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Pakistan is buying a hundred Talon UGVs (unmanned ground vehicles)

Lots of Love For PAKISTAN Army

Qasam us waqt ki


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Allah Hoo Allah Hoo


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I remember hearing about these in a documentary they suck! iRobot produces a similar product and is much more preferred over the Talons by US soldiers. In the movie they had a whole shelves of Talons collecting dust! Are Talons maybe the left over machinery from Afghanistan no one wants?

I'll try to find the movie....
Asslam O allaikum,,
I had made Final Year Project on Unmanned Ground combat vehicle..
have a look on following link...

wallaikum assalam.. good one brother, it looks kinda funny though :P anyway how the hell did you get that weapon ? :o: or it is just a toy ? :oops:
Asalam-O-Alikum, How are you? You must go and join in NESCOM or KRL, GIDS....
well dear i have video of pak forces robot force from 2003 but damn its video tape not cd dvd so i can't post it . they already tested better on robot solder .
Very good purchase indeed to save precious lives of our soldiers..

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