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Pakistan Navy Chief Corruption Puts Navy at Risk

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May 10, 2010
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Pakistan Navy Chief Corruption Puts Navy at Risk

The Pakistan Navy is in disrepair. It is facing acute shortage of helicopters, SAR aircraft and modern frigates. Seen in the backdrop of the massive Indian naval buildup which is sporting a numerical and qualitatively superior fleet many times the size and capability of the Pakistan Navy, composed of nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, modern frigates and destroyers, the Pakistan Navy fleet appears in poor light.

In the increasingly unstable world and open Indian ambitions of the Indian Ocean, the demand for naval competence and capability for the Pakistan Navy becomes a vital bottleneck for Pakistan's national security and foreign policy. The Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) Admiral Noman Basheer however, is busy filling his private coffers. With close ties and in partnership with Pakistani President Asif Zardari, a billionaire known infamously in Pakistan as Mr. 10%, CNS Noman Basheer is filling his pockets with the nation's meager treasures.

His recent purchase of four Hawker 850 XP aircraft is a case in point. With a large and extremely diverse fleet of VIP aircraft, did Pakistan really need another VIP aircraft purchase? The country’s VIP fleet includes G-IV, Cessna Citation V, Cessna Citation Excel, Learjet 35, Learjet 45 XR, Raytheon Hawker 400, Falcon 20, Cessna Conquest II, Bell 412 helicopters (3) MI-17 helicopter Airbus A310-300 and LearJet.
Insiders know that, for this deal for the Hawker 850, envelopes exchanging hands.

Nearing retirement, CNS Basheer has accelerated his efforts and this deal was apparently not enough reward for missing the boat on the French Marlin submarine deal. Noman Basheer now wants to upgrade 35 year old Agosta 70 submarines. Whether it is ethical to send seamen out to sea in such ancient boats is questionable. Submarines are not trucks. If a truck breaks down, the occupants can simply dismount and walk away. A submarine on the other hand, is a death trap. Mechanical failure can more likely than not, lead to death in the ugliest way possible - slow and steady suffocation. This deal is in the background of supposedly not having enough money to buy German or Chinese submarines. Even the lowliest modern Chinese submarine would have been many times superior to sending seamen out in the Agosta 70s. Yet, CNS - Admiral - Noman Basheer has no problems as long as his Swiss bank accounts register an upswing. Somewhat disingenuously, this deal was concluded with the same French naval company - DCNS that was contracted for the Agosta-90B retirement fund project.

You can be sure that a long line of poor flood affected Pakistanis living below the poverty line will benefit from this deal - including President Zardari and his PPP nymphs.

Much to the chagrin of the Pakistani people, the amusement does not end here - the CNS is now calling to cancel the Gwader Port contract and "hand it over to the Chinese", whatever that vague phrase means. For those who know, it means strangulating yet another strategic project for Pakistan, as if the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline deal's indefinite postponement was not treason enough.

Rumors suggest that this corrupt PN officer is slated to become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee. This will not be the first PN officer to disgrace the Pakistani nation - he is following the illustrious career of CNS Mansoor who made his fortune in the infamous Agosta 90B deal with France.

CNS Admiral Noman Basheer would do well to remember the Iranian revolution and what happened to the Shah's men. In the event that insh'Allah Pakistan becomes an Islamic State, those who have looted the nation are insh'Allah going to receive compensation for their services, as long as there is enough rope to hang them with, and enough trees to hang them from.

Pakistan Navy Chief Corruption Puts Navy at Risk - Grande Strategy
Pakistan Navy Chief Corruption Puts Navy at Risk

The Pakistan Navy is in disrepair. It is facing acute shortage of helicopters, SAR aircraft and modern frigates. Seen in the backdrop of the massive Indian naval buildup which is sporting a numerical and qualitatively superior fleet many times the size and capability of the Pakistan Navy, composed of nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, modern frigates and destroyers, the Pakistan Navy fleet appears in poor light.

In the increasingly unstable world and open Indian ambitions of the Indian Ocean, the demand for naval competence and capability for the Pakistan Navy becomes a vital bottleneck for Pakistan's national security and foreign policy. The Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) Admiral Noman Basheer however, is busy filling his private coffers. With close ties and in partnership with Pakistani President Asif Zardari, a billionaire known infamously in Pakistan as Mr. 10%, CNS Noman Basheer is filling his pockets with the nation's meager treasures.

His recent purchase of four Hawker 850 XP aircraft is a case in point. With a large and extremely diverse fleet of VIP aircraft, did Pakistan really need another VIP aircraft purchase? The country’s VIP fleet includes G-IV, Cessna Citation V, Cessna Citation Excel, Learjet 35, Learjet 45 XR, Raytheon Hawker 400, Falcon 20, Cessna Conquest II, Bell 412 helicopters (3) MI-17 helicopter Airbus A310-300 and LearJet.
Insiders know that, for this deal for the Hawker 850, envelopes exchanging hands.

Nearing retirement, CNS Basheer has accelerated his efforts and this deal was apparently not enough reward for missing the boat on the French Marlin submarine deal. Noman Basheer now wants to upgrade 35 year old Agosta 70 submarines. Whether it is ethical to send seamen out to sea in such ancient boats is questionable. Submarines are not trucks. If a truck breaks down, the occupants can simply dismount and walk away. A submarine on the other hand, is a death trap. Mechanical failure can more likely than not, lead to death in the ugliest way possible - slow and steady suffocation. This deal is in the background of supposedly not having enough money to buy German or Chinese submarines. Even the lowliest modern Chinese submarine would have been many times superior to sending seamen out in the Agosta 70s. Yet, CNS - Admiral - Noman Basheer has no problems as long as his Swiss bank accounts register an upswing. Somewhat disingenuously, this deal was concluded with the same French naval company - DCNS that was contracted for the Agosta-90B retirement fund project.

You can be sure that a long line of poor flood affected Pakistanis living below the poverty line will benefit from this deal - including President Zardari and his PPP nymphs.

Much to the chagrin of the Pakistani people, the amusement does not end here - the CNS is now calling to cancel the Gwader Port contract and "hand it over to the Chinese", whatever that vague phrase means. For those who know, it means strangulating yet another strategic project for Pakistan, as if the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline deal's indefinite postponement was not treason enough.

Rumors suggest that this corrupt PN officer is slated to become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee. This will not be the first PN officer to disgrace the Pakistani nation - he is following the illustrious career of CNS Mansoor who made his fortune in the infamous Agosta 90B deal with France.

CNS Admiral Noman Basheer would do well to remember the Iranian revolution and what happened to the Shah's men. In the event that insh'Allah Pakistan becomes an Islamic State, those who have looted the nation are insh'Allah going to receive compensation for their services, as long as there is enough rope to hang them with, and enough trees to hang them from.

Pakistan Navy Chief Corruption Puts Navy at Risk - Grande Strategy

Corrupt people are every where in the world and for sure india or u.s are not an exception. Although i found this article a bit one sided and degrade too much PN. For sure we need some surface ships and submarines but to fill the time gap we are doing what we can. About chinese subs we already are going to buy 6 to 8 subs and who knows maybe in upcoming years we will also buy U boats. We alreday get 3 F-22 frigates and waiting for the 4th which is under construction at Karachi. we are going to get 6-8 U.S. refurbished frigates and maybe we will participate in turkish programs too. Overall in future we for sure will have a decent navy as we need.

On the other hand where are indians careers? are you talking about those 2 WWII which you aren't able to deploy agaisnt any navy? or you are talking about the russian one? Please leave out BS articles, which always have to degrade Pak Armed forces and praises indians.
How much truth is there in this? Any other more credible source reporting this?
We have NO proof of the corruption allegations so dont want to comment on that.

However there are some concerns over delaying purchase of needed equipment for Navy
No source of this information reported as the article claims 'envelopes are exchanged' with these deals otherwise its just conjecture on the fact that upgrades and new hardware is being bought.

Also the Gawadar issue is not going to be a handover of the territory, but of management and construction. Local companies have failed to deliver, perhaps the Chinese can and the business elements, percentages n all can be worked out - also not really a case for corruption. Also the quote he attributed the CNS cannot be found on the internet.

In the event that insh'Allah Pakistan becomes an Islamic State...

There goes this author's credibility. Straight from Mullah central. Grande Strategy, indeed.
Kickbacks happen in defence deals, and there really should be an investigative branch nabbing corrupt officials no matter at any level...

But resorting to pure conjecture is wrong. Especially when confirmed cases exist against the top guy in Pakistan.
This is a propaganda designed to discredit the Naval Chief. Admiral Noman Basheer is among the most competent officers in our armed forces.
I fail to see why someone would identify themselves as a Muslim Think tank and what is a strategic analysis from an Islamic perspective?

This is called enforcing religion where there is absolutely no need to do so. There is a major difference in being of Islamic world and making the world Islamic.

I think they should defer to what Islam says on making accusations without evidence.

About Us - Grande Strategy

GrandeStrategy Institute is a Muslim think tank providing strategy and analysis from an Islamic perspective. We focus on finding innovative approaches to the emerging challenges of the Islamic world.

Our Mission
Today we see a number of key aspects that define the Islamic World. For us at the GrandeStrategy Institute, we find that:
There is a lack of strategic thinking in the Islamic world in general, with short-termism being the sine qua non of our thinking.
There is a huge chasm between those that profess Islam and want an extreme theocracy and those that want a secular state.
That those who understand Islam don't understand Economics, political systems, industry or military affairs, while those that profess Secularism know merely how to (poorly) mimic western nations.
That the importance of a military-industrial complex is not understood. Major weapons systems that define our time, with some exception, are not being manufactured by the Islamic world.
Our mission therefore, is to create a body of knowledge and help bring these issues to the fore, and in some way be a part of bridging these problems and seeing solutions implemented.

It is well known that knowledge is often power, and it is important to be aware first, to make actionable plans second, and then to implement those plans. Our focus at GrandeStrategy is on the first two, and in creating awareness to our audience and to the Islamic world in general.

Plurality of views is an important concept that is often lost: It may be that one of our analysts may come up with a different point of view from the other. We believe that this plurality of views is an important aspect of creating a healthy discussion. We will not try to resolve these conflicts but rather report them and let the audience decide what to choose.
but our president is choosing those for high level ranks who are corrupt when they are born ejaz butt is other one i want to see zardari inprison all of his life or even hanged till death he is already rich but still want to take the food which is left in poor people hand's and make money of it sick of this man really and this cns zardari is going to make hin joint chief of amred forces dont know what he will do there
we needed more firepower why waste money on vip planes which already we navy is struggling for money and why waste whatever we have
The criticism about the executive jets is valid, but is it fair or even reasonable to frame this criticism in the suggestion that Admiral Bashir is anything other than a honorable officer??

It demeans us, belittles us, that we even entertain the idea that our criticism of the purchase of these executive jets should be framed in unproven, unmerited charges of corruption.
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