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Pakistan Navy will get 4 more F-22Ps

F22p is an awesome ship , with 2 CIWS , a good sam what it lacks is VLS(which is not a big deal as the sam in f22p can rotate 360 like canon) 18km is good range , what it lacks is vls launchers for Antiship
I thought They are getting 4 F-22 Raptors

Just Pray that PN will start working on these new Block-II version of F-22Ps that will incorporate some better systems like present on Type-54As or may be some even more better that Chinese have. As we did before on the 4th F-22P that is being produced at KE&SWs i.e: we have produced it well before time. These 4 F-22Ps Block-IIs will also going to be produced within time and hopefully seven of these in 5 years time by utilizing the two shipyards we have and also spending money on building the third one so where we can build some more as well.

I am just praying that our GoP will gain some mind and get the authority of Gawadar Port on their own hands rather than private by paying off $1.5 Billion to the share holders of this port and for their own state owned Gawadr Port authority like KPT(Karachi Port Trust) and Port Qasim, there work force can be utilize there to train the local peoples as well start up the operation. More over, PN should now look seriously in building a formidle Naval Base at Gawadr that will have three Mega class Shipyards with all the facility they will need along and make this base to control from Jiwani to Gawadar - Pasni and Ormara as well and encourage the educated locals to join the Navy and Army forces.

I am sure that PAF and PN wanted to make Pasni air base and combined Air base like Air base Faisal-Mehran and I am hopeful that they will be able to achieve that in near future.
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