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Pakistan Looks For U.S. (Nuclear) Deal

What about the huge amount of money spent on the nuke programme? People are amazed at the size of the nuclear programme, in relation to its size.
The nuclear program infrastructure was funded and constructed before the floods (specifically the Khushab complex and related infrastructure), so criticizing the nuclear program for diverting billions away from flood relief is dishonest reporting to say the least, since the money had been allocated and spent long before the floods hit.
Yes India has its humanitarian problems. But we spend a huge amount of money on these as well. If you have heard about the NREGS, subsidy,PDS and other GoI schemes you will know what i am speaking about. These schemes cost 2 to 3 times more that the entire defense budget of India. I don't see such spending in Pakistan.
The WB estimated Pakistan's poverty level to be around 17% in 2008 - that was significantly lower than the Indian poverty level. Since then various events have taken place that have likely pushed it much higher, but that rate shows that despite nuclear and military spending, Pakistan was able to significantly reduce poverty levels with respect to India.
I think she was referring to the recent purchase of F-16's, not the ones that were bought during Musharraf's time.
What recent F-16 purchases? The only ones I am aware of are the 18 Block 52's and a few dozen MLU's contracted for during Musharraf's time. The deliveries under those contracts are taking place now, but the contract is years old.
The nuclear program infrastructure was funded and constructed before the floods (specifically the Khushab complex and related infrastructure), so criticizing the nuclear program for diverting billions away from flood relief is dishonest reporting to say the least, since the money had been allocated and spent long before the floods hit.

Spending on the nuclear programme is an on going process. Even with the commissioning of the reactor huge amount of money is being spent on the nuclear programme. Had the large amount of money spent on the reactor earlier been used to build a few dams or even maintain properly the existing water infrastructure, Pakistan would not have face such a huge problem. Well thats up to you though, its your money after all. But then dont accuse others especially the media who fail to see as to why a country like Pakistan with such pressing humanitarian concerns spends so much on defense. As i said earlier- once you take aid, you make yourselves a legitimate target for criticism.

The WB estimated Pakistan's poverty level to be around 17% in 2008 - that was significantly lower than the Indian poverty level. Since then various events have taken place that have likely pushed it much higher, but that rate shows that despite nuclear and military spending, Pakistan was able to significantly reduce poverty levels with respect to India.

Current data with the WB shows that the number of Pakistanis living below the poverty line is 33% as compared to 29% in India. Even with a much bigger population & defense spending we seem to have done much better in reducing poverty.

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What recent F-16 purchases? The only ones I am aware of are the 18 Block 52's and a few dozen MLU's contracted for during Musharraf's time. The deliveries under those contracts are taking place now, but the contract is years old.

Agreement signed in March 2010 with United States for an additional 14 F-16s, variant unconfirmed, to be delivered by December 2010. Well this order could have been canceled to divert money to flood relief. This is precisely what the reporter was referring to, American aid used to buy weapons.

U.S. to provide 14 F-16 jet planes to Pakistan
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If Pakistan want nuke deal and Pakistan specific weaver in IAEA and NSG than they should start talking with other powers like Russia and France as well. Ther support also crucial.
Spending on the nuclear programme is an on going process. Even with the commissioning of the reactor huge amount of money is being spent on the nuclear programme. Had the large amount of money spent on the reactor earlier been used to build a few dams or even maintain properly the existing water infrastructure, Pakistan would not have face such a huge problem. Well thats up to you though, its your money after all. But then dont accuse others especially the media who fail to see as to why a country like Pakistan with such pressing humanitarian concerns spends so much on defense. As i said earlier- once you take aid, you make yourselves a legitimate target for criticism.
You are expanding upon the authors argument on your own - the author very specifically criticizes the completion of the Khushab reactor in the context of the floods. The author does not make a general claim of 'Pakistan's nuclear program'. And even if the author (and in this case you) is going to raise the general issue of spending on Pakistan's nuclear program, then provide the figures being spent on it post floods to support your criticizm.

As it stands, given the author's specific reference to the Khushab complex, the criticizm is invalid, and you are inventing new arguments to defend dishonest and invalid reporting by Western authors.

Current data with the WB shows that the number of Pakistanis living below the poverty line is 33% as compared to 29% in India. Even with a much bigger population & defense spending we seem to have done much better in reducing poverty.
And as I pointed out, the data has changed since 2008 due to several factors - economic turmoil due to political instability, terrorism and mismanagement. But the point of those figures was to illustrate that even when Pakistan was spending billions on F-16's, AWAC's, the Khsushab complex etc. it was managing to control its poverty rate to very favorable levels compared to India.

While the poverty rate has climbed since due to various factors, Pakistan has also not signed any major defence deals or started any major military nuclear programs in the last year either
Agreement signed in March 2010 with United States for an additional 14 F-16s, variant unconfirmed, to be delivered by December 2010. Well this order could have been canceled to divert money to flood relief. This is precisely what the reporter was referring to, American aid used to buy weapons.

U.S. to provide 14 F-16 jet planes to Pakistan

And again, an agreement signed before the floods, and as you pointed out, little is known whether these are the MLU aircraft that were discussed under Musharraf, whether they will be paid for through US funds etc. So again, invalid criticism in the light of the floods. Had this agreement been signed during or immediately after the floods, it would have been valid.

Right now it is evident in both cases that the authors resorted to dishonest and malicious reporting to malign Pakistan.
American looks at India & Pakistan in different eyes.

But i don,t think pakistani politicians are listening. or looking

Geo politics have changed.

Obama is coming to India on state visit for 5 days.

Completely ignoring Their long time trusted ally Pakistan completely.

The nuke deal with india the MMRCA deals and FDI is a way of getting india on side and away from Russia.

Pakistan should entice Russia or France to help The Americans are not looking good for GOP./
Once the Chinese reactors are operation, the nuclear ice will be broken and NSG will wake up to the WTF reality and its post scenario importance will be as significant as a used condom!
You are expanding upon the authors argument on your own - the author very specifically criticizes the completion of the Khushab reactor in the context of the floods. The author does not make a general claim of 'Pakistan's nuclear program'. And even if the author (and in this case you) is going to raise the general issue of spending on Pakistan's nuclear program, then provide the figures being spent on it post floods to support your criticizm.

As it stands, given the author's specific reference to the Khushab complex, the criticizm is invalid, and you are inventing new arguments to defend dishonest and invalid reporting by Western authors.

Just checked. Nearly everyone is reporting that the Khushab-3 is not yet operational. Here is a link from the Telegraph for your benefit.

Pakistan's nuclear arms push angers America - Telegraph

This article clearly says that the cooling towers have just been completed & the reactor can begin operations within months. By this logic, Pakistan has been spending money on the reactor all the while the floods raged & devastated Pakistan. Hence your point about the rector being complete is devoid of any merit.

And as I pointed out, the data has changed since 2008 due to several factors - economic turmoil due to political instability, terrorism and mismanagement. But the point of those figures was to illustrate that even when Pakistan was spending billions on F-16's, AWAC's, the Khsushab complex etc. it was managing to control its poverty rate to very favorable levels compared to India.

While the poverty rate has climbed since due to various factors, Pakistan has also not signed any major defence deals or started any major military nuclear programs in the last year either.

Wrong. The F-16 deal signed in March and to which i provided the link earlier is itself a major deal. Near squadron strength of F-16 and related equipment does not come cheap.

And again, an agreement signed before the floods, and as you pointed out, little is known whether these are the MLU aircraft that were discussed under Musharraf, whether they will be paid for through US funds etc. So again, invalid criticism in the light of the floods. Had this agreement been signed during or immediately after the floods, it would have been valid.

Right now it is evident in both cases that the authors resorted to dishonest and malicious reporting to malign Pakistan.

For the sake of argument lets say that these a/c were agreed upon during Musharraf's time. But the deal was signed only in March, just two months before the floods!! Why not follow the earlier example and scrap the deal & spend the money on flood relief. It was done during the earthquake, the floods in comparison have been a much bigger disaster!? Look at this from this point of view & you might realize that there is immense merit in the argument that these reporters are putting forward.
American looks at India & Pakistan in different eyes.

But i don,t think pakistani politicians are listening. or looking

Geo politics have changed.

Obama is coming to India on state visit for 5 days.

Completely ignoring Their long time trusted ally Pakistan completely.

The nuke deal with india the MMRCA deals and FDI is a way of getting india on side and away from Russia.

Pakistan should entice Russia or France to help The Americans are not looking good for GOP./

this is the truth of it
I do not believe Pakistanis have looked at the US as a 'long time trusted ally' in decades, given hypocritical and discriminatory US policies.

US policies are neither discriminatory nor hypocritical, when one keeps in mind that they are driven by putting the national interests above plebeian concepts of justice and morality.
The U.S. is already worried about the safety of Pakistani nukes' safety. Why would they invite additional headache for themselves?
US policies are neither discriminatory nor hypocritical, when one keeps in mind that they are driven by putting the national interests above plebeian concepts of justice and morality.

then they are selfish, point is they dont help

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