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Pakistan has to accept India as big brother

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So Bangladesh came out of nothing eh?:rolleyes:

As long as terrorism exists, India and Pakistan WILL NOT shake hands. Period

Terrorism is bound to exist. Now and so forth. It's something which can only increase within time. Pakistan and India will have to get together sooner or later in order to get rid of it all.
Maj General (Retd) Durrani, by his own admission, started out as a fire-breathing soldier (he is same batch as General Jehangir Karamat who later became the army chief, he belonged to the Armoured Corps as did Gen Musharraf), and he has slowly converted to the cause of political engagement as the only way forward. He has recorded these observations in India And Pakistan : The Cost Of Conflict And The Benefits Of Peace. He has been Ambassador to US under the Musharraf Govt. He was also NSA under YRG-AAZ Govt until his ouster over the Kasab admission recently.

If you still want to believe the venom coming out of Zaid Hamid's think tank, you have to see where both come from. Gen Durrani has been there done that, after all that first hand experience he concludes this is as the best way forward. Mr Z Hamid on the other hand has to run a think tank as a means of sustaining himself, so he has to bank on sensational and provocative 'policy' papers.

The key point Gen Durrani revealed is that as per his analysis students, academia and business community's mutual involvement, efforts and exchanges can go some way but only so far in helping normalise relations, that alone will not be enough. Real engagement between security establishments and intelligence services is the way forward for both building durable peace. He is proposing an IA to PA and ISI to R&AW kind of a link up, facilitated by political leadership on both sides.

Irrespective of what some dudes here choose to believe, his voice carries a lot of weight in the policy circles of New Delhi. His contention is that Kashmir festers because Balochistan and NWFP are likewise. He has also said that there is a phenominal scope for trade, going so far as to say that businessmen and traders could be the largest stake holders in peace. There is tremendous scope for cooperation in agriculture and energy. There are some real opportunities we are looking at here, which can materialise provided more people shift to this side of the argument. I hope atleast the fence sitters are somewhat convinced of the need to listen to what he has to say rather than trashing such bold new ideas to accomodate long held prejudices.
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There will be no peace until Kashmir is independent or ours.
There will be no peace until Kashmir is independent or ours.

What makes you feel that kashmir will be yours? was there any agreement when pakistan was partitioned? bangladesh was liberated becoz of there willingness, not diplomatically, but we knocked your doors...
I am not for discussing Kashmir topic. I am just saying what it is.
Real engagement between security establishments and intelligence services is the way forward for both building durable peace. He is proposing an IA to PA and ISI to R&AW kind of a link up, facilitated by political leadership on both sides.

So are Indians agree on joint investigation from Kasaab and Col. prohit? I don't think Raw, IA or even Indian government will agree on that. so what is point of talking about terrorism.
I think the best way to maintain good relations between pakistan and india is to treat eachother equally, no big brother policy, equal or TWIN brothers would do...

That is absolutely right! Some folks with little hearts and ::B-I-G:: egos have chosen to see big brother in terms of the smaller lying prostrate at Big B's feet (may be they come from feudal background/troubled childhood). I think what Gen Durrani meant was something like US/Canada relationship. Since India is factually big on many counts (size, population & economy chiefly): the onus will rest on the big brother to encourage the smaller. That may be things like overlooking trade distorting policies to bring Pakistani businesses on a level feild with Indian etc. (if and when an FTA is signed). But yes an equal relationship based on mutual respect is more like it.
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So are Indians agree on joint investigation from Kasaab and Col. prohit? I don't think Raw, IA or even Indian government will agree on that. so what is point of talking about terrorism.

my dear, There lies the problem, Your govt denied our co-operation in joint investigation instead asked us for proof... Just imagine, your govt is not allowing FBI to investigate, how on earth is It going to make its rival Investigate with you........... We have been giving you proof on series of dossiers which your media and govt hide it from public,and rage mutiny among you by belittling India...... We are no Fools. If it was like how your media claims, we wouldnt have been surrounded by achievements.
So are Indians agree on joint investigation from Kasaab and Col. prohit? I don't think Raw, IA or even Indian government will agree on that. so what is point of talking about terrorism.

They already have a JTM (Joint Terror Mechanism) don't they? Pakistan can raise the issue of Lt Col S P Purohit if they still feel he is behind Samjhauta though he has been absolved by the US:

TG-192: Treasury Targets Al Qaida and Lashkar-E Tayyiba Networks in Pakistan

This is the US Dept of Treasury website and goes on to say:

Arif Qasmani is the chief coordinator for Lashkar-e Tayyiba's (LET) dealings with outside organizations and has provided significant support for LET terrorist operations. Qasmani has worked with LET to facilitate terrorist attacks, including the July 2006 train bombing in Mumbai, India, and the February 2007 Samjota Express bombing in Panipat, India. Qasmani conducted fundraising activities on behalf of LET in 2005 and utilized money that he received from Dawood Ibrahim, an Indian crime figure and terrorist supporter, to facilitate the July 2006 train bombing in Mumbai, India.

If anything you should look forward to taking up whatever proof you have to Indian linkages to unrest in Baluchistan and NWFP at JTM.
That is absolutely right! Some folks with little hearts and ::B-I-G:: egos have chosen to see big brother in terms of the smaller lying prostrate at Big B's feet (may be they come from feudal background/troubled childhood). I think what Gen Durrani meant was something like US/Canada relationship. Since India is factually big on many counts (size, population & economy chiefly): the onus will rest on the big brother to encourage the smaller. That may be things like overlooking trade distorting policies to bring Pakistani businesses on a level feild with Indian etc. (if and when an FTA is signed) etc. But yes an equal relationship based on mutual respect is more like it.

Size does not dictate power.
A Japan/China relationship would be more appropriate.

LCA how u doing, got any new engine finalized or still waiting for Kaveri :P
any ways the proof is not enough to convict any one, India needs to provide more proof so that the trail can continue & as for peace talks ur PM's attitude was different at Sharm Al Sheikh once he landed in India he faced criticism then his attitude Changed & now whole gov officials have started that 'statement game' & lost everything that was gained in Shram al sheikh... & India is no one to dictate us anything we will do what ever is in our interest...
LCA how u doing, got any new engine finalized or still waiting for Kaveri :P
any ways the proof is not enough to convict any one, India needs to provide more proof so that the trail can continue & as for peace talks ur PM's attitude was different at Sharm Al Sheikh once he landed in India he faced criticism then his attitude Changed & now whole gov officials have started that 'statement game' & lost everything that was gained in Shram al sheikh...

Iam fine,My brothers are under construction , 20 of em ordered by IAF. Will be ready for some action, Currently run by GE engine, MK 2 will be Kaveri.... What more proof you need when the convic himself says who was planning the attack... Am talking about The same kasab
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