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Pakistan need high education, come on!


Jun 4, 2009
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United States
Declining standard of education- Pakistan

The present condition of education in Pakistan forces us to cry out loud. Our educational system has not undergone any change with the change brought about by political independence. It bears no imprint of freedom and appears to be as listless as it used to be during the days of slavery. Our universities still remain glued to that old colonial era pattern. The imperfections of that pattern are now keenly felt and there is a great need to introduce a radical change in the educational system.

Low literacy rate and poor quality of education are the major drawbacks of the educational system in Pakistan. Our education system is influenced by a number of factors. Some of them are more prominent, such as low enrolment and high drop out rate at the primary level, different standards of education, low budget allocation for education sector, political interference, low quality of curricula and textbooks, rapid growth in population, poverty and unemployment, poor quality of teachers and irrelevant induction of duties, and our substandard evaluation system. Although the government claims for some bold steps to overcome these problems, there is still room for improvement.

On the other hand, the students play no active role in the attainment of knowledge. Their entire education is passive and mechanical. Our educational system, in the words of Dr Annie, is just cramming the boy's head with a lot of disjointed facts poured into the head as into a basket, to be emptied out again in the examination room, and the empty basket carried out again into the world. This is the reason why a student who succeeds so well in his college examination fails so miserably in the examination of life. Students have no love of wisdom, no thirst of knowledge, but only a desire to get certificates and diplomas to find reasonable jobs.

There are many complaints about Pakistan's primary schools and the lack of quality education found in them. One of the main concerns is the lack of proper teaching, teacher training and teacher motivation. Teachers are not professional and they are damaging the whole system.

In view of the foregoing defects and imperfections, our system of education calls for a change. One of the first and most important tasks is that we have to improve our educational machinery. We have to develop schemes of education so that complete and harmonious improvement can be possible.

We can improve our education system if we adopt modern method for teaching. There should be commitment of the teachers with their profession and private educational institutions should play their active role. Educational policies with complete check and balance should be implemented.

Education system should provide not mere book worms and job hunters, but intelligent citizens.

The Rapidly Declining Education System in Pakistan

More and more parents have stopped believing in the Pakistani education system and are sending their children abroad and switching to foreign education systems if they can afford them. The reputation and the standard of government controlled schools is declining rapidly, be it the results or the grooming a child gets.

Gone are the days when students had the utmost respect for their teachers. We always hear our parents and grandparents telling stories of their teachers and how their good education was just because of their efforts. Interestingly these days students call the teachers by their first names while talking about them. I would agree that the new generations have less respect and patience and being formal is just not "cool" anymore. But is this the only thing that is wrong?


Teachers hate their jobs, they hate their salaries and they hate children. Why anyone would bind themselves in a profession that requires extensive responsibility and time around kids? And instead of being patient, they resort to beating kids up to keep them quiet. As a result the kids get afraid of asking questions; they do poorly in the tests and they get beat up for that too, then instead of getting to the root of the problem they are beaten up some more. Finally they shut off their minds completely, either they cram their way through schools or they become the difficult ones that barely pass.

Teachers haven’t yet realized how different human beings are from each other. They will put everyone through the same drill, teach everyone the same subjects and the good student is the one that gets the highest marks and only he has the privilege of getting the title of class representative and he is all that the teachers live for, because he will be the perfect little employee and earn his keep while the rest are just blockheads who will just fade away from this earth so they don’t need any concentration of the teachers.

-"It's not my Problem"

This is a phrase that we all have frequently heard. You present a reason for not being able to complete or perform well in a task and the very convenient reply you get is: "It's not my problem". Well of course it’s not your problem but would you even for a second put yourself in the students’ shoes and present them with a solution? It always burns me up to hear this phrase even if it's not being said to me.

-Arts Teachers
There exist art teachers in this world who do not allow you to use your own head. As baffling it may seem all my arts teachers would draw something on the board and the student who most accurately copies it gets the highest grade. Why would you even have an arts class if you just rob the kids of their imagination and creativity?

-Extracurricular Studies

Yes, you read it right. You must remember getting held up in the very short recess or after school hours by a teacher who can't finish their course in time. What’s more, as you get older, sports and games aren't encouraged because your body apparently doesn't need the exercise anymore. There used to be a time when playing sports was compulsory. They took attendance for the games periods too. However, these days you need to sit and copy whatever the teacher is writing on the board and dictating and bear the torture of the children cheering and playing outside. You too could have been out there if you were a lifeless robot that does everything like the teachers says in class.


Sometimes they come up with ridiculous rules like: you cannot run in the morning, your shoes have to be clean even after a games period and some unspoken ones like: you will always sit like a voiceless robot in the class. The school staff often gets so carried away with discipline that the school feels more like a prison than an educational institute. Every student is looked at like a criminal in rehab instead of a contributor to the nation’s future.

There are schools in which students are not allowed to read books and during their library period, they are given "The Economist" magazines while the books stay locked away in the cupboards. If God forbid a student asks for a different magazine, the librarian will coldly say: "Have you read it all?” Why a thirteen year old needs to read business reviews or the stock market updates is beyond me. And then the older and wiser generation has the nerve of accusing the young of not being interested in reading.

The lab equipment is made of gold and if you use more than a few milliliters of solutions for your chemistry experiment, you will be subjected to a legal proceedings. If that’s how you want your future scientists to feel in a lab then why make them feel uncomfortable in the lab at all?

-Profession Consultation

There are only three professions out there: you can become teachers, engineers or doctors. Students are never told about how many options they have, artists are always poor, politicians are bad, software professionals spend too much time in front of computers and well you can never be smart enough to run a business. When it finally comes the time to choose a professional degree or university, you are a good boy if you get admission in the best engineering or med school. Most students that were converted into mindless drones in school cannot even choose a path and the ones that have half a brain are often forced into a discipline that they don't like. Why don't you ask them what they like to do and not what you would like to see them do?

I by no means believe that all the institutes are same but we need to realize that there are a lot of things wrong with our system and education is the biggest responsibility of a nation which is often overlooked. If nations can’t keep up with change and the exponential knowledge growth, the youth is not going to make things any better.

Most of them joined terrorists, religious activities, suicide bombings, scams, lack common senses, and brainwashing, every citizens made terrible choice to vote wrong people in the past and future. Pakistan doesn't have great education system, why is the lack of education a priority problem in both poor and rich people? If you have your first child, please send them to aboard.

What's solutions ?
I swear we need to open like a donation page here on PDF. Someone trusted has to take the initiative to build schools!!!
MODS please discuss this idea....
I swear we need to open like a donation page here on PDF. Someone trusted has to take the initiative to build schools!!!
MODS please discuss this idea....

Building schools is one thing, getting decent teaching staff and encouraging kids to go to school another. We need to stop this ignorance of "me first" and start raising awareness in general about this, education is the gateway to all success. Without education, we're nothing.
And we also need to start voting for fresh faces, ones that don't have a history of corruption and have served Pakistan in the past. And yes, I do mean Imran Khan :lol:
yes, education systems and teachers are the biggest problems in Pakistan if we build schools and university, most of them completed basic levels up to 10 grades only. If we donate money on PDF, it doesn't make differences much.


Pakistan Literacy Rate (Liyari Secondary School) - YouTube

Pakistan Education- The problems/ the solutions Iqbal Latif - YouTube

If you show example of Volcano books, students said it is bomb blasts, they have no idea what volcano means. :blink:
yes, education systems and teachers are the biggest problems in Pakistan if we build schools and university, most of them completed basic levels up to 10 grades only. If we donate money on PDF, it doesn't make differences much.

Pakistan Train Child Terrorists for Jihad - YouTube

Pakistan Literacy Rate (Liyari Secondary School) - YouTube

Pakistan Education- The problems/ the solutions Iqbal Latif - YouTube

If you show example of Volcano books, students said it is bomb blasts, they have no idea what volcano means. :blink:

wow this is scaryyy 7% literate. wowoooooooowwww :blink: i can write mein hindustani hoon in hindi even though i live in canada and never studied hindi.
Literacy is defined by the ability to read and write.
Please guys don't confuse this with professional degrees and employment in the workforce...
it depends dude, pakistan's literacy rate is low compared to indian standard and ofcourse other countries.
pakistan considers literate who can just read in any language... thatsss it
in india u need to know english to be literate.

Literacy in Pakistan defines who can read or write Urdu. Not English. Your British masters probably imposed that on you.

PunjabiMunda, what? Pakistan has lots of doctors and engineers, India just has labor.
it depends dude, pakistan's literacy rate is low compared to indian standard and ofcourse other countries.
pakistan considers literate who can just read in any language... thatsss it
in india u need to know english to be literate.

so u mean ur 7% population has degreess. :rofl: kindly go and check how many doctors and engiineers pak produces and % of population

Let me clear this for you. I didn't say anything about 7% did I ?

Second, stop trolling. India has nothing to do in this thread. Its about raising awareness in Pakistan. If you have something meaningful to say than spit it out. If not, then don't wast your and our time here.

Right we don't have that many people with degrees and really that is not what we have to prove. Our small population has produced even a nobel piece prize winner, youngest Microsoft certifiers, Oscar winner, Nuclear scientists, Doctors working in IK's free Cancer hospital. Sorry i can go on but that is not what i'm here to argue. Rather it is the awareness that i have to achieve to make Pakistan a 100% literate country.
Yeah when poor villagers can't afford education or are stuck in 8th century thinking this is what happens... This is why I hope next government puts education free until college

Lets hope so, education is the key to solve every other sickness in our society.
i dont need to make u believe anything, just telling u pakistan needs work on this literacy rate problem. the biggest that arises to me is that does pakistan have enough teachers to educate 190 million ppl. thats how it has to be started.

Funny enough that I am asking how many teachers do india have to educate 1.2 billion people
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