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Pakistan has to aquire reliable Helicopters / Choppers

Thanks for replies folks.

The problem with MI-17 is that it starts spinning around and around then crashes, thats one of its weak points. Experts have to consider accident ratioes before buing new Helicopters.

Else Pakistani airforce should have carefully maintenance program for the rest of the MI-17. I understand that accidents can happend with any machine but humans should learn from every and each incident and improve all the time.

Never stand still.
Pakistani operated helos are reliable. Accidents happen it's part and parcel of flying.
We need to go for either MI-38 or lets Black Hawk

what about this beast ??


Capacity - 80 to 90 Paratroops
Price - $18-$20 million/unit (We can easily figure it out)
Everything is perfect Except Service ceiling -- 4200 (+-) meter
Come on yaar we know that mi-17 are much old know.. We can manage some new Mi-26 babies
Try this EH101, its very safe and capable, no accidents operating from the Açores Islands in the middle of the Atlantic, SAR range world records, 3 engine, 26-38 men, the best! (Dont look at the price!!)

I think PAA and PAF might be looking to acquire some more used Mi-17s and used Pumas and will upgrade them in Pakistan.
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