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Pakistan naval ships arrive on goodwill mission to Shanghai


Feb 2, 2007
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SHANGAHI, Nov 25 (APP): The Pakistan Navy ships, destroyer PNS Khaibar and oil tanker PNS Nasr, were accorded a warm welcome as they arrived on a 4-day goodwill mission here on Monday. Navigating through Wusong estuary and commanded by Commander Destroyer Squadron, Commodore Ali Abbas SI(M), (Mission Commander) with Captain Muhammad Faisal Abbasi and Captain Tarique Hussain the Commanding Officers of PNS Khaibar and Nasr respectively, the type-21 class Khaibar along with Nasr moored to the Shanghai port as Pakistani sailors on board and Chinese sailors on the jetty chanted slogans of “Long live Pakistan China friendship” to herald the ships arrival.
As the ships berthed, an impressive welcome ceremony was held in the harbor that was participated by a large number of senior officials and diplomats from both sides. On the occasion bouquets were also presented.
The Chief of Staff of Shanghai Naval Garrison, Senior Captain Wei Xiaodong along with officials from the Foreign Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal government received the Mission Commander together with the commanding officers of the ships at the jetty of Shanghai Port International Cruise Terminal (SPICT).
Naval officers from the Pakistan and PLA Navy including Defence and Naval Attaches and Consul from Pakistan’s Consulate General in Shanghai were present on the occasion.
At the welcome ceremony, the Mission Commander underlined the significance of the visit saying such visits foster goodwill, promote mutual understanding and enhance cooperation between the two countries. It is indeed a pleasure to be with our Chinese brothers and exchange professional views, promote cooperation and friendship, he added.
Rear Admiral Syed Arifullah Hussaini who was leading the delegation following meeting with his counterpart, Rear admiral Li Yujie, Commander of Shanghai Naval Garrison wrote in the visitors’ book that he hoped that the mutual visits will be beneficial for the two great nations and also for international peace and stability.
A smartly dressed PLA contingent given a guard of honour to Rear Admiral Husssaini on arrival at the Shanghai naval garrison. Rearl Admiral Li, later hosted a reception to welcome the arrival of the ships.
Rear Admiral Arifullah Hussaini also called on Shanghai Municipal Government leaderships.
Earlier, the Chinese naval commander Hu Jin Chun, Commander of Escort ship, Anqiang frigate 539 briefed Rear Admiral Hussaini and his entourage about the salient feature and toured them around the ship.
The Pakistani ships duo had embarked on their voyage from Karachi for goodwill cruise on 21st October, touching port cities in Sri Lanka and Thailand before approaching Shanghai. On the next leg of the journey, the ships will destine for Jakarta and the Maldives.
The ships will later on be open to the general public, giving them an opportunity to gain knowledge about their working and functioning.
Both the ships will remain berthed for four days, during which a number of bilateral meetings and other activities have been chalked out.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Pakistan naval ships arrive on goodwill mission to Shanghai
Here is the pics.





Pakistan Naval ships going to Russia, China, passing Suez Canal.....great.

We need to upgrade and re-arm our naval forces.
To the indians this means China is giving up its sovereignty and cant defend themselves hence Pakistani ships are there to take over o_O
Wow! A truly auspicious event. The ships look beautiful and majestic. Thanks to our Chinese friends for hosting us.

The interesting thing to note is this is a talk at the Rear Admiral level. I would love to be a fly on the wall when they hold their discussions. Hopefully there will be a public press release later and we will get to hear some good tidbits!
Wow! A truly auspicious event. The ships look beautiful and majestic. Thanks to our Chinese friends for hosting us.

The interesting thing to note is this is a talk at the Rear Admiral level. I would love to be a fly on the wall when they hold their discussions. Hopefully there will be a public press release later and we will get to hear some good tidbits!

You are 3 years late with your greetings to PRC.
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