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Pakistan Independence - Why Pakistan?


Apr 4, 2009
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Why was Pakistan created? What was its genesis and what ideology was driving the Pakistan movement? Why did a vast majority of Muslims support the idea of Pakistan and why did a majority of the Islamic scholars (Ulema) oppose it? These are the questions which have been debated ever since Pakistan came into existence. In this 50 th anniversary of Pakistan , while celebrating its golden jubilee, it is equally important to look back and give some thought and reflect upon these questions. In recent years, many have even started to question the wisdom and the vision of the country's founding leaders. (Traditionally, there have always been opponents of Pakistan trying to destroy the very house that provides them shelter and nourishment). In answering these questions, we will first explain the positions of those who opposed the idea of Pakistan , and then present the arguments which Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam put forth in its favor.

Why were the British and the Hindus against the idea of creating a separate country for Muslims? Because British (as Mountbatten expressed many times) to leave behind their legacy, history of their rule and accomplishments on a united India. They did not want to create a fracture in the country which had served them so well that it was called the jewel in the British crown. The Hindus, on the other hand, did not want to rule over only a part of India - especially after being ruled by Muslim kings and the British for so many centuries. This was their only chance in history to rule over all of India, and they did not want to miss this opportunity. Thus, both the British and the Hindus had their own reasons and self interests to oppose the permanent partition of India. Consequently, such a behavior on their part was perfectly understandable and quite logical.

But what about the muslims role in this equation? Unlike the British and the Hindus who were united against the idea of Pakistan , Muslims were not united in favor of Pakistan (as always history bears ample testimony to this disunity amongst Muslims) even on core issues of extreme historical importance. Although a vast majority of Muslims supported the idea of Pakistan many famous Muslims, especially the Islamic scholars (called "Ulema") were against it and vehemently opposed its creation! The most known amongst them were Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madani and Maulana Abul Ala Maududi, etc. Why did they oppose this idea while a vast majority of Muslims supported it? In order to understand this apparent paradox, we have to go to the very root of the question. Let us begin our journey......Read Full Article @Pakistan Ideology

No they were only Advantages.I prefer to die in Pakistan rather than being killed by hindus in INDIA
The intro itself is fundamentally flawed, otehr than scholars there were others as well like Dr. Zakir Hussain, Rafiq Ahmed Kidwai, Mohammed Ali Jauhar and Sir Mohammed Iqbal(Javed Iqbal his son gave this view as well) who had argued in favor of a single Indian federation.
Besides, Maududi changed his stance in 1945 and went in favor of Pakistan.

Moreover, rule by muslim kings was basically reduced in the area around Delhi-UP and Hyderabad for the past 300 years or so. The Maharathas in Central India and the Sikh Maharajas in Punjab were the ones who lost their kingdoms to the British finally. No to mention Travancore in South India.

Instead of coming up with mythical reasons for "Why Pakistan?"; (IMO there is no need to keep justifying why Pakistan after 60 odd years, its a reality) should't the author be looking at what can be done to improve the current situation objectively.
Why did a vast majority of Muslims support the idea of Pakistan and why did a majority of the Islamic scholars (Ulema) oppose it? Read Full Article @Pakistan Ideology


Let me guess, you completly suport this article!

So my question is; Are you sure that vast majority of muslims did supported the idea of pakistan before partition?
My question is what would have happened to pushtoons and balochs, if the people of wat is now eastern pakistan wanted to join utd indian federation?

Pushtoons and baloch share no culture, history or genetics with hind.

most of the ulema were corrupt and not in tune with the public, they sold the idea of pakistan and the public that believed in them for modern day 30 pieces of silver.

Thatr the reason that gujrat and other largley muslim populated areas were handed to india.

public didnt wana be part of india because they trusted and had strong connection with their western neighbours.

people like khan ghaffar khan had similar idea, the man was a pipe dreamer who forgot his afghan/turanic roots.
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I have no misgivings about the creation of Pakistan. In fact I am in agreement with Mr Jinnah and actually thankful to him for the creation of Pakistan despite the birth pains during its creation when scores of our people died. I am in total agreement with the founder of Pakistan when he stated that an Islamic state was necessary to satisfy the needs of millions of Muslims in India to live under the rules of the Q'uran. I stand corrected but from what I have been told, Mr Jinnah actually requested an autonomous state within India to be named Pakistan. Congress and Pundit Nehru in their haste, refused to accommodate that request. An independent Pakistan should have been created but the rush in creating that country resulted in the problems which it faces today. Pakistan should have been created by consensus between the people of India. Trusting the colonial masters to create east and west Pakistan was the biggest mistake made by the people of India and Pakistan
Why were the British and the Hindus against the idea of creating a separate country for Muslims? Because British (as Mountbatten expressed many times) to leave behind their legacy, history of their rule and accomplishments on a united India. They did not want to create a fracture in the country which had served them so well that it was called the jewel in the British crown. The Hindus, on the other hand, did not want to rule over only a part of India - especially after being ruled by Muslim kings and the British for so many centuries. This was their only chance in history to rule over all of India, and they did not want to miss this opportunity. Thus, both the British and the Hindus had their own reasons and self interests to oppose the permanent partition of India. Consequently, such a behavior on their part was perfectly understandable and quite logical.

A not-so-intelligent thought I would say.

The biggest issue with the article that it is written under delusion that India is a land of "Hindus" only. One must remember that it was Pakistan which was created out of India out of religious lines. :what:
India is a secular nation. However it is a painful task to explain bold part to someone who is not ready for that. :hitwall:

But what about the muslims role in this equation? Unlike the British and the Hindus who were united against the idea of Pakistan , Muslims were not united in favor of Pakistan (as always history bears ample testimony to this disunity amongst Muslims) even on core issues of extreme historical importance. Although a vast majority of Muslims supported the idea of Pakistan many famous Muslims, especially the Islamic scholars (called "Ulema") were against it and vehemently opposed its creation! The most known amongst them were Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madani and Maulana Abul Ala Maududi, etc. Why did they oppose this idea while a vast majority of Muslims supported it? In order to understand this apparent paradox, we have to go to the very root of the question. Let us begin our journey......Read Full Article @Pakistan Ideology


Article again scored poor. It was Indian who opposed the creation of Pakistan. Not only Hindus but several Muslims were against this too. :blink:

IMO, this forum should not be a place for dicsussing fantacies. Pakistan is a reality and any reasonable thread to improve their condition would be more fruitful.
India is not secular, thats just a word that it likes to use.

if india was secular then why the bjp and destruction of barbari mosque?.

if india is so secular why are there untouchables?

if india is so secular why killing of christians by hindus?.

what by having a puppet sikh in manmohan singh in power doesnt mean india is secular.

please understand pakistan has nothing in common with india. if jinnah wasnt there someone else would have created it.

why would share power with people we ruled for hundred of years?.
Why were the British and the Hindus against the idea of creating a separate country for Muslims? Because British (as Mountbatten expressed many times) to leave behind their legacy, history of their rule and accomplishments on a united India. They did not want to create a fracture in the country which had served them so well that it was called the jewel in the British crown. The Hindus, on the other hand, did not want to rule over only a part of India - especially after being ruled by Muslim kings and the British for so many centuries. This was their only chance in history to rule over all of India, and they did not want to miss this opportunity. Thus, both the British and the Hindus had their own reasons and self interests to oppose the permanent partition of India. Consequently, such a behavior on their part was perfectly understandable and quite logical.

Today there are just as Many Muslims in India as there are in Pakistan.

And there is also an Independent Bangladesh.

The story you tell and the reality on the ground is very different.
ok the major reason why pakistan was needed for muslims is simple!

1) all muslims get halal food everywhere in pakistan

2) all muslim children born can dream of becoming the PRIME MINISTER or the ARMY CHIEF of PAKISTAN!

can this be done in india? and don't give me a "BOOK" response that yes we are "secular" and yes this is possible!

because for this reply i can say pakistan is secular we have had a HINDU Cheif Justice of supreme court & a hindu & a christian as well as a sardar in our Army! so before you rant about secularism i think we are equally secular!!!
India is not secular, thats just a word that it likes to use.

if india was secular then why the bjp and destruction of barbari mosque?.

if india is so secular why are there untouchables?

if india is so secular why killing of christians by hindus?.

what by having a puppet sikh in manmohan singh in power doesnt mean india is secular.

please understand pakistan has nothing in common with india. if jinnah wasnt there someone else would have created it.

why would share power with people we ruled for hundred of years?.

So its your word against so many others.

As Long as India stands it is a symbol of secularism.
The world is not perfect. India is not perfect. You cant just stop people from being racist. you cant just stop caste discrimination.
People have fought over their difference all of Human history. Christians killed Muslims, Muslims killed Hindu's. Hindu's kill Christians.
This has happened for over 1000 years. All traces of such things dont vanish at the push of button.

But a secular India is an experiment to show that given time and effort. People can unite and live peace.
ok the major reason why pakistan was needed for muslims is simple!

1) all muslims get halal food everywhere in pakistan

2) all muslim children born can dream of becoming the PRIME MINISTER or the ARMY CHIEF of PAKISTAN!

can this be done in india? and don't give me a "BOOK" response that yes we are "secular" and yes this is possible!

because for this reply i can say pakistan is secular we have had a HINDU Cheif Justice of supreme court & a hindu & a christian as well as a sardar in our Army! so before you rant about secularism i think we are equally secular!!!

That's good.
If your secular then i dont see whats the problem.

Just remember that there are more people in India then Just Hindu's.
India is not secular, thats just a word that it likes to use.

There is no law or rule stating that a person should be descriminated on the basis of their religion.

if india was secular then why the bjp and destruction of barbari mosque?

Babri Masjid was a matter of shame. But it is offtopic here. And since when BJP is the bench mark of "secularism"?
I would say you do not have a bit of idea about India. :blah:

if india is so secular why are there untouchables?

By law, there are no untouchables. It is also decreasing in society as well. New generation doesn't give a sh!t about these things.

if india is so secular why killing of christians by hindus?

Singling out events is not a good things. You put two sources of so-called descrimination. I would put few links in response saying no such things. It will end up in flames.
There are few bad apples everywhere. But to say that a particular community is descriminated is way too generalization dear.

what by having a puppet sikh in manmohan singh in power doesnt mean india is secular.

He is the PM of India dear. I did not want to say but you should look into your country for what a puppet looks like.

please understand pakistan has nothing in common with india. if jinnah wasnt there someone else would have created it.

Precisely this is the same reason why untouchability, religious bias (all related to India) has to do with a thread which is specific to Pakistan.
My earlier post was in context to the article.

why would share power with people we ruled for hundred of years?.

Thank you for this most informative part. I guess you are referring to Muslims. Well dear, they still rule us. One of the most respected leaders APJ is a muslim. Now happy. :azn:
In India we do not see whether APJ/MMS/Sonia etc. etc. was a Hindu or Muslim or Christian or Sikh. They are Indian that's all. This is what a seculaism is. But I think you are not ready to know it.

We know and accept out evils. We are trying to rectify them and we are improving & will be better with the time. All this "we-ruled-you" or "martial-race" theories are of no use.

Can we please go back to Pakistan from India now? :argh:
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