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Pakistan imposing 'Jazia' on Sikhs for visiting Kartarpur Gurdwara, says BJP national secretary

Another propaganda by fascist BJP to undermine Pakistan and its efforts. Not worth wasting time on these pricks
My sister in law, a proud Sikh will be welcoming her fellow Sikhs who will be happy to pay, and learn about the great Khalistan project.

Your brother didn't convert her? Thats standard practice by us.
These Hindutva cheapskates can’t even pay a fee, that will mean there are funds to make sure the environment is kept stable when thousands more visitors arrive to the area, more rubbish is needed to be disposed of & sanitation facilities are needed to be maintained. Where else do they think the funding should come from? The money raised is being spent on their own religious sites!
I think 20$ is ok. Anyone visiting any foreign place is supposed to pay such amount. It aint free.
Eventually, it should be raised to $40 per person. We need to create a multi-billion dollar religious tourism industry.

Forgot about creating multi billion dollar religious tourism, we are talking about Indians. They are crying about $20 already. Next they will ask for free place to stay and food otherwise its jiziya. lmao

There will be 5000 daily people coming, even if that is true for 365 days it just mean $36m a year. This is nothing more then good will gesture. Before they had to get visa and travel through Lahore, costing hundreds of dollars.
Dubai: An Indian political leader from the Bharatiya Janata Party has said termed a $20 (Dh73) service fee on Indian pilgrims travelling to Gurdwara Darbar Sahib through the proposed Kartarpur corridor as "jazia" (a tax traditionally sought from non-Muslims).

On Saturday, Tarun Chugh, BJP national secretary and co-incharge of the party in the national capital, alleged that this is yet another attempt by Pakistan to scuttle the scheduled opening of the corridor between the two countries.
Money which will be spent on facilitating Sikhs including lunch.
1500 indian rupees are peanut as compared to facilities and opportunity we r giving.
yes they are, I can name a few very prominent ones if you like. But then PDFers would start saying: ah but they don't matter because they are BJP bakhts or are saffronized or are a minority etc.

And to what point? BJP and its sikh allies will make any excuse to stop the corridor, its a service charge. You cant pay it, you cant come.
Sikhs are one of the most richest people in India.

A fee of $2000 per person would be an appropriate amount.
it should be 100$.i heard they charge sikhs on their side to just watch kartapur gurdwara from a telescope.
even we pay haj and umrah fees when we visit saudia.
The frustration by Sanghis on issue of Kartarpur is hilarious. They cannot accept that Pakistan has played really well here and they will try their best to fail this initiative by Pakistan.
The reality is that there is a strong realization in Punjabi nationalists that people in Indian Punjab are still Punjabis who share the same language and culture as of Pakistani Punjab. BJP cannot do anything about it now.
Has he never been to another country that's not visa-free for him?
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