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Pakistan Missile Technology

Thunder said:
Bro, i was'nt wrong, read what [COLOR=#0000]melb4aust[/COLOR] has stated above about the ICBM and a rocket having the same sort of systme. :)
No, you're absolutely wrong.

Pakistan doesn't have ICBM. Pakistan ain't developing ICBMs. Pakistan doesn't need ICBMs. And China ain't about to give you ICBMs.

ALL launch pads that can support an IRBM launch WILL support an ICBM launch with slight modifications. It sure the hell does not mean you have an ICBM.
Officer of Engineers said:
No, you're absolutely wrong.

Pakistan doesn't have ICBM. Pakistan ain't developing ICBMs. Pakistan doesn't need ICBMs. And China ain't about to give you ICBMs.

ALL launch pads that can support an IRBM launch WILL support an ICBM launch with slight modifications. It sure the hell does not mean you have an ICBM.

Who the hell is saying we have ICBMs, and what makes you so sure, that we dont have ICBMs and we are not developing one, yeah India do need ICBM on the other hand. Man, sometimes overconfidence can lead a man in either believe anything or nothing, being an army personnel you know much better than anyone.

Any way I was quoting ur answer few posts back, that ICBMs cannot be launched by using launch pads. Yes they can.....
.....over and out;)
Damed easy to figure out if you're working on ICBMs or not. We watch your factories. You're talking a rocket tube the size of 5 story buildings and engines the size of buses, ain't exactly easy to hide ... and we have over 60 years of experience looking for these things from the Soviets to the Chinese. You actually think we don't know how to watch a pair of amateurs?

And the point remains just because you have a launch pad that can handle an ICBM does not mean you've got one. You don't. You're not even developing one.
Brother remember tipu?? Also no one said that pakistan has ICBM's. We're just saying that if we can make a launch pad, making a ICBM won't be hard.
Officer of Engineers said:
Damed easy to figure out if you're working on ICBMs or not. We watch your factories. You're talking a rocket tube the size of 5 story buildings and engines the size of buses, ain't exactly easy to hide ... and we have over 60 years of experience looking for these things from the Soviets to the Chinese. You actually think we don't know how to watch a pair of amateurs?


Yeah you guyz were watching and knew about the launch of babur well. And similarly you guyz also knew where we were going to detonate nuclear weapons well before. Tell me you guyz knew about our development of plutonium at khushab as well.

OOE again ur too much overconfident, you could be right that we dont have ICBM nor we are developing one, but there could are many things you guyz dont know about. You guyz actually cant figure out. Similarly Pakistan also doesn have the ability to know everything about you guyz.
melb4aust said:
Yeah you guyz were watching and knew about the launch of babur well. And similarly you guyz also knew where we were going to detonate nuclear weapons well before. Tell me you guyz knew about our development of plutonium at khushab as well.

What are you talking about? We know all those before hand because the Chinese told us. ALL your missiles are based on Chinese technology and we know they have not shipped you one design for their ICBMs.

And everyone saw the Pak tests coming a long time before hand. It doesn't take a crystal ball to know Islamabad was under so much internal pressure to respond to the Indian tests.

As for the Pu, argue with the eggheads at Los Alamos. They've got the data to back up their claims, including air samples collected over your test sites.
Thunder said:
Brother remember tipu?? Also no one said that pakistan has ICBM's. We're just saying that if we can make a launch pad, making a ICBM won't be hard.

*** rolling my eyes *** you go right ahead and believe that.
Officer of Engineers said:
What are you talking about? We know all those before hand because the Chinese told us. ALL your missiles are based on Chinese technology and we know they have not shipped you one design for their ICBMs.

And everyone saw the Pak tests coming a long time before hand. It doesn't take a crystal ball to know Islamabad was under so much internal pressure to respond to the Indian tests.

As for the Pu, argue with the eggheads at Los Alamos. They've got the data to back up their claims, including air samples collected over your test sites.

I dont wanna argue here, because you're gonna stick to ur points and iam with mine. This is going no where mate.
Thank You Very Much For Replying Sid.
I Really Appreciate It.
thanks for your view,s my friends. I think missile sytem not engough today.coz missile defence system inportant now a days. india develop missile and anti-air craft missile system.india also enjoy his country area depth against pakistan.any one knew about pakistan missile and anti-jet fighter missile ssytem.Also can pakistan develop in country or buy from abord.Plz dear friends tell me. Thanks:coffee:
Pakistan does not need a ICBM

If Pak were to develop one the world would lay heavy sanctions upon it. It should looked upon as pro/con situation

pro's- PaK can launch nuclear attack upon any country on the planet.

con's- Every country in the world would not be happy about this and would team together with pak's enemies to force Pak to back down. Sanctions would be levied the economy as well as conventional forces damaged.
So that means that Pakistan won't have typical launch Pad to launch Rockets into space and will have to rely n China for Space expitditions ?

and the Shaheen 3 ?

Having space expedition equipment is different than having an operational ICBM, I understand what key's is saying is true, but say for instance we were threatened like by US again we would need something to retaliate back into their territory.


At least have a missile plan that can be made during tough time to send a message, no matter what we make some way or another were going to be sanctioned I rather live under sanction knowing I can strike back at my enemy then them just striking me.

Your point is so easy to answer, lets look at our ally China from when it was called country of no prospect to a country called a new emerging super power, China developed all the responses required to shut up its enemies. It developed a space/missile, a nuclear program and military program China faced sanctions and later they were lifted, they can target any country in the world and now all its enemies look up to China and think twice if they want to challange China.
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