Vertical Missile Launcher Sylver
Model Length Width Height Weight
A-35 2.6 meter 2.3 meter 3.5 meter 7 ton
A-43 2.6 meter 2.3 meter 4.3 meter 7.5 ton
A-50 2.6 meter 2.3 meter 5.0 meter 8 ton
A-70 2.6 meter 2.3 meter 7.0 meter 12 ton
The deck footprint of all Sylver 8-cell versions is 2.6m x 2.3m. So, critical factors are a) available below deck depth in relation to launcher height, and b) empty and loaded weight in relation to center of gravity and stability.
What missiles are available?
Why A43: 3.5m tall A35 can handle VT1 (CLOS - via radar or laser beam riding), Mica VL (IRH or ARH), CAMM (ARH) and Umkhonto (IRH). Possibly IRIS-T SL (IRH). Except for VT1, these are all homing missiles, which eliminates the need for guidance or illumination radar(s). VT-1 requires mounting of one or more radar/eo director(s). Only VT-1 can be quadpacked, not the others.
If the 4.3m tall A43: Besides the above, technically feasible missiles include the single packed Aster 15 (active RFH).
For mk41, the obvious alternative candidates are ESSM, and maybe CAMM. Both quadpacked. Mk 48 takes single VL Sea Sparrow and single or duo-packed ESSM. However, Sea Sparrow and ESSM would required CWI (Continuous Wave
Illumination) capability on the vessel e.g. Sting, Stir, Apar, CeaMount or equivalent radar(s). So, you're not there with just the launcher.
Realistically, what is the likelihood that any of these can actually be acquired?
Personally, I'ld look at an A35 left and right of the hangar, or two on one side with none on the other.
Sylver A35 and Mica VL on the Greek project (©: DCNS)
The anti-aircraft FREMM project studied for Greece envisages such fitting, on the side port side of the hangar helicopter, six quadruple launchers Sylver A35 which can launch 24 VL Mica.
http:// forum . keypublishing . com /showthread.php?77172-The-FREMM-thread&p=1248254#post1248254
A35 appears to be available in blocks of 4 (rather than 8) cells...
"Destiné à accueillir les missiles à courte portée de moins de 3.5 mètres... D'une longueur d'environ 4 mètres, chaque lanceur dispose de 4 silos, contre 8 pour les Sylver A43 et A50, abritant des missiles Aster 15 et Aster 30."
"Designed to accommodate short-range missiles of less than 3.5 meters ... Each launcher has a length of about 4 meters and has 4 silos, compared to 8 for the Sylver A43 and A50, with Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles."
Besdies Sylver A35 the is also the so-called "Conteneur Lanceur Autonome (CLA)" i.e. "Autonomous Container Launcher (ACL)", developed by the European missileer (MBDA). News/Europe/2009/07/17/mbda-demonstrates-vl-mica-in-a-coastal-defence-role
Conteneur CLA (© : MBDA)
See Fincantieri Mosaic light frigate proposal (rear)
The VL-MICA vertical launch system seen here in a 12 cell configuration.
Source : MBDA