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Pakistan Missile Technology

Sorry for going off the topic.
Aren't we becoming too open these days...? uploading war time strategies, inside information of any a/c or missile should not be encouraged...
IMO in the name of knowledge and news we are getting too close to a disaster.... in fact its counter productive.
Nice and Pretty Informative thread....Keep it alive...:)
Sorry for going off the topic.
Aren't we becoming too open these days...? uploading war time strategies, inside information of any a/c or missile should not be encouraged...
IMO in the name of knowledge and news we are getting too close to a disaster.... in fact its counter productive.

Report posts that you think compromise national integrity and security. It should be discussed at MOds otr TT level.
A further segment added is not a huge feat is it? China, the country that developed this missile added a segment from the DF-11 to make the DF-11A, are you telling me they couldn't add another segment?

The M-18 is identical to the Shaheen 2, just compare the pictures yourself, and a lot more credible sites confirm it.

a credible site is defined as any non Pakistani site
while a not credible site is defined as pakistan or chinese official sites

under this definition i doubt even a country named Pakistan exist....:pakistan:

last question..what about missles which have no counter parts like Raad and ghaznvi or the nasr etc..i think they were developed by india or iran but we stole the design during testing..:pakistan:
What are you talking about? We know all those before hand because the Chinese told us. ALL your missiles are based on Chinese technology and we know they have not shipped you one design for their ICBMs.
Oh yeah the Chinese told you before shipping us the missiles lol So stupid you sound here ... You would have done / will do everything in your power to deprive Pakistan of nuclear weapons if you had the power :P dont tell this to your friends at Knesset lol ... If indeed the US Govt knows everything , how come some stone agers rocked the NORAD and FAA and your whole nation on 9/11 ? :D :D :D :yahoo:

Dont bother replying to trolls ... they once thought that Pakistan cant even exist beyond 2-3 years let alone develop nuclear weapons and give them a pain in the *** lol
Now what most of the members have been advocating here about the possible ICBM is very difficult to attain.... with precision.
An ICBM is a totally different thing as compared to an Intermediate ranged Ballistic missiles or a short range ballistic missiles.....the difference is far bigger than what the engineers find while graduating from the level of short range cruise missiles to long range cruise missiles...... I would like to point out a few points here about the "MOREs" an ICBM has over IRBM and SRBM.

1. Higher speed,
2. Higher altitude,
3. better heat shielding coatings,
4. Auto-mated computer to control the missile in mid course,
5. Better controls,
6. Flex nozzel,
8. Highly efficient heat shielding material which can save the warhead from disintegrating in Space,
9. Better paint coating to reduce drag,
10. Better guidance to save it from very large deviations at the high speed reentry.... when even 1-2 degrees can prove to be disastrous.

There are many more shortcomings which even a scientifically rich country in the field of SRBM/IRBM aswell as Space launchers can have.... I would like to introduce you to the 1st test of Agni III when every thing was right while the missile dropped in the sea during its midcourse.... When they recalculated and examined the debris they found that the speed of the missile was so high that is caused the hot gas to enter the missile's flex nozzel and caused the wiring overthere to melt and hence the automatic computer lost the control of flex nozzel and hence aborted the flight by shutting down the missile..... the problem was rectified thanks to the Mathematicians who pointed out the designing flaws of the flex nozzel which was later rectified by engineers to have this missile inducted very fast in the armed forces.
Pakistan now outstrip India’s nuclear and ballistic weapons

Pakistan on Tuesday successfully test fired a short range Surface to Surface Ballistic Missile Hataf-2 Abdali.

According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the missile is capable of hitting surface-to-surface targets.

The missile test had cheered almost every Pakistani at every time they listened the news of missile test; the reason is that India is considered as rival enemy of Pakistan and almost three wars had been fought so far between both countries.

Pakistan's nuclear energy programme was started in 1956, following the establishment of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC). Thanks to China who had been alleged to play a major role in the establishment of Pakistan's nuclear weapons development infrastructure, especially, when increasingly stringent export controls in the western countries made it difficult for Pakistan to acquire nuclear materials and technology from elsewhere.

Pakistan’s missile build-up all along has been India-centric. Unlike India, which has to take the China threat into consideration, Pakistan has the luxury to focus its entire missile build-up on Indian developments.

Strategically, Pakistan has today not only offset India’s overwhelming conventional military superiority by its nuclear weaponisation but also acquired a missile force which in terms of speed of acquisition outstrips India’s pace of development of missiles. China prominently and DPRK by proxy have significantly contributed to Pakistan’s missile build-up. China has even provided a complete plant in 1995 to produce M-11 nuclear capable M-11 missiles and their variants in Pakistan.
The series of Missiles Pakistan have are as

HATF Series - HATF series formed the initial component of the Pakistani missile arsenal. Besides the nuclear capability of HATF II and III, in the conventional mode it was designed as an offensive weapon to knock off Indian armour concentrations. In the defensive mode, it would be used in dual roles to destroy Indian bridgeheads in Pakistani territory. Its chief use could be said to be along Pakistani borders with India, both inside and outside.

GHAURI series - With its extended range, the GHAURI series could effectively reach virtually the whole of India but it seems that the strategic targeting of this missile would be more towards Mumbai and Peninsular India in which lie India’s most sensitive installations. GHAURI is a mobile system and could be used for counter-value-strikes. Pakistan claims that GHAURI can carry nuclear, chemical and anti-tank warheads.

SHAHEEN series - SHAHEEN II unveiled on Pakistan Day Parade this year (March 23,2000) is Pakistan’s answer to India’s Agni II. It has as all India coverage, but can be said to have Mumbai and Peninsular India as the main target. With its ground mobility and solid-state propellant systems it should logically form the backbone of Pakistani nuclear deterrent. With mobility comes survivability and therefore the SHAHEEN II could impart to Pakistan a second strike capability in the future.

In terms of future perspectives, the following can be said about Pakistan’s missile build-up:

Pakistan’s missile force would form the main delivery system for its nuclear weapons. Pakistan’s emphasis on a "credible minimum deterrent" would call for matching responses to India’s missile developments in terms of ranges and payloads. This would imply that the GHAURI and SHAHEEN series would receive priorities in terms of range and payload modifications. In terms of ICBM capability, Pakistan would definitely aspire for it, but a host of factors are stacked against her. Even China, Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and missiles benefactor would hesitate to impart ICBM capability to Pakistan, for strategic reasons.

Indian media and Indian analysts are looking extra concern over the news of Pakistan’s missile panel that it is now exceeding them. Number of articles and media shows has been created that the complete constituency of India can be under Pakistan’s attack if there would be any thing wrong. Because the Ghouri series missiles has range across the Indian border towards Bangladesh.
We still have Long way to go. I am not denigrating, as we produced Latest stuff and tech. Missile Sheen1, Nasr and other stuff were honed to perfection. Babur and raad cruise missile added decent aggressive capability, Also harpoon and other missiles But, Look at our neighbor. Just in 4-5 years how are they rapidly progressing in Missile technology. Even people are ranting they can't fly,and those are Russian missile and talking a lot fallacious argument .Even with the help of Russia, Hypersonic missile with the speed of 10 Mach will be truculent .From defense point of view this is very enigmatic How long will you stay here .
For religious people, Orison is not enough as it did not work in Libya or Iraq, To live a tranquil life in the country needs higher/latest defense equipment/capability and this is the errand of the government to provide latest military equipment which could save us from the Baneful country.
Also i think, We badly need the Ramjet propulsion system to accelerate the vehicle around 4 Mach..
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