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PAKISTAN Missile Power


Jan 20, 2008
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Just a reminder to the bunch of Indian's on this forum about Pakistan's missiles! As I said before, where our fighters cannot reach our missiles can! :enjoy:

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Let's change the title of this thread to PAF vs IAF.

Why you feel embarassed of the Indian missile systems against such a small country having been producing solid fuel based missiles of several types, cause you sound like those Indian military personnel who refused to add Cruise missiles in the "joint Pakistani / India prior missile test notice agreement" by virtue of which both countries advise each other prior to testing any missile test !

Not to mention this is not an Airforce section ! May be for your we might need to change the section too ?
Listen, first of all India and Pakistan are not going to have a war, incase if a war breaks out then both countries will try to refrain from using nuclear missiles. It's mostly going to be IAF vs PAF.

Why refrain?? So that your numerical superiority gives your forces the edge?? As I have mentioned before we will go nuclear even before we reach the half point of the depletion of our conventional firepower!
Why refrain?? So that your numerical superiority gives your forces the edge?? As I have mentioned before we will go nuclear even before we reach the half point of the depletion of our conventional firepower!

that has got to be the stupidest statements ever, India has way more warheads, a nuke attack on India means a MASSIVE(100-200 warheads) counter attack on all of pakistans major cities, weapons factories, etc...

if u have any doubts on this, than lets consider that India has almost 3x more reactors than pakistan, so yeah more nukes.

i doubt there will be a war though
that has got to be the stupidest statements ever, India has way more warheads, a nuke attack on India means a MASSIVE(100-200 warheads) counter attack on all of pakistans major cities, weapons factories, etc...

if u have any doubts on this, than lets consider that India has almost 3x more reactors than pakistan, so yeah more nukes.

i doubt there will be a war though

point noted. but lets look at it in a different way. we made nukes to not let india repeat another 1971. so if pak is close to being broken into half, which will only remain as one of indian fantacies, we will use nukes. we know we ll get nuked as well but guess u forgot that death doesnt scare muslims but insult does.
Pakistan has enough nukes, so what if India has a bit more? it does not matter, thank you!

What is the latest Missile We are working on?
what became of tipu /HatfX?
I had also heard about one of those multi missle
launch thing? cant recall the acronym for it though.

Any update or anyone knows what I am talking about?
you are talking about MIRV

Well I don't have any idea about what capability exisit
That is the beauty of India-Pakistan conversation. It starts with missile power and ends with nuclear holocaust.

In reality nothing happens back to point zero.
we have beter missile than indian ghuri,hataf,shaheen,ghaznavi,babur,raad
that has got to be the stupidest statements ever, India has way more warheads, a nuke attack on India means a MASSIVE(100-200 warheads) counter attack on all of pakistans major cities, weapons factories, etc...

if u have any doubts on this, than lets consider that India has almost 3x more reactors than pakistan, so yeah more nukes.

i doubt there will be a war though

First of all, you will only have left the bare ability after the massive first strike by Pakistan. India's depth will give it a limited second strike capability at best since majority of your infrastructure in urban centers and your command and control will be toast.

Secondly, please indicate the SOURCE of your claim of 100-200 warheads (deployment ready, missiles or aircraft?) which to me sounds more like emotional crap then anything else. At best and in a second strike capability with limited command and control at best your nuke command would be able to launch only a few warheads at best (which would be equally devastating for our cities and urban centers).

Indian nukes are most plutonium based. However, to convert plutonium into weapons grade after extracting it from a reactor is far more difficult compared to a Uranium based nuke (which) Pakistan has. Therefore, having a gazillion reactors does not necessarily mean that your have more deployable warheads.

Here read this http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/summary.htm before you make further DUMB@SS statements about your country nuclear abilities!

Try improving your caliber of assimilating facts before making LOUSY statements beyond your scope of understanding!
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