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Pakistan – Israel Ties, Relations and Recognition

Both Israel and Pakistan were created by the British Empire as part of winding itself up, administratively speaking. Legally, they are both equally valid.

Apples and Oranges, in case of the partition of the subcontinent, at least some effort was done to respect the wishes of the native population.

Pakistan took a principled stand not to recognize a country created by oppressing the native population of that land. Just like the refusal to recognize the apartheid regime of South Africa.

Just because it was a British mandate doesn't make it right for them to give it to European settlers, completely ignoring the wishes of the native people.

It's obvious that for British, it was like a conquered land, and its natives conquered hostile people to do with as they pleased, like war booty.

The proceedings of British legislature or League of Nations are just whitewash. How can you decide the fate of that land without asking the native people who always lived there? What moral right did they have to make such declarations other then the right of might?

If the British truly believed in the equality of all people, they would never have done that.

Recognizing such a state will mean recognizing the hook&crook(mostly crook) methods used to create it and the oppression that was done to the natives in the process.
Any "Pakistani" who does not feel for the Palestinian Muslims being oppressed by the Israelis then you also do not have the right to feel for the Kashmiris being oppressed by the Indians.

Don't be a hypocrite, forsake the Muslims of Kashmir and you can have your relations with Israel.
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Apples and Oranges, in case of the partition of the subcontinent, at least some effort was done to respect the wishes of the native population.

Oh really? A majority of the population (Hindus) was against partition. It was only the wishes of a minority (Muslims) that were respected. Just like the Middle East, in fact.
Nobody blew their stack when Turkey shifted course 180 degrees last month. I imagine the primary foreign objections will be from the Palestinian Arabs' European puppets and the Iranian mullahs. But the Europeans won't do anything to risk their existing trade relations and the Iranians already threatened Pakistan with sectarian violence last month, so establishing open relations with Israel now is no increase in risk.

The shifting of trade relations from the covert to the overt sphere will probably bring in hundreds of millions of additional export dollars a year. That plus the applications of Israeli technologies can only help Pakistan's economy.

There is no doubt this relationship will help Pakistan technologically & militarily, infact there has been covert military to military & intel relationship in the past , however at the moment when Indians are trying to make inroads into ME, it would be a diplomatic suicide for us, will isolate Pak in ME diplomatically !!!
Oh really? A majority of the population (Hindus) was against partition. It was only the wishes of a minority (Muslims) that were respected. Just like the Middle East, in fact.

The states making Pakistan had majority Hindu population? of course not. And these were indigenous people, not foreign settlers. Not that it has anything to do with the current topic.Which is why i said before, apples and oranges.
The states making Pakistan had majority Hindu population? of course not. And these were indigenous people, not foreign settlers. Not that it has anything to do with the current topic.Which is why i said before, apples and oranges.

The division plan was for ALL of British India, Pakistan was formed from carving it out for a minority.
The division plan was for ALL of British India, Pakistan was formed from carving it out for a minority.

British India was made of many states, the states that later came to comprise Pakistan (Punjab,Bengal, Sind, etc) were Muslim majority.So the people it was carved out for were a majority to begin with in those states.
British India was made of many states, the states that later came to comprise Pakistan (Punjab,Bengal, Sind, etc) were Muslim majority.So the people it was carved out for were a majority to begin with in those states.

No matter how you try to make it seem, the same administratively legal process was carried out for creating both Pakistan and Israel.

I did not say different opinions on any matter but specifically on sayings of Allah. :)
Do convince me with examples where you think here you can have different opinions than what Allah says. Please!

The fact that you choose to take Allah's words as a bar on independent thought does not impose the same duty on others, who may, and do, disagree with such closed approaches. That is why religion is a private matter. What you believe is for you, what I believe is for me.

Noor DahriNoor Dahri is an independent researcher based in London, UK. He has studied Counter Terrorism from International Institute for CounterTerrorism ICT- Herzliya - Israel.

Pakistan is an ideological country, as is the State of Israel. In the 20th century, only two countries emerged on the map of the earth in the name of religion; the Islamic State of Pakistan and the Jewish State of Israel. Both countries have nuclear technology and both have not yet ratified the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty). This action shows that both states do not want to restrain their nuclear capability and always want to be seen to be tough for the enemy of the states. Israel and Pakistan never ever wanted their destruction through striking each other and, on many occasions, not only cooperated but divvied up their combined intelligence issues.

According to the report conducted by Azriel Bermant:

“Pakistan is the first Muslim state with a nuclear weapons program, it does not call for Israel’s destruction or sponsor terror attacks against Israel”.

History has shown that Israel never wanted her enemies and constantly desired to hold close and solid links with those nations who still want her destruction. Israel was the first Jewish state to offer peaceful handshake with Pakistan just after her independence. Pakistan and Israel are historical twins and there are many political and religious similarities and coexistence.

Late Pakistani General and Dictator Muhammad Zia –ul-Haq said:

“Pakistan is like Israel, an ideological state, Take out the Judaism from Israel and it will fall like a house of cards. Take Islam out of Pakistan and make it a secular state; it would collapse.”

General Zia –ul-Haq wanted bilateral relations with Israel, and in fact, he established secret intelligence cooperation with Israel over different operations.

Despite the nation of Pakistan, the government of Pakistan does not hate Israel at all because Pakistan accepts the powerful growth and Israeli influence in the world. Pakistan always seeks help and Israeli cooperation whenever it is needed and, on many political matters, Israel unconditionally has helped Pakistan. Israel has always wanted good relations with Pakistan since its birth.

The actual intention of writing this article is to bring to the Pakistani nation the reality that is the State of Israel. Pakistani political leaders, army generals, diplomats, journalists and establishment have always wanted a good relationship with the State of Israel – which is a good outcome but, regrettably, the fear of radical Mullahs or an extremist type nation did not pull in these pillars in order to step forward towards Israel.

Pakistan and the Pakistani nation is branded as a land and country of terrorism by the international community, and now Pakistan has a prime opportunity to shed this label with the help of Israel and to show the world that Pakistan is ready and more capable to nurture and preserve these historical links.

Pakistan could help solve the Palestine issue with the assistance of Israel because Palestine and other Arab countries see Pakistan as a most valuable, dependable and reliable state. Palestine is a political issue instead of a religious one and it could be resolved by political efforts. Pakistan has the ability to solve this more complex matter if it maintains good and equal relations with the State of Israel.

Israel has always called for positive steps to shake hands with Pakistan and Pakistan has also joined forces with Israel in sensitive issues; it turns out that it is in Pakistan’s national interest to go with Israel publicly.

The country of Israel is a reality and as eligible as Pakistan, and the country of Israel is as powerful and nuclear as Pakistan. There are many similarities and common perceptions between both countries, so let’s work together and get the peace regardless of religious belief, race, colour and hatred.

Israel has never been Pakistan’s enemy and has always offered good wishes for Pakistan because Israel knows that Pakistan is a bright reality and she has always welcomed the call from Pakistan. Moreover, good relations with Israel could help Pakistan to improve its shape in the eyes of the international political community.

The Pakistani nation is under horrific influence of extreme Mullah Mafia who do not want its nation to move forward and make good ties with the International community; especially with the State of Israel although Israel never posed any political or security threat to Pakistan.

Pakistan cannot achieve its political goals without the assistance of Israel and Israel is the only country to have a strong influence through her solid political connection in the US politics. Pakistan has succeeded in many political goals with the assistance of the advocated American Jewry in Congress.

According to Pirzada Hasaan Hashmi, a political activist:

“Israel has the strongest lobbying powers in the world. If Israel and Pakistan are on good terms, we can use this lobbying to foster healthy relationships with other countries, because other than Saudi Arabia [and China], no major country supports Pakistan”.

In the era of ex-military chief and former president of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan had maintained very powerful relations with Israel but it did not go forward due to pressure from Pakistan’s extreme religious parties.

Nowadays, there is one prime similarity between Pakistan and Israel; both countries are at war with Islamic terrorism and they are both fighting the disease of religious extremism which has severely impacted their respective image as well as affects their wider status on the world stage

The Pakistani nation has ascended in the 21st century through social media and there are many people in the nation who have openly demonstrated their support and solidarity with Israel. They are very keen to establish political relations and move beyond the hatred. This more mature population, however, is still in the minority because of religious extremists’ influence in the society of Pakistan, who can tolerate relations with India at some point but who have no word in their religious dictionary to pursue and establish close relations with the Jewish State of Israel.

The people of the country are a tangible power and they can alter the destiny of the country. The people of Pakistan need to step up to the plate and send a strong message to the religious community, challenging and changing its hateful and inciteful behaviour towards non-Muslim states. It needs a revolutionary change in Pakistan which can bring a real Islamic and democratic country. Political Islam has put the country into a catastrophic situation in the world.

The State of Pakistan should take a bold step by not only making close relations with Israel, but also recognising the State of Israel without any religious fear – because recognition of the State of Israel would not harm any religious virtue. Turkey has not only recognised the State of Israel but also has very substantial military and intelligence cooperation with Israel, which has made Turkey a very strong country economically as well as politically in the world.

What planet is this guy living on? Pakistan doesn't even ackowledge Israel as a state let alone have diplomatic relations with it! The hatred for Israel amongst the populace of Pakistan is almost not worth mentioning as it alone proves that Pakistan and Israel aren't ready to have cordial ties, let alone be "friends".

The writer cites a few passing comments from leaders of Pakistan seeming to admire Israel as a concept but it is now 2016, past rhetoric means nothing and just a few months the state of Israeli affection for Pakistan was rather bluntly demonstrated:


If being allies is ascending to the summit of Everest, Pakistan and Israeli ties are still at the training centre in Colorado, let alone being at base camp.







Keep them at arms length, while keeping a hawkeye over them as well. We need a dedicated desk in ISI just for Israel , like we got for India.
Do it and incur the wrath. Unlike Indians, the Israelis do not screw around- you guys will be put in your place before you can even beg for forgivness.
What planet is this guy living on? Pakistan doesn't even ackowledge Israel as a state let alone have diplomatic relations with it! The hatred for Israel amongst the populace of Pakistan is almost not worth mentioning as it alone proves that Pakistan and Israel aren't ready to have cordial ties, let alone be "friends".

The writer cites a few passing comments from leaders of Pakistan seeming to admire Israel as a concept but it is now 2016, past rhetoric means nothing and just a few months the state of Israeli affection for Pakistan was rather bluntly demonstrated:


If being allies is ascending to the summit of Everest, Pakistan and Israeli ties are still at the training centre in Colorado, let alone being at base camp.







Do it and incur the wrath. Unlike Indians, the Israelis do not screw around- you guys will be put in your place before you can even beg for forgivness.

The irony here is Pakistanis claiming legitimacy of existence, while calling Israel illegitimate in the same breath.

At least, Israel is an historic place consisting of an historic race compared to an artificial state which was named by a bunch of britishers and made up of lands taken from Afghanistan, Baluchistan and India.
The irony here is Pakistanis claiming legitimacy of existence, while calling Israel illegitimate in the same breath.

At least, Israel is an historic place consisting of an historic race compared to an artificial state which was named by a bunch of britishers and made up of lands taken from Afghanistan, Baluchistan and India.

Legitimate by the world & illegitimate by the Pakistanis.

Yes and historic place for murder of 1000s of 1000s innocent lives.
Israel is a terrorist state with which Pakistan should have absolutely no relations. It is an illegitimate state.

Pakistan should take the moral lead and refuse to ever recognise this black hole in Muslim lands. If we had good leaders, Pakistan's great forces should have taken the lead in the Islamic world in wiping off this black hole from the maap
Oh really? A majority of the population (Hindus) was against partition. It was only the wishes of a minority (Muslims) that were respected. Just like the Middle East, in fact.
Add the Muslim population of Bangladesh, Pakistan and India and than call us Minority.
What planet is this guy living on? Pakistan doesn't even ackowledge Israel as a state let alone have diplomatic relations with it! The hatred for Israel amongst the populace of Pakistan is almost not worth mentioning as it alone proves that Pakistan and Israel aren't ready to have cordial ties, let alone be "friends".

The writer cites a few passing comments from leaders of Pakistan seeming to admire Israel as a concept but it is now 2016, past rhetoric means nothing and just a few months the state of Israeli affection for Pakistan was rather bluntly demonstrated:


If being allies is ascending to the summit of Everest, Pakistan and Israeli ties are still at the training centre in Colorado, let alone being at base camp.







Do it and incur the wrath. Unlike Indians, the Israelis do not screw around- you guys will be put in your place before you can even beg for forgivness.

We knew Indians don't want Pak-Israel relations to be established, don't worry, you won't have sleepless nights till 5-10 years.

Israel is a terrorist state with which Pakistan should have absolutely no relations. It is an illegitimate state.

Pakistan should take the moral lead and refuse to ever recognise this black hole in Muslim lands. If we had good leaders, Pakistan's great forces should have taken the lead in the Islamic world in wiping off this black hole from the maap

Calm down....Act rational not emotional....:)

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