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Pakistan High Commission meddling with poll process: Bangladesh

You have some diplomats there though...and rumors say some of them are ISI agents. And they say ISI destroyed Soviet...so we can't be careless with them...funding mullah groups is too easy for them.
rumors say:rofl::rofl: as i know bangladesh did not fall under any department of ISI :D
rumors say:rofl::rofl: as i know bangladesh did not fall under any department of ISI :D
Well IS and ISI need to be feared...cant allow them in BD.
There is nothing wrong with it..
Even trump did a commercial for Netanyaho before Israel election:angel:...
Good going Pak embassy. Let this bitxh cry
Pakistan should ignore anything from BD.
lol BS from bangla again.
if they BS again then embassy should be closed, why have contact with indias little b****
I’m a bit miffed surprised by these allegations from Dhaka. Can Bangladesh please move on nobody in my part of Pakistan I come from bothers with this rubbish anymore. You are irreverent to us like we are too you. Better kick out Pakistani embassy and go live your lives. This horribly awful Union between us was a crazy anomaly in nature. Never should have happened.
why would Pakistan do that ??? BD is not relevant to Pakistan
Hope, someday your national leaders will understand your thinking and refrain from indulging in the muddling of BD politics. It is because BD people do not like any relevancy with Pakistan.
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wow this is a great picture of hasina the beautiful one

this is how she looks when she feels neglected.
Being like Termites under the Indian Hindus isn't enough for the BD folks!!!! They need to be like Termites under the BD Hindus....

BD folks are hard-wired to be Mushriks - the ultimate victory for the Indians!!! Few examples:
  • Their national anthem is to celebrate the Hindu victory over the Muslims (regarding taking away rights from the Muslims given under the partition of Bengal during 1905-11). And, they did it by taking out "Merkez-i Yakin", "Saya-i Huda-i Zul Jelal" etc. in the Pak anthem!!! Can there be any more explicit animosity toward Islam, and open rebellion against Allah-u Azimushshan?!? Yet, some BD folks call themselves Muslims!?!!
  • Their flag, carrying the symbol of Somnath, Mitra, Sun God etc., is the revenge over Ay-Yildiz (Hilal ve Sitara) - the banner under which tens of millions embraced Shehadet in the Meydan-i Jihat spread over the whole of the known world
  • As a tribute to their fallen men, fighting against Pak, they have constructed a constantly "burning flame of fire" (reminiscent of Naar-i Jehennem), similar to what the Indian Army has
  • Their battle cry is "Joy Bangla", similar to India's "Jai Hind". For example, the Turkish soldiers chant "Allah Allah...." while going for the final charge....
What BD folks achieved couldn't be even be done by Nemrut, Firaun, Ebu Jehil or Ebu Lehap!!!! They wanted the continuation of Batil; BD folks replaced Hak with Batil...
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