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Pakistan Navy | News & Discussions.

I think we as a nation always play defensive. May buy US junk but can;t afford hi tech equipment from others.
Just like AWACS purchased from China are more capable but PAF authorities were not so optimistic at time of purchase.

We should understand that China now has strong R&D infrastructure along with production facilities. Chinese Unis are highly rated at world level. There defense tools are much competitive to western counterparts even if not at par, further are much cheaper as compared to other options. No strings attached.

China does n't usually produce customer specific products as most of defense equipment is used by themselves, the do not offer much downgraded versions to others unlike Russia or other western producers.
Actually in terms of quality and sophisticated equipment the Chinese are rated as below
1. Naval platforms
2. Land systems
3. Air platforms bring the rear in terms of technology
Training with US Navy Seals


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Navy donates


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Sea Platforms

KSEW shipyard lays keel for Pakistan's third Azmat-class patrol boat

Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - IHS Jane's Navy International

11 August 2015

First-in-class missile patrol craft PNS , sister ship of the third-in-class vessel that was launched on 11 August 2015. Source: Pakistan Navy

Pakistan's state-owned Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works (KSEW) Limited has launched the country's third Azmat-class missile-capable patrol craft, the company announced on 12 August.

The 63 m vessel was launched on 11 August in a ceremony presided over by the navy's vice chief of staff, Vice Admiral Hasham Bin Saddique.

In 2010, Pakistan signed a government-to-government agreement with China for two Azmat-class vessels. As reported by IHS Jane's in April 2012, under the contract terms the second hull, PNS Deshat (1014), would be built at KSEW's facility in Karachi with China's co-operation under a technology transfer arrangement. Deals for boats three and four were signed in June 2013 and June 2014 respectively, with construction to take place in Karachi supported by Chinese collaboration.

According to IHS Jane's Fighting Ships , the Azmat class is armed with eight (two quad) launchers, mounted athwartships, for the 180 km range C-802A surface-to-surface missile. The ships also carry a twin 37 mm gun mounting forward, and a stern-facing Type 630 30 mm close-in weapon system for protection against incoming threats. Point defence is also provided by two 12.7 mm machine guns.

The weapons fit is complemented by a Type 347G radar and electro-optical fire director and a Type 360 surveillance radar.

Powered by four diesel engines, the platform has a top speed of 30 kt and a standard range of 1,000 n miles.


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Navy conducts security exercise to protect Gwadar
Source: INP Published in Defence on Saturday, August 15, 2015

KARACHI – In order to check efficacy of security mechanism in place for the protection of the Gwadar port and associated infrastructure against any terrorist venture, the Pakistan Navy conducted coastal security exercise – Tahaffuz-e-Sahil.
In this exercise, the Special Operations Forces of the Pakistan Navy, marines, ships and aircraft participated. Apart from displaying high degree of professionalism, synergy was achieved amongst various stakeholders including the law enforcement agencies and other relevant organisations.

– Rear admiral address –

Various scenarios cum contingencies related to asymmetric threats to port/infrastructure were exercised. During debrief of the exercise, Coast Commander Rear Admiral Syed Bashir Ahmad lauded efforts of all participants in making the exercise a success by achieving desired goals.

He emphasised on the need for continuous training and holding of such exercises regularly all along the coastal belt in coordination with all maritime stakeholders.
Just a nice pic of FAC Azmat


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Army and Navy bonding


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Naval academy at night


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The 1st Indian Navy scorpene sub to be delivered in 2016. Will Pakistan navy's S20 be ready for induction by 2016?
The 1st Indian Navy scorpene sub to be delivered in 2016. Will Pakistan navy's S20 be ready for induction by 2016?
I gather the work on installing the MESMA unit on the 90Bs was to be completed by 2017 giving us 3 AIP boats. By the time the IN integrates the Scorpene the S20s will start arriving in 2018 so we may remain 18-4 months behind but in the greater scheme of things things will not be so bad on that front. On the surface platforms front though...........
I gather the work on installing the MESMA unit on the 90Bs was to be completed by 2017 giving us 3 AIP boats. By the time the IN integrates the Scorpene the S20s will start arriving in 2018 so we may remain 18-4 months behind but in the greater scheme of things things will not be so bad on that front. On the surface platforms front though...........
like tejas and french fighters came on time dnt wory
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