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Pakistan Navy's Surface Combatant Procurement

PN apparently commited to the MILGEM for its corvette requirement of 4 ships.

The Turks recently unveiled their TF-100 frigate which is based on the MILGEM, so for PN the TF-100 would be a natural choice IMO. Note that KSEW is set to produce all of the PN's corvettes, so if the MILGEM is indeed the chosen ship - then ToT for TF-100 would be fairly smooth & relatively cheap. The maximum variant of TF-100 has a length of 120m and has a displacement of 3500-tons...I think it is ideal for PN.

One of the core goals should be to keep weapon-systems as local as possible.

I think Pakistan should pursue joint-ventures with foreign partners in:

1) Supersonic sea-skimming AShM with range of 300km
2) Lightweight ASW torpedo
3) Advanced short to medium-range VLS SAM: approx-range 1-40km
4) Standard Vertical Launch System for AShM; ASROC; SAM; & Cruise Missiles
PN apparently commited to the MILGEM for its corvette requirement of 4 ships. The Turks recently unveiled their TF-100 frigate which is based on the MILGEM, so for PN the TF-100 would be a natural choice IMO.

Thanks mate:yahoo:
For sure all areas of the armed forces need strenth but the navy always lacked and now iam also glad and support the idea for the navy to get its turn only a person with no brains would think otherwise hence meaning putting all effort in one section of a force while the other section really never has gotten wat it needed so best of luck to PN but i also do feel that we need some new fighters in the PAF asap !! if not the f-16 somehting else! :pakistan::azn:
Salamualikum to all,

I think PAK Navy should seriously get FREMM frigates they are quite good overall in air and sea to land warfare, they have a decent price tag of $500-$600 million per piece (the money is worth it cause of the technologies and capabilities it offers, and it cannot be sanctioned like US hardware, n French are quite reliable), n they will give PAK a very good coastal defence

This part of your post is very sensible although the PN may only acquire 2-3 units at the most due to budget constraints. Surface combatants offer better value for cost than SSKs in Pakistan's case as they are more versatile in both AAW and ASW, fulfill critical nodes in an integrated battlespace and
C4ISR than SSKs-which in Pakistan's case realistically do not have any real impact on the conduct of a naval conflict as it is a known fact that the PN's underwater arm only exists to buy Pakistan time-and of questionable value in the face of the IN capability overmatch. That said, the Agosta90B is a fine boat with an acoustic signature roughly equivalent to the 877EKM Kilo and some say even the 636 Kilo.

In my view the PN should invest in access denial strategy given its weakenesses and inadequate strength levels and procure something like:

-3 more Agosta 90B optimised for mine warfare/SLCM LA capability
-4 Type 054A FFs
-2 French ASuW/AAW FREMM
-c.20 MRTP-33 FAC

by 2015 for force levels needed to preserve Pakistan's sea lanes and territorial waters.

It would be nice to see the milgem in Pakistan, although Pakistan showed interest in the Milgem in various fairs there are untill now no export orders yet. Maybe it is too soon and countries rather want to see the first prototype finished before ordering it.

Anyway in September 2008 the Milgem (in construction on dry docks) will be let to water for water trials and than it will continue the installation of the subsystems and weapons package.

Milgem video on dry docks: ilk türk savaþ gemisi videosu izle | Videonuz.com

In the meantime Pakistan decided to buy STAMP stabilized machine guns for her MRTP boats valueing $4.175 million dolars, delivery in 2009.

STAMP video

About the TF2000 AAW frigate project, currently she is still in design phase and it is expected that the official start of building will be kicked off in 2009.

The TF-100 project is a smaller multipurpose frigate model which is intended as replacement for Turkey's Meko-200 frigates that may start after 2012.
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Things have changed, Bush was going to approve the sale of 6 Oliver Hazard Perry frigate (OHP). These frigate were going to come pretty much as is but because of failure of USA/NATO GWOT in Afghanistan and pressure from US Congress, and strong Hindu lobby against Pakistan, deal didn't go through. However, today President Bush approved ONE OHP anti-sub frigate for Pakistan. This OHP frigate will go through upgrade and will arrive in Pakistan around 2010.
USS McInerney (FFG-8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

I think Pakistan will eventually get all 6 OHP frigates but probably around 2012-2014.
I think Pakistan will eventually get all 6 OHP frigates but probably around 2012-2014.

that time-line is too slow, PN will instead look to increase the number of chinese frigates from 4 to 8 (all being built at KESW)
I think Pakistan will eventually get all 6 OHP frigates but probably around 2012-2014.

that time-line is too slow, PN will instead look to increase the number of chinese frigates from 4 to 8 (all being built at KESW)
The F-22P are not frigates of modern standard, but rather larger-end corvettes...I don't think PN will increase the order to 8. It will procure a smaller and more capable series of corvettes such as the MILGEM once its initial testing is complete. Beyond that we may see Type-054A or TF-100 in PN service.


The reason why the 6 OHPs weren't released was because there were none available for allocation. The USN promised in 2007 that a number of ships in U.S. Naval service will be allocated to PN and released as soon as they are retired...McInerney is one of them. The ships themselves will come under EDA - i.e. free - and the PN will have to pay for refurbishment and upgrade.
By the way, Design prosess of TF-2000 AAW is continuing and most probably construction work will be start in 2009. AN/ SPY 1 Aegis Radar has been selected the main radar of TF-2000 AAW. Spain, Norway and S. Korea have also selected same radar for their AAW frigates.. I hope Turkey will choose the D(V) version of it.


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By the way, Design prosess of TF-2000 AAW is continuing and most probably construction work will be start in 2009. AN/ SPY 1 Aegis Radar has been selected the main radar of TF-2000 AAW. Spain and Norway have also selected same radar for their AAW frigates.. I hope Turkey will choose the D(V) version of it.



very good info thank for sheare man :yahoo:
From what I heard, PN is considering one of Aster-15/30 and HH-9/HH-16.
my wish list:D

2019 PN

10 MRTP-33
? MRTP-44
6 Milgem
4 F-22P
4 MEKO A-200
2-4 Type 054B
2 Type 052B destroyer ( lease?)

3+1 Augusta 90B (upgraded to latest variant)
6 U-214
2 Type 094 (lease?)
My wish list about Turkey and Pakistan co-operations...

-Milgem, has already showed interest by Pakistan...Next step will be agreement of co-operation work...

-TF-2000 AAW Frigate, Design phrase has already been started...First ship is planning to launch in 2014-2015...

-TF-100 Multipurpose Frigate, I think Turkey and Pakistan has already deployed modern frigates in their invantory. Turkey is trying to integrate VLS's with ESSM to current frigates now a days so Turkey has drawen up to TF-100 last pages because of that reasons.... Turkey is planning to launch first ship the anniversary of 100. year ceramony of Turkish Republic. It mean that First TF-100 will be launched in 2024...I think Pakistan and Turkey will co-operate at this project too...Because 15 years is too long time to change future procurement need of Pakistan...

- Middile and Heavy weight national torpedos...Turkey has already started to develop indigenous torpedos in ARMERKOM and Tubitak institues to integrate frigates but I do not know If Pakistan has joined or not. I think Torpedo project will be a strategic co-operation area for two brother nations in future... and While we are disscussing here possible future project about us, I hope, Handshakes had already done by authorities..... :cheers:

- I do not know detail information about What is the current situation of Pakistan naval gun technology but Aselsan is developing 72mm Otomelare naval gun fire control system to integrate Milgem. I think After we developed softwares of them, Turkey will want to develop indigenous naval gun family ...If we able to manage cooperation to develop naval gun family and its guided-unguided naval ammunitions, I think There will be no force against us to have caurage to fight our naval forces...

- Now a days Aselsan and Roketsan are developing an indigenous low level air defence missile systems to deploy land forces...According to required specifications of missile, It must be able to reach 15-20km range and able to hit targets with great precision. It think This missiles can integrate naval ships.. 20km is not bad distance to perform air defence work on sea...This project can also create a cooperation area for both nation....

- You can want to integrate your legend cruise missiles to your Milgem and I hope TF-2000's. It means that Pakistani and Turkish engineers will work togather to integrate Baburs to Genesis command and control softwares. :cheesy: Who knows, Maybe Both nations TF-2000's are able to launch Baburs in future...

- Turkey will start to develop a indigenous stealth assaulth boat in future. I hope Turkey and Pakistan will work together to develop boats and theirs guided missiles in future....

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thanks buddy..
tell us more about the TF-2000 frigate. do you have any pic?
thanks buddy..
tell us more about the TF-2000 frigate. do you have any pic?

What are the terms of payment to Turkey for the Frigates given the current IMF scenario ?

Going for the Frigates and Submarines U214 means a cost of USD 2 billion in FX. IMF money will not be allowed for Defence purposes so where is the funding going to come ?

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