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Pakistan needs to ban Twitter

create your own twitter company or use weibo.com. China government will for sure give Pakistan control over weibo.pk. That will give Pakistan government the fair play ground on info war.

Otherwise, the Yankees control/huge influence what Pakistanis see on the internet or think. Look at HK rioters, those raise UK/US flags in the rally are traitors, and a pro-western society will have puppet regime installed inevitably.

Just look at HK, what western media reported and what's the reality on the ground, huge contrast.

Look at Gaza/Palestine issue, is it unbiased covered?

Look at what India is doing in IOK, how much media coverage over IOK curfew? Little, and why?

There is no free media, just like there is no free market, it's illusion. Monopoly is the best business on earth.

You like or dislike China media control to some extent, but China don't want herself be puppet, don't want her youngsters brain washed by western media and anti-China. Anyone who want to access twitter/facebook/youtube can spent dozens of dollars to get VPN for a whole year. There are VPN advertisement all over China internet.

Think about Soviet dissolution, think about what if all China cities become HK.

Nothing comes free, have a prospers and strong China/Pakistan or give in. Choice is clear.
What about Uighurs?
It's called colonization. Your ancestor which is much smarter than you guys now took one of the best land on earth. And you knew people are opportunities, some of the Chinese got illegal money and fly away to Canada. It's ashamed that Canada love their money and hide those criminals.

There are business man who like to live with less people around, Canada is good place to live.

But still Canada has no political nor economic power at all, military power is a little bit more than zero. It's irrelevant on international arena. Canada is puppet regime, your always crying prime minister Trudeau win again.

Every country has different strategy, for now China is taking defense position. I don't agree all the policy China made, but it will change one day. Time will prove who is on the right side of history.
LOL! And yet Chinese social media will remain inconsequential to the world at large. Because it is Chinese junk! LOL!

So yeah, Pakistan can post whatever they want on Weabooo or WeShit, it will be of no value. Neither to Chinese, because they cann't read Urdu or English for that matter. Nor to rest of the world because no one visits Chinese social media.

Enjoy your worthless cheap clones of Facebook, Youtube and Twitter.

PS: To Pakistan folks -- If I were you, I would have an army of renowned journalists affiliated with major mass-media posting objective content on Twitter and Facebook, free from any kind of "discussion". Also, they may fact check and debunk Indian propaganda. Mostly, accounts which have emotional junk content get banned on twitter. Keep them out of pointed fact checking and reporting.
Pakistan needs to ban artillery shells because Indians are using it.

That is how dumb you sound.

For the love of God don't be another China.

The solution to Indians on Twitter is to have Pakistanis on Twitter battling them.
Running away like cowards and banning things is not going to do anything.
They outnumber Pakistan 6 to 1.
. .

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