a formality, like our president in India.
Offcourse it was expcted , Modi is B!$ch of biden. We didnt allow india in afghan peace deal in russia.
Pakistan should threaten usa with aatmi bumbs for this snub.
Imagine Bhutan but no Pakistan. Hehe.
What is your country' contribution to the world? any invention? anything that world didn't produce before and you guys are the first one? anything? What is India's total contribution in the world?

In Tech? you're just reproducing existing things.... from tech to you name it... there is ZERO contribution of your country except we have engineers doctors LOL man this is not fucking contribution.... obviousy you have large population so you mut have large number of people in different sectors... this is not an achievement... and yeah, don't tell me Google CEO belongs to India, bla blaa there are AMERICAN Indian, BRITISH India etc and becoming an CEO is not an achievement or contribution....
It sounds more like a rant from a nation that has dubious distinction of exporting stuff that has landed them in FATF.

I wish that high standards that you have quoted and demanded even a fraction could be applicable to Pakistan.

Keep your blinkers on. Good luck.
why do we care? Pakistan is already having a positive effect on the environmental through newly planted trees. It is high time we stop worrying about getting validation from the west. they are no bodies, a war mongering civilization that is collapsing under its own weight. We need to treat them with the due disdain & disregard. There's a reason why I keep my investments in Pakistan and not in the u.s.
Turkey’s been invited. In this case it is either PM Khan’s COVID diagnosis or geopolitics, not a religious matter. Mostly the COVID.

This will not be the first nor the last conference Pakistan will be excluded from. Diplomacy is a 90% optics 10% substance and 100% money and power. It’s a good thing the PM was not invited to this meeting, because it will just be a rehashing of old points as well as brining up the $100 Billion a year pledge developed nations made to aid developing nations to deal with climate change. https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/100_billion_climate_finance_report.pdf

So it’s basically, during this conference it will be a rehash of the report from above and the remarks in the following two videos:

With the US making up 20% of global GDP, at least 30% of the developed world’s GDP, a reasonable burden on the US would be $20-30 Billion a year in foreign aid to combat climate change. Considering how difficult it was to get the $1.9 Trillion COVID bill through Congress, there is no appetite for any major “Green new deal”-esque, tens of billion in foreign aid to developing nations. Political pundits in the US are already calling the Biden COVID bill the “high watermark” of his presidency; he probably won’t be able to even get a major domestic infrastructure bill past, much less tens of billions in foreign aid.

So Aid is in doubt (from most developed nations, considering the lingering economic fallout from the pandemic, and the need for them to fix their own house before thinking of people abroad, at least a few years). Perhaps, developed nations may offer trade concessions to developing countries (also a way to diversify away from China under the guise of Climate Change, huh?), which maybe possible.

This is where the PM’s team can be proactive and not appear reactive. This conference is to be held in approx. 4 weeks. In this time, the PM’s team can put together a report of the impact of climate change upon Pakistan, with specific and per capita metrics, what initiatives Pakistan had taken to address the situation, especially it relatively low per capita emissions (which it retains the right to increase four fold just to reach the global average if need be, as it industrializes, unless it has other options made available to it ...). Lay its case out (with the aid of international law experts, considering Pakistan signed the Paris Agreement, and say what paths it can go down with and without international partnership). Releasing this kind of a report (without any other comment) a few days before the conference, will speak for itself.

Basically, everything the PM would have said had he gone to the conference anyway.

These conferences remind me of the atmosphere of the 90s, where many high ideals were espoused, while the real metric global powers cared about was economic growth. Which is why, the PM should just focus on getting the economy to grow faster, and then all the prospective global partners will seemingly appear as if out of nowhere. We’ve learned the lesson; trade not aid.

All this goes without saying that China may be looking to boost its global goodwill post-pandemic and may in fact send free equipment, infrastructure projects, and advisors to help developing nations modernize without increasing their emissions. What western nations don’t provide some developing nations, may be offset by China, if it takes up a “more bold” global approach, commensurate with its share of global GDP (17%) or share of the GDP of developed nations (20-25%) as part of the developed nations $100 Billion / yr pledge. A relatively modest Chinese global aid program of $20-25 Billion / year, would buy them alot of good will, and help those nations to develop (employ more Chinese abroad; the equivalent of a Chinese Peace Corp, earn Massive amounts of “Face” Globally) and be able to afford more Chinese goods.

Similar to the American Peace Corp, that just turned 60 years old this year, but with high technology to fight climate change

This kind of investment pays of for years to come, as the people they meet could one day become the leader of their nation.

An example, is these developing nations exporting high quality, (modernized farming with Chinese technology) high yield but organic food to China. It helps China build up safe alternative food supplies, and helps earn these nations money. These countries could also develop their tourism industries and with Chinese financing, Chinese specific accommodation would be available so that more Chinese can travel to more places globally and feel comfortable, while supporting local industries, and building people to people relations.

it’s a win win for them and nations that they work with in that regard.

Finally to get a full scope of how those giving out foreign aid see foreign aid:
we should be out of the american camp long time ago... but still establishment doesn't learn. WE need to hit some red neck in afghanistan. Enough with this passive attitude.
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