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Steel cutting / keel laying ceremony for 1500t OPV


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Since 1957
Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Limited
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Keel Laying Ceremony of 1500 Tons Maritime Patrol Vessel Being Built for Pakistan Maritime Security Agency at KS&EW

Keel Laying Ceremony of 1500 Tons Maritime Patrol Vessel (MPV) being built for Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA) was held at KS&EW on 27 Jan 2017. Federal Minister for Defence Production, Rana Tanveer Hussain, graced the occasion as Chief Guest.

1500 Tons MPV is a state of the art, multi mission vessel with steel hull and aluminium super structure. This MPV will be primarily used for maritime security, patrolling and policing operations. It will have the total length of 95 meters.

On the occasion, the Chief Guest congratulated KS&EW and M/s China Shipbuilding Trading Company (CSTC) on achieving this important milestone one month ahead of the construction schedule, and said that it is yet another land mark project that speaks volumes of the evergreen friendship between China and Pakistan. He further said that with the developments of strategic project of CPEC, responsibilities of PN and PMSA have increased manifolds in order to protect maritime interest of Pakistan. While appreciating the sound planning of the management, he said that KS&EW has become a role model for other public sector industries, which is continuously making profit for last 10 years.

Earlier, MD KS&EW, R/Adm Syed Hasan Nasir Shah HI(M) in his address said that construction of 1500 Tons Maritime Patrol Vessel at Karachi Shipyard is part of contract between Ministry of Defence Production and M/s CSTC, for construction of 6 MPVs for PMSA. He said that these Maritime Patrol Vessels will act as a force multiplier for PMSA in safeguarding maritime frontiers of Pakistan together with Pakistan Navy. He added that all other ongoing projects at KS&EW, including 600 Tons MPV for PMSA, 32 Tons Bollard Pull Tugs, FAC(M)-4 and Multi-Purpose Barge are progressing satisfactorily. He also said that KS&EW is committed to deliver high quality platforms and services to the utmost satisfaction of the end users.


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ISPR Official:

A media brief was held at PN Fleet Headquarters today in connection with Pakistan Navy’s multinational exercise AMAN 2017. Commander Pakistan Fleet Vice Admiral Arifullah Hussaini addressed the media and gave details of the exercise.

Commander Pakistan Fleet said that traditionally, threats to the maritime security arise from the regional conflicts and political interests. These new security challenges have also changed the maritime environment. Today, threats such as piracy, human smuggling and drug trafficking etc have made the security of Indian Ocean more complex. In this changing scenario, maritime security challenges need to be focused collectively by the international community as no country can counter these challenges single handedly. Therefore, to meet these growing challenges, we need cooperation and mutual trust at regional and international level.

Admiral Hussaini said that Pakistan, due to its geographical location; being situated at the crossroad of three important regions of Middle East, Central Asia and South Asia and for its vicinity to the global energy highway, Gulf of Oman and Strait of Hormuz, is considered an important country. Furthermore, with the inception of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Gwadar Port, maritime activity in the North Arabian Sea is likely to be increased manifold.

Commander Pakistan Fleet said that for regional maritime security, Pakistan Navy strengthened its relations with its allies and by means of its sincere efforts at the international level, also ensured the safety of sea traders. Under the fold of Coalition Maritime Campaign Plan (CMCP) in the North Arabian Sea, we were the first to join Task Force – 150, which is intended for eradicating terrorism, illegal human, drugs and arms trafficking in the maritime domain. Let me tell you that in 2009, according to the resolutions of United Nations, Pakistan Navy along with other reputed naval forces, joined CTF-151 which is meant to counter piracy. Besides North Arabian Sea, Pakistan Navy ships are also ensuring free sea trade in the waters of Gulf of Aden.

With all these efforts, Pakistan Navy has been regularly organizing Multinational naval exercise AMAN. This exercise will provide an opportunity to gather international maritime community at one platform to promote peace and stability. The exercise includes present day maritime operations as well as professional and cultural activities ashore.

Admiral Hussaini apprised the audience that multinational naval exercise AMAN 17 has been divided into two phases i.e Harbour and Sea phases. Harbour phase includes flag hoisting ceremony at the onset of the exercise wherein flags of all participating countries will be hoisted. This phase will be followed by visits of participants from all countries to each others’ ships, meetings of senior officers and representatives of all participating countries with Pakistani high officials, sports fixtures between teams of participating countries and cultural show to highlight their culture, International Maritime Counter Terrorism Demo, International Bands Display and above all an International Maritime Conference in which participants from various countries will present their research papers. In addition, different meetings for preparation of two-day sea exercise are also included in the harbour phase, he added.

On conclusion of harbour phase, sea phase commences in which basic and high level exercises will be conducted wherein, ships, aircraft, helicopters and special operations forces will participate in diversified sea based activities including Gunnery Firings, Rocket Depth Charge Firing, Anti Piracy Demonstrations, Replenishment at Sea and Fly Past. International Fleet Review by all participating ships will formally culminate the exercise.

Dwelling upon the aims and objectives of the exercise, the Admiral said that the primary objective of this exercise is to have a platform which can promote mutual understanding and interests. In addition, the exercise is intended to devise procedures and techniques against conventional and non conventional threats. Previously, four exercises of AMAN series have been organized in 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2013 in which large number of ships, Special Operation Forces (SOF) and observers from leading navies of the region/world participated.

The current exercise is the fifth of the series, being held from 10-14 February 2017, in which 37 countries are participating. With Pakistan the host country, other participating countries are Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Denmark, Egypt, France, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco, Myanmar, Nigeria, North Sudan, Oman, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Turkey, Turkmenistan, UAE, UK and USA. Out of 15 ships, China, USA and Russia are participating with three ships each, while one each from Turkey, Great Britain, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Australia. In addition, two P3C Orion aircraft from Japan, five helicopters (accompanying ships of eight of these countries), 11 Special Operations Forces and Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Marines teams arriving from China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Nigeria, Russia, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Great Britain and USA are also participating along with delegates from participating countries.

Presence of these friendly navies from all over the world is a manifestation of firm resolve of international community towards peace and stability in the Indian Ocean. Active participation of these countries along with their naval forces is indicative of our professional capabilities. The Admiral said that conduct of this Multinational naval exercise AMAN 17, will further strengthen relations of Pakistan Navy with regional and extra regional countries.



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AMAN 17 and the balance of power in the Indian ocean

7 hours ago BY Muhammad Azam Khan
Muhammad Azam Khan

Navies from over 35 countries have teamed up in the North Arabian Sea from 10 to 14 February 17 for Multinational Exercise AMAN-17 being hosted by Pakistan Navy. A grand display of “collective resolve” to comprehensively fight maritime security challenges through shared effort, Organised every two year, Exercise AMAN (Peace) is breathtaking in scale and scope. The enduring theme of AMAN has been “Together for Peace”. A multinational war game AMAN, aims to ensure security and stability in a critical region of what is known as the “global commons”.

Coalitions, alliances, or union of navies are effective means of deterrence and gun boat diplomacy. Coalitions are temporary while alliances are more enduring in nature. Such groupings are based on identical views of nations about nature of challenges and threats. They are meant to apply coercive diplomacy or even use force when needed. The casus belli is an attack on the interests or security of its members.

It all began in March 2007 when the first of its kind AMAN exercise was held. There were then some 28 participating countries. The fifth in the series, AMAN- 17 has drawn an extraordinary number of participating countries. This representation will show in the form of ships with embarked Helicopters, Fixed Wing Aircrafts, Special Operating Forces, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Marines Teams and Observers. An International Maritime Conference (IMC-17) will precede the two day joint manoeuvres at sea. In the conference, panels of international and local scholars will weigh up contemporary maritime security environment and challenges therein to proffer workable solutions. At sea however it would be different. Refining doctrinal concepts, combat drills against transnational threats and challenges, special operations and interoperability exercises will test the joint skills of navies and professional teams.

The maritime region of interest to Pakistan, i.e.: the western Indian Ocean particularly the North Arabian Sea has usually been in the global spotlight. This was so even during the cold war. It saw 1965 and 1971 Indo–Pak wars, Iran- Iraq war and later day major events like Operation “Enduring Freedom” following 9/11. Over the past 15 years, the region has also witnessed an upsurge in naval coalitions assembled against a stockpile of non-traditional threats. These threats took the form of piracy, trafficking and maritime terrorism. There has also been a steady increase in number of natural disasters, some quite serious like the 2004 tsunami.

Some tectonic developments have however lately started reshaping the regional maritime environment. The region is becoming a receptacle, more of competition and conflict of interests than cooperation. The induction of SSBNs and cutting edge platforms like P8I, an expanding strategic naval alliance between USN-IN, the Logistic Sharing Agreement (a virtual war pact between the United States and India), construction of Indian naval and surveillance bases overseas on Islands (like Seychelles), PLA Navy conducting major naval manoeuvres with Pakistan Navy in the North Arabian Sea in a display of resolve to protect multibillion dollar enterprise CPEC, the approaching uncertainty surrounding the parallel development of ports of Gwadar and Chabahar, P5+1 nuclear agreement, an unprecedented oil glut, all seems to be happening here.

The aforesaid is not to count some other significant events. Pakistan recently tested a 700 km land- sea version of cruise missile, Babur. Not too long ago, India test fired submarine launched Intermediate Range Ballistic missile, K-4. On December 26 last, India tested Agni-V, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). With a strike range of over 5,000 km, Agni V can reach southern parts of China. To ensure adequate stability, Pakistan tested its version of submarine launched cruise missile, Babur III early this January. But all these happenings dwarf when viewed in the backdrop of two momentous developments. Russia has entered the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. And having effectively lost turf in Iraq and Syria, the IS (Da’ish) now threatens to shift focus to maritime domain.

In a historic moment the two avowed cold war rivals – Russia and Pakistan – conducted joint military exercises in September last year. On a previous occasion, in late 2015 a group of Russian Pacific Fleet warships held anti-air defence exercises in the Indian Ocean. These ships also replenished at port Salalah in Oman before returning to home port. In December 2016, PNS Alamgir– a Pakistan navy destroyer – docked at the Russian black sea port of Novorossiysk for a goodwill visit. Upon arrival, the ship was given warm welcome by the Russian Federation navy and officials of the city administration. Following the port visit, PNS Alamgir participated in a bilateral naval exercise with the Russian naval ships.

The one time thinking on the former USSR striving to gain access to “warm waters of the Indian Ocean and the Middle East” now lies buried deep in the dungeon of history. Under Putin, Russia is mightily inserting itself in the global order to regain past glory. Moscow stealing U.S elections through hacking of sensitive information to favour Republican, Donald Trump is a consequential example. It is now a serious emerging contender for power in Asia including Middle and Far East. And like it or not Russia is here to stay. Russian Navy is expected to frequent the western Indian Ocean more than ever in living memory. Ditto for China.

As CPEC matures and commercial trade picks up, PLA navy is projected to increase its presence in the Indian Ocean. Not only that, cooperation between PLA navy and Pakistan Navy will expand powerfully. The recent signing of contract for purchase of eight Yuan (Hangor) class submarines by Pakistan Navy and ongoing negotiations for corvettes as well as other platforms point to the expanding strategic relationship between the two navies- and why not?

The international order and along with it the destiny of nations in larger Asia seems to have come full circle. A phenomenally rising China and an assertive Russia have in effect stymied United States global economic and military ascendancy. A new “multi-polar” international order has returned within 25 years of a “unipolar” world that began in 1991.

With Modi government bent on disturbing the maritime order in the region and USN cosying up to IN in an unprecedented manner, Pakistan and China have little choice. China’s “Blue Book” maintains that country’s interests in the Indian Ocean are driven simply by “commercial” objectives. But Beijing’s “Blue Book” also warns that the Indian Ocean could end up “as an ocean of conflict and trouble” if countries like India, the U.S. and China failed to engage with each other more constructively as their interests begin to overlap.

There is now incontrovertible evidence that points to India’s involvement in promoting violence in Balochistan with the sole intent to stall CPEC. Islamabad recently presented a special dossier to the United Nations Secretary General on RAW activities inside Pakistan. Also included in the dossier is the sudden presence of Indian submarine in Pakistani waters – duly picked up by Pakistan Navy. The incident coincided with setting of sail by first convoy of China’s commercial ships from Gwadar on November 14 last year.

Be that as it may, Pakistan navy has raised a Special naval Task Force to protect and safeguard Gwadar port. The newly instituted special Task Force will include ships, fast attack craft, drones and surveillance assets to guard the port as well as adjoining sea.

When the warships from the United States navy’s 5th Fleet fired the first salvos of missiles into Afghanistan in October 2001 it only seemed to herald the initiation of operation “Enduring Freedom”, the beginning of an era of “unipolarity” and “unilateralism”. Some fifteen years later, the region has emerged as the battle ground for major power contest in the twenty first century. Amidst increasing economic stakes and expanding strategic naval alliances, new battle lines are being drawn. With issues like piracy and terrorism shrinking and receding into the background, the traditional military threats have resurged once again.

In the foreseeable future both, China and Russia are likely to increase their “political footprint” in the western Indian Ocean. The region will witness a struggle for balance of power. India and the United States will mutually endeavour to block China and Pakistan from advancing their commercial and maritime interests in the Indian Ocean.

As during the cold war, the balance of power is not purported to avoid crises or even wars. “When working properly, it is meant to limit both the ability of states to dominate others and the scope of conflicts. Its goal is not peace so much as stability and moderation”, thus argues Henry Kissinger the 93 year old accomplished foreign policy wizard and American Nobel prize laureate.

To all intents and purposes, the much talked about Indian cold-start doctrine redeveloped to Proactive operations is now dead. The recent statement by Indian Army Chief Bapin Rawat in a wide ranging interview acknowledging the existence of army’s cold start strategy has more political undertones than substance. The security establishment in Pakistan must not gamble away the country’s precious resources in crafting counter strategy against an issue that remained frozen in time even in the wake of major incidents in India. The focus instead must be to invest in the economic and military dimensions of the national maritime sector with renewed vigour. This is where the future prosperity and security of Pakistan resides. And it is here that major clash of interest between local and other powers will come to pass.

The enormous multinational participation in AMAN is a living testimony of Pakistan’s immutable resolve for peace and security in a sea expanse crucial to global stability. In no small measure, the large-scale exercise also negates the impression that Pakistan is drifting into international isolation, a cliché so often voiced by its eastern neighbour.

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Muhammad Azam Khan
The author is a freelance journalist who frequently contributes on maritime and security related issues. He can be reached at: mazamkhan54@gmail.com.



Pakistan and Turkish Naval Ships as part of the Aman17 exercises in the Arabian Sea off the coast of Karachi.
Commander U.S Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) Vice Admiral Kevin M Donegan visited Naval Headquarters today and called on Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral M Zakaullah in his office.
During the meeting matters of mutual interest including bilateral naval collaboration and security environment in Indian Ocean Region came under discussion.


Commander U.S Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) Vice Admiral Kevin M Donegan visited Naval Headquarters today and called on Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral M Zakaullah in his office.
During the meeting matters of mutual interest including bilateral naval collaboration and security environment in Indian Ocean Region came under discussion.


Painting in the background ??? which coastal city ??


Vice Admiral RC Wijegunaratne, Commander Sri Lanka Navy visited Naval Headquarters Islamabad and called on Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah.
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