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Guys, a humble request. We have been blessed with the most beautiful and diverse country as any and it is our inherent responsibility to take care of it and improve upon it. Whenever you go anywhere for tourism purposes, make sure you do not do anything which will damage or degrade the environment. Make it your utmost duty to keep the surroundings in their natural condition and protect the habitat and enlighten others about it as well.
Hallo, I want to visit the KK Highway. What are the best means and what is the situation with security?
Hallo, I want to visit the KK Highway. What are the best means and what is the situation with security?

The security issues are very ordinary. Only the kohistan stretch poses some concern and that too only at night from dacoits. Two caravans leave for the drive through the kohistan, one at 8pm and the other at 10pm. If you are able to join them then you have nothing to worry about. And I would not suggest traveling through the Kohistan stretch at night without the caravan. You're safer there than in Lahore. If your looking for the cheapest way then get on NATCO and have fun. But if you really want to experience every town and village on the way and have a more wholesome experience then go on your own car. BTW the KKH is a bit too long to just get on it and start travelling. If you are serious and need any further details then just drop by my profile and leave a message.

ps: I cant understand why people ask about the security situation on the KKH every time. It has no history of any serious security issues. Lovely people, most of the times, mind blowing scenery and an awesome experience every time.





I have to go to Pakistan soon. End of the year or starting next year.
Where are these areas located brother Omar?
Visit Kaghan | Home

the kaghan valley ,always a place worth visiting :tup:

Soory to say kaghan valley is getting worse day by day cz of deforestation KPK govt need to take some serious steps against the mafia involve in it they are destroying this beautiful place i visit kaghan valley every year but this time i felt really bad we people really dnt deserve such beautiful areas we are destroying them :( people of gilgit baltistan care more about nature they dnt allow anyone to cut trees illegally they are well educated people we should bring awareness among the local people of kaghan valley .


here is the pic of babusar pass area which was once lush green cz of trees all around you can see the level of deforestation :cry:
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