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‘Pakistan missile project ahead of India’s’

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In fact to add to my prev post, I'd be a veryhappy man the day Pak, BD & SL too put something on the moon.. why even the bloody Mars !

The world thinks S Asians ( 3rd world as the aussie cricketeer rudely reminded us) are not capable of anything but squabbling amongst themselves.
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Pakistan's missile progremme started way after India started its missile programme. Not only has their missile programe been a failure even there plans to make Arjun a tank also failed miserably.
how the hell is pakistan ahead of India?

lets see

-India sent satellite to the moon
-India has GSLV heavy lifter to geoschronious orbit
-India launched 10 satellites at once from PSLV (meaning it has MIRV tech)
-India SUCCESSFULLY tested ABM system and was kept under wraps before it was tested
-India has Agni I, II, II and working on IV, they each have more than enough range to hit pakistan
-India just tested Suorya, which according to sources can penetrate ABM
-India tested Shangarika which can be fired underwater
-India is working on Nirhbay 1000km cruise missile

what does pakistan have?

-no satellite launch
-no abm
-ballistic missiles capable of reaching all of India

*i have doubts about babur or w.e. because it looks so huge and flies VERY slow(600-1000 km/h) and if its launched it will take AT LEAST 30 minutes to reach its target given its range of 600 km MORE than enough time to get counter attacks ready.

also when i saw the video of the tests, i did not see the missile being dropped by the plane, and when it flew i saw no smoke trail(which every missile should have) so i doubt that babur actually is a program

also India has S-300 ABM6 systems with 48 missiles each) protecting New Delhi and Mumbai and maybe some other metros/bases so you would need to fire at least 5-10 nukes at each city to even hit it, and that's 10-20 nukes you'll be using up and that's almost 1/3-1/4 of ur capacity according to my sources.

in the future it will be even harder thanks to India's ingenius ABM system protecting all of its major cities.

i hope that put an end to this argument

once again i'm not trolling i'm just STATING WHAT IS A KNOWN FACT

i want to hear what ur side of the story is too, but dont go around flaming me calling me a liar or troll that just means i'm correct.

yes i know the truth is hard to swallow, but its economically IMPOSSIBLE for pakistan to compete with India on equal level, India has 10 times the economy, some of the smartest people in the world(40% of NASA is Indian), and is democracy
how the hell is pakistan ahead of India?

lets see

-India sent satellite to the moon
-India has GSLV heavy lifter to geoschronious orbit
-India launched 10 satellites at once from PSLV (meaning it has MIRV tech)
-India SUCCESSFULLY tested ABM system and was kept under wraps before it was tested
-India has Agni I, II, II and working on IV, they each have more than enough range to hit pakistan
-India just tested Suorya, which according to sources can penetrate ABM
-India tested Shangarika which can be fired underwater
-India is working on Nirhbay 1000km cruise missile

what does pakistan have?

-no satellite launch
-no abm
-ballistic missiles capable of reaching all of India

*i have doubts about babur or w.e. because it looks so huge and flies VERY slow(600-1000 km/h) and if its launched it will take AT LEAST 30 minutes to reach its target given its range of 600 km MORE than enough time to get counter attacks ready.

also when i saw the video of the tests, i did not see the missile being dropped by the plane, and when it flew i saw no smoke trail(which every missile should have) so i doubt that babur actually is a program

also India has S-300 ABM6 systems with 48 missiles each) protecting New Delhi and Mumbai and maybe some other metros/bases so you would need to fire at least 5-10 nukes at each city to even hit it, and that's 10-20 nukes you'll be using up and that's almost 1/3-1/4 of ur capacity according to my sources.

in the future it will be even harder thanks to India's ingenius ABM system protecting all of its major cities.

i hope that put an end to this argument

once again i'm not trolling i'm just STATING WHAT IS A KNOWN FACT

i want to hear what ur side of the story is too, but dont go around flaming me calling me a liar or troll that just means i'm correct.

yes i know the truth is hard to swallow, but its economically IMPOSSIBLE for pakistan to compete with India on equal level, India has 10 times the economy, some of the smartest people in the world(40% of NASA is Indian), and is democracy

Mate.. India is ahead of pakistan in many fields. The Pakistanis know abt that. But pakistan have a 'Destructive weapon' which most of the countries dont have.. And that weapon is "Terriorism":sniper:
‘Pakistan missile project ahead of India’s’

NEW DELHI, Jan 9: India’s missile scientists have said that the country’s indigenous missile programme is flagging and needs foreign assistance to revive it.

The embarrassing admission came amid claims by Indian analysts that Pakistan’s missile programme had proved to be more robust and surefooted than India’s. The Mail Today newspaper on Wednesday quoted the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) as announcing that it would scrap its 25-year Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP) by the end of this year.

“Plagued by cost overruns and repeated failures, the announcement is a virtual admission of failure,” the newspaper said. “In fact, some former chiefs of the different services said as much on hearing the news.”

Speaking of the Trishul surface-to-air missile that has now been termed a technology demonstrator, former naval chief Sushil Kumar said: “It was a national embarrassment. DRDO made fake claims for 25 years. In the 1999 Kargil conflict, the navy was vulnerable to attacks from Pakistan’s Harpoon.

“Finally the project was scrapped when the navy went in for the Israeli Barak missiles. The Prithvi’s naval variant, Dhanush, is also flawed and ill-conceived, which is being inflicted on the navy.”On the Akash missile, which was the subject of the DRDO media conference here on Tuesday, former air chief S. P. Tyagi said: “Akash was to be ready at a certain time, but it wasn’t. I had to change everything to make up for the delay.” Both missiles were part of a programme to develop indigenous weapons, which began in July 1983, with plans for Agni, Prithvi, Trishul, Akash and Nag missiles.

The IGMDP, which was aimed at achieving self-sufficiency in missile development and production, comprises five core missile programmes -- the strategic Agni ballistic missile, the tactical Prithvi ballistic missile, the Akash and Trishul surface-to-air missiles and the Nag anti-tank guided missile.

The Mail Today quoted S. Prahlada, chief of the Control Research and Development, DRDO, as saying that development and production of most of the futuristic weapon systems would henceforth be undertaken with foreign collaboration.

With regard to the nuclear-capable Agni series, comprising I and II, the newspaper quoted army sources as saying while they had been tested five times each “a handful of tests are not enough to prove a missile’s worth”.

There were different problems with other systems too.

“Pakistan has always been one step ahead of India in its missile programme,” the newspaper said, adding that Islamabad has “a much more robust missile force than India, one capable of launching nuclear weapons to any part in this country.”

Unlike Indian missiles, which were declared “inducted” after a few tests, the Pakistani projectiles have always been thoroughly tested.

lets see...

-Trishul was a failure, i'll admit to that

-Akash was ordered by the IAF so umm i call it a success

-Nag was tested successfully a few days ago

-Agni I, II are already inducted and III is on its way

-Pritivi isn't a failure, but if u want to u can call it a failure because it has only 150 km range, and is liquid fueled, i doubt India uses it anymore, it was just a nuke carrier when India didn't have agni. Easily replaced by cruise missiles(u can double Brahmos payload which decreases range to 150 km)

Pakistani missiles are more advanced than Indian missiles. The Indian missile program is more advanced, or should I say more comprehensive, than Pakistan's missile program.
Pakistanis make a lot of claims generally about being better than india.

According to this forum & other Pakistani military forums

Pakistan has

Better nukes weapons mated to their missles

better more advanced Missles

Better pilots in paf ..


india has far more nuclear power stations/energy

far better space programme

far better computer technology

far more military budget

and far more scitentists and engineers & open unrestricted

access to western tech from USA europe & Israel ...

" so i doubt some of these pakistani claims"
Pakistanis make a lot of claims generally about being better than india.

According to this forum & other Pakistani military forums

Pakistan has

Better nukes weapons mated to their missles

better more advanced Missles

Better pilots in paf ..


india has far more nuclear power stations/energy

far better space programme

far better computer technology

far more military budget

and far more scitentists and engineers & open unrestricted

access to western tech from USA europe & Israel ...

" so i doubt some of these pakistani claims"

Your HARD FACTS need another review;

- Having more nuke stations/ energy does not improve the quality or increase the quantity of your warhead! That is a separate science altogether!

- Yes, India under the garb of a SPACE PROGRAM is developing IRBM and ICBM just as the Americans did under the NASA in early 40's and 50's. But your eventual aim is China and you need the ICBM and IRBM's, we fortunately do not need them as our Nuke and Missile program just needs to cover the entire width and length of India. So WE DO NOT NEED A SPACE PROGRAM as such!

- Your India has access to the same byte power as the rest of the world and indeed Pakistan. Its called COTS baby! Commercial Of the Shelf!

- Yes you have a bigger military budget because you have more mouths to feed in your Army...simple! But quality-wise....your forces are far behind!

- Yes you have a bigger engineer/ scientist/ mathematician talent pool then we do! India most certainly has more brain-power in technology compared to us! No competition there!

- Open access to restricted technology from the US, Europe, Israel????? :disagree: I think that is a fib too much!

So before you doubt our claims, get your own record straightened out first!
Mate.. India is ahead of pakistan in many fields. The Pakistanis know abt that. But pakistan have a 'Destructive weapon' which most of the countries dont have.. And that weapon is "Terriorism":sniper:

this article was in Paktribune.

Sarkaar Raj - India going towards Hindu Talibanization?

The idea was to castigate the Muslims using terror tactics and blame the militants and Pakistan for direct involvement. But the methodology used was terror against Muslims. Swami, Sadhvi and an Indian army officer who was commanding a unit in Kashmir were involved. It was the army officer who was providing the arsenal to terrorize the helpless Muslims staying in slums of Malegaon. The biggest disclosure was that it all happened because of those who preach Ram Rajjya in India.

But who are these Muslim victims? ArenТt they Indians?

Sordidly speaking it is a chilling reality!


When bomb blasts on the Samjhauta Express, a УfriendshipФ train between Delhi and Lahore, killed 68 people mostly Pakistani passengers on February 17, 2007, many conspiracy theories made rounds at that time.

The Indian authorities even released Сsketches of suspectsТ after Samjhauta Express blasts suggesting Pakistan being the perpetrator for the incident while Indian media and officials were terming it an attempt by ISI.

The reaction was not different from that which had been shown in the past for every bomb blast within few minutes of such incidents without a shred of evidence. Similarly when in 2006 Malegaon town in the Nashik district of the Indian state of Maharashtra, located at some 290 km to the northeast of state capital Mumbai, was rattled by a series of bombings, the blame was being put on groups having links with Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The Maharashtra Police claimed that blasts are the handiwork of Student Islamic Movement of India most of the time linked by India with Lashkar-e-Taiba and ultimately with ISI.

But recently the arrest of 10 people, including a serving Lieutenant Colonel Prashad Srikant Purohit and a Hindu monk and nun for their alleged involvement in bomb explosions that killed six people in the Muslim-dominated town of Malegaon, this year had sent everything upside down.

Ten people, including a self-proclaimed Hindu seer and a serving lieutenant colonel, have so far been arrested for the Sep 29 bombing.

Besides Purohit, the other accused include Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, Shivnarayan Singh Kalsangram, Shyam Bhawarlal Sahu, Major Ramesh Shivji Upadhyay (retd), Sameer Kulkarni, Rakesh Dattaram Dhavde and Ajay Rahirkar.

The suspicion is now directed towards the extremist Hindu movement Sangh Parivar while entire network is linked to another arrested former major Ramesh Upadhyay who represents the terrorist organisation Abhinav Bharat.

The chilling part of the entire episode is the involvement of accused Lt Col Purohit in bomb attack on the Samjhauta Express to which he confessed.

During investigation Col Purohit has also confessed to training Hindu terrorists for attacking Muslims, besides training them for attacking Samjhauta Express for which he had also supplied them RDX.

He further confessed that it was intended to cause armed conflict between Pakistan and India so that anti-Muslim passions could be nurtured in India, leading to violence.

The Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) claimed that Purohit supplied RDX to one УBhagwanФ for Samjhauta Express blast.

Public prosecutor Ajay Misar said Abhinav BharatТs treasurer Ajay Rahirkar had handed Rs2.5 lakh to Lt Col P S Purohit.

Mahant Amritanand Dev alias Dayanand Pandey, the self-styled pontiff who was arrested from Kanpur has revealed that it was under his instructions that Lt. Colonel Shrikant Purohit procured RDX from an army depot that was used in the Malegaon blast.

According to reports Pandey was present in all the pre-blast meetings in Bhopal, Jabalpur and Faridabad, monitored operations meticulously and was also responsible for arranging the finances that came in through illegal channels.

It is believed that Pandey, a dropout from the National Defence Academy, was in touch with two other accused who are on the run - Ramji Kalsangara, who allegedly planted the motorcycle owned by the Hindu ascetic Pragya Singh Thakur in Malegaon, and Sameer Dange.

The suspects are also questioned for May 2007 blast at Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad and the April 2006 twin blasts at New Delhi`s Jama Masjid.

In the Mecca Masjid blasts as many as 14 people were killed and over 50 injured. The case was investigated by the city police special wing and was later handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation which could not come to any conclusion.

Investigations into the Samjhauta Express explosion and the Jama Masjid blast also failed to make headway and police could not across on any tangible leads.

Police have already established a strong link between Pandey and some of the suspects in the Kanpur blast case through surveillance. On Aug 24, two members of the right-wing Bajrang Dal were killed there while assembling bombs.

After the arrest of Panday police is expecting to get some breaking clues in the 2006 Nanded blasts in Maharashtra as well.

The arrests have reinforced growing suspicions over the last few years of a potential threat from Hindu extremists.
Interrogation of Major (retd.) Ramesh Upadhyay revealed that the Bhonsla Military School in Nashik was used as a training ground by the conspirators. The school has denied its involvement in the blast but it is under the scanner for allowing Bajrang Dal activists to hold training sessions in the use of arms and martial arts.

The schoolТs links to the RSS is an open secret as it was founded by B.S. Moonje, who was SavarkarТs close friend and who assisted in creating the RSS.

The arrest of the serving army officers and former officersТ link to the recent terror activities has led to a worrying aspect among the Indians that these revelations show how deep the infiltration of fundamentalist ideas into Indian army is.

The critics believe that the constant indoctrination of Hindutva ideology over decades by the VHP, the RSS, the Bajrang Dal and the BJP has resulted in this kind of violence.

Besides they are infiltrated into crucial areas like police force, army and the education departments.

Ram Punyani, secretary of the All India Secular Forum and a human rights activist, said that the deep and widespread ideological indoctrination began years ago but was propagated thoroughly during the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) regime.

It placed its members in the bureaucracy, particularly in the education department, and in the cultural arena, he said. УRSS people who once headed a department may have retired, but they have ensured that the damage continues, as they would have hired a number of like-minded people. So you can imagine how deep the penetration is. It will take generations to root this out,Ф said Punyani.

It is a well known fact that once George Fernandes had asked the army chief, the Air Marshal, and the Admiral to report the Kargil war to MPs. When the three went to the place it was the party office of BJP.

That is how the Saffron Brigade interferes in the affairs of the armed forces, directly.

The involvement of serving lieutenant colonel of the Indian army in blasts and supplying 60 kg of RDX for terrorism further casts a shadow over position of the army.

In the past BJP has been offering tickets to the former army officers, (many of them are former generals) for contesting elections for Lok Sabha on behalf of the party and to an extent it has been successful in wooing them.

One such retiree is the chief minister of Uttarakhand B C Khanduria retired Major General. Another retired officer Sabyasachi Bagchi who is member of BJP proudly says that RSS develops the character of the young people.

SS Raikar of Bhonsla military school is also a retired person from the army. He allowed the school premises for terror, hatching conspiracy as well as arms training and providing accommodation.

The former governor of Jammu and Kashmir Lt General (Rtd) S K Sinha has allegedly allowed Dyanand Padey to stay in the official residence.

Daynand Pandey was hosted by him in Raj Bhawan and the two had held a meeting in a famous temple in Kashmir.:pakistan:
In reply to E pool.

Very difficult to see how a small country in terms of limited GDP and industrial tech and science could have better more developed nuclear war capability.

Are you doubting india,s ability to obtain radars ABM systems and nuke tech off USA USSR & ISRAEL.

ARE YOU NOT AWARE THAT USA is offering PAC3 ABM system and Star wars ABM sheild and USA has just ripped all UN nuke agfreements so as to give india massive nucleat tech and energy.

Also you must know about india leasing nuke subs off Russia and indo israeli cooperation on AWACS radars & ARROW technology.

This is in stark contrast to PAKISTAN WHO RELIES exclusively on CHINA & North korea..

if i,m wrong show me please ???????
In reply to E pool.

Very difficult to see how a small country in terms of limited GDP and industrial tech and science could have better more developed nuclear war capability.

Are you doubting india,s ability to obtain radars ABM systems and nuke tech off USA USSR & ISRAEL.

ARE YOU NOT AWARE THAT USA is offering PAC3 ABM system and Star wars ABM sheild and USA has just ripped all UN nuke agfreements so as to give india massive nucleat tech and energy.

Also you must know about india leasing nuke subs off Russia and indo israeli cooperation on AWACS radars & ARROW technology.

This is in stark contrast to PAKISTAN WHO RELIES exclusively on CHINA & North korea..

if i,m wrong show me please ???????

Dont evaluate pakistan as a single country ,we have very strong relationship with Arabs and Iran (Oil rich).
In reply to E pool.

Very difficult to see how a small country in terms of limited GDP and industrial tech and science could have better more developed nuclear war capability.

Are you doubting india,s ability to obtain radars ABM systems and nuke tech off USA USSR & ISRAEL.

ARE YOU NOT AWARE THAT USA is offering PAC3 ABM system and Star wars ABM sheild and USA has just ripped all UN nuke agfreements so as to give india massive nucleat tech and energy.

Also you must know about india leasing nuke subs off Russia and indo israeli cooperation on AWACS radars & ARROW technology.

This is in stark contrast to PAKISTAN WHO RELIES exclusively on CHINA & North korea..

if i,m wrong show me please ???????

SMALL?? What do you think Pakistan is NEPAL or BHUTAN? And what do you think you are USA?? Your comment on Pakistan nuke program qualifies your certified ignorance more than it does anything else! Do some homework and Google some information before you make such GOOFY comments in your posts!

And all the BIG WEAPONS that you have seemingly mentioned are right now just a matter of discussions between India and US and Russia. Please let me know when you actually HAVE these weapons in your arsenals! Until then spare us the ROYAL BULL$hit! And you do not have AWACS, your IL-78 aircraft are currently under testing phase in Israel with Phalcon radars! Unfortunately for your DRDO, your so called indeginously developed Early Warning System crashed a few years ago!! :crazy:

Lastly, not only I have DOUBTS but I have confirmed knowledge that India does not have access to any sensitive nuke or weapons tech from US, Russia or Israel for that matter.

My advise to you is that instead of making typical stupid schoolboy comments on this forum, read-up and try to gain some insight knowledge so that you just may be taken seriously here! :disagree:
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