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Pakistan is attracting chinese by using Buddha

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If India wants to maintain friendly relations with china, than don't show up at all.

No Need to visit China from anyone in Indian government unless it's very serious matter.

Indian government should just replay when ask. No need to :blah::blah::blah:

I can say with confident that If Indian government started even doing little focus on India without much :blah::blah: Than whether it's china or Pakistan, both will get worried.

But, If Indian government is talking much, than it will not affect at all to china.
If India wants to maintain friendly relations with china, than don't show up at all.

No Need to visit China from anyone in Indian government unless it's very serious matter.

Indian government should just replay when ask. No need to :blah::blah::blah:

I can say with confident that If Indian government started even doing little focus on India without much :blah::blah: Than whether it's china or Pakistan, both will get worried.

But, If Indian government is talking much, than it will not affect at all to china.

Yes, that's the way.

But look at our PM, sonia gandhi, rahul gandhi and now president all visited china many times, what's the need??????

Just compare with the visits of chinese.

Have some respect for yourself.
We have so many cultural heritage sites. Taxila is one of them.

Once we overcome the security problems, we can EASILY become top tourist destination in Asia. I remember in 1990s and early 2000s, we had many people visiting our country --- not just climbers and adventurists or scholars; but regular people wanting to see Pakistan's natural beauty and cultural cities.

Once we overcome the current obstacles, a good portion of our GDP can be attributed to tourism. All it takes is courage, leadership, and good marketing.

Turkiye is doing it now, and people are going there en-masse --from all sides of the globe. Just in 1980s, there was much terrorism and political instability; target killings and what have you. Now, they are beam of light. We must follow example of our Turkish bretheren.

Exhibit Pakistan as culture-rich country, which we are. We lie by silk root, and our people and lands were center of Indus Civilization.

We are an Islamic country. That should attract people. Islam recognizes all major religions, all figureheads, all Prophets (Peace be Upon Them).

We shouldnt be discussing destruction of buddhist temples or statues; no such thing has occurred here. I don't think it will either. Foreign-funded agents and enemies of Pakistan tried to in Jehanabad. They failed (miserably) and were later shot.

Actually, Pakistanis collectively are very proud of the culture and heritage of our country. These are holy lands.
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Yes, that's the way.

But look at our PM, sonia gandhi, rahul gandhi and now president all visited china many times, what's the need??????

Just compare with the visits of chinese.

Have some respect for yourself.

if u cant beat the guy then u have to join with him thats the policy now:china:




Theme: Harmony in Diversity

Pavilion Area: Around 2,000 Square Meters

Location: Within Zone A of the Expo site

Groundbreaking Date: April 28, 2009

Building Identity: Lahore Fort

With the theme of “Harmony in Diversity”, Pakistan Pavilion presents a blend of Pakistani culture, tradition, modernity and history, etc.

The design inspiration of the pavilion comes from “Lahore Fort, Pakistan” listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. At Expo 2010, the pavilion will showcase the “Lahore Fort” built of new materials with new technology.

With a history of nearly 1000 years, Lahore Fort was built in 1025, and was given its current design in 1566. It is the landmark building of Lahore, the cultural center of Pakistan, presenting an imprint of culture diversity. Visitors will have a glimpse of the former royal garden at Expo 2010.

The Pakistan Pavilion will focus on the interpretation of the city’s distillation of Pakistan and will display the customs of the ancient nation intertwined with tradition and modernity, culture and history. In the pavilion, visitors will be able to experience the life of local urban and rural residents through audio and multimedia presentations.

In the pavilion, the long-lasting friendship between Pakistan and China will be showcased—— the commercial relations, starting from the Silk Road, are the strong bonds between people of two nations.

In the pavilion, distinctive Pakistani dances will be performed by the national dancers. Pakistani cuisine, with a strong ethnic flavor, is also an important component. Visitors can enjoy the distinctive clothing and exotic dances while tasting the local food, such as barbecue with secret sauce, local mellow milk tea “Chai”, etc.

Pakistan Pavilion: Ancient Fort with New Look_Latest*News_Shanghai World Expo

Artists rendition of PAKISTAN PAVILION






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hey i dont know if some one mentioned its a pride to show stuff like that ..also it a order in our religion to protect heritage of other cultures and religions indeed bhudda was not a god he was the inlightened one just like a prophet ppl had maded his teachings in to something godly i studied a little abt wt he said and his word was of simple peaceful calm life...abt naming our missles well have u seen any missle named ghandi or quaidazam ..names of weapons are mostly atributed to warriers or some kind of strenth eg al khalid..shaeen etc

No need to troll, just read the post in reference.

1. I was saying that if your hero's are statue, monastery and temple destroyers like Gaznavi or Ghauri, you don't have any right to use Bhudda or claim it yours.

2. Because you can't claims to be well wisher of someone if you support his killers.

3. About naming missiles i meant to say if you go by history there is Kanishka, Raja Dahir, Bhudda etc.

4. But you are not proud of them or named any of your things that you are proud of based ion them.

5. Like you don't have Raja Dahir Missile

6. Maharaja Ranjit Singh ruled punjab and other parts of pakistan.

But you don't have Maharaja Ranjit Singh Missile or Tank etc.

I was right but you get it all wrong. :victory::bunny::bunny:


Why dont u name ur missiles Aurangzeb?tipu?babur? they ruled india for around 1000 years?
Also we havent build any domes its indian pavilion with the dome.
We are promoting our culture wats ur problem?Heck r u even hindu and wat do u know about islam?
Ur a dude who thinks buddha is a GOD wat more can be expected of urself?
Im trolling?:hitwall::hitwall: was just replying to ur foolish comments.
About Raja dahir....dude which of our missiles name is Qasim?
Ranjeet singh ruled punjab but he wasnt our ancestor was he?
Heck he was born yesterday
Also he was a good administrator but he did shytty things tht hurt the feelings of muslim..for example disrespecting Shahi Mosques etc.so why should we consider him even a human?
Instead of posting stupid ideas contribute something based on facts rather then ranting B.S((trollin).
Have a nice day.
pakistan is proud is it's history and heritage which includes buddhism.
Your posts

You know me very well Justin - right? and i feel no ashame to say that Buddha is one of my favourite personalities after the "Islamic Prophets" in the world. I was personally very much inspired with Buddha and his ideology and believe he was someone really special and trust me majority of the Budhists do not believe him as God.

There are always two sides of the coin, Wherever Muslim's conquered If the History was written by a Muslim you often find written "they protected all the Temples and the places of worship as well as the womens and childrens of its city" and you find different version of the same story if written by Non-Muslim authors saying they destroyed/demolished everything. I am not going into such debate but all i am trying say is me being a Muslim and mostly reading the books influenced by the Muslim Historians can say that we Pakistanis try to preserve our civilization and history better or equally compared to India. We have hundreds or even thousands of Non-Muslim places of worships including Temples and Churches and trust me they are well being taken care of. I have visited some of the temples myself and trust me i was very impressed with the way GoP has preserved these sacred places.

Come out this ilussion that Musilms are like Hitler and they have nothing better to do than demolishing those sacred places of Non-Muslims. Budha is very well respected among many Pakistanis (those who know about him) and for your kind information he is probably the only Non-Muslim personality that we read in the primary schools of Pakistan praising him like a hero. I can still remember i read about his life (very briefly) in my Primary school in Pakistan and some Muslims even consider him as a Prophet of God.

We have every right to use his name or link him with the History, heritage or civilization of Pakistan.
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Height of stupidity..justiin wants us to name our missiles on Buddhas name.
He thinks buddha was a God.
He thnks people of Pakistan are either aliens,arabs but cant be budhists even if our ancestors have been living in this land since centuries not theres.........:rofl:
But the missile naming buddha is the dumbest comment ever :rofl:
Id love to see NESCOM make aBuddha missile and in case of a war justin cryin....bhaiya bhago buddha gee thoknay a rahey haien:rofl:

what you say about Mohamud? he wasnt a God either.

he was just a prophet :tdown:

But different cultures preach different things.

hindu culture says,GOD is everywhere. Means he is in you, in me, and in all living beings.

It is only depended on ones mind maturity to feel the real god.
what you say about Mohamud? he wasnt a God either.

he was just a prophet :tdown:

But different cultures preach different things.

hindu culture says,GOD is everywhere. Means he is in you, in me, and in all living beings.

It is only depended on ones mind maturity to feel the real god.

Hey fool. Try to type the name correctly Hazrat Mohammad SAW.....and wat the heck are u talkin about?who says He was God?
Ur post make 0% sense
pakistan is proud is it's history and heritage which includes buddhism.

Proud of your history and heritage?? Everyone knows that Pakistan's "Heritage" and "History" only starts from the Muslim invasion.. go and look into your school books for what they teach about your "History" and "heritage" ..and now for money you want to go back to pre-islamic history? ..heights of Hypocracy!!!
Proud of your history and heritage?? Everyone knows that Pakistan's "Heritage" and "History" only starts from the Muslim invasion.. go and look into your school books for what they teach about your "History" and "heritage" ..and now for money you want to go back to pre-islamic history? ..heights of Hypocracy!!!

Hyipocrite who the heck are u to preach us OUR history>?Watever still our heritige is ours not indias or indians is it?or do u call our forefathers ur fathers?coz even ethnically we arent similiar also Buddha statues arent destroyed to neglected by Pakistan maybe ur misunderstanding Pakistan with the destroyed bamyan buddha stautes...so get knowedge or get a life.
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