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Aurangzeb was a Mughal, has nothing to do with modern day Pakistan. That bloodline is all but lost. What Pakistani do not realize is that they were subjects even in Mughal rules and not the rulers. Accepting the religion of rules does not make US rulers. I am a muslim too but I do not claim to be among ruling elites of Mughal period. That is like any christian from Kerala claiming that they ruled over India in British period.

Of course they realize Shajida. Our brothers are keenly aware who they are and where they've come from. Right down to their prior Hindu caste and gotra.

Yeah you saint bharati and evil Pakistanis...typical bollywood media commentary. Pakistani evil did not utter a word on occupation of Nizam's hyderabad and junagarh but your tharki PM poked his nose in Muslim majority state bordering Pakistan, its fault of Pakistanis.. Yes? 2nd Pakistan faced such situation in east Pakistan and you didnt left a single chance to backstab Pakistan. here also i can expect baniya will be pleased with any such conflict they may even try to balance both side for assured destruction for both mighty Islamic Nations.

Pakistan will never abandon political support of Kashmiri freedom.

Trust me. I've been Indian and lived in India for a long time.

I have never met a common Indian man or woman who does not like Iranis.
we are not supporting division of any country, typical low IQ rants, first of all Kashmir is not part of any country, "its internationally recognized disputed territory" [repeat it twice a day so you peanut size brain can grab it] and we are party to it, just like you have right to support your state sponsored occupation and terrorism on Kashmiris, we have right to support those who want accession with Pakistan. We will hear you whining when you accuse us of supporting sepratism in any of your state like you did in east Pakistan and trying your best to stir one in balochistan.. As i said there is no reason to trust hindu state.. I will choose terrorist Mullah in our west any day.

You are the one whining about Indian treachery. Fact is, the claim over Kashmir has been the defining feature of Pakistan's existence. And if all I had to show for 70 years of fighting was a bunch of college kids pelting stones, I would be extremely ashamed and re-assess my approach.

But what do I know? I am just a low IQ Bharati.
You are the most intelligent person I have met on PDF. You are going to reply to my accusation of intellectual cowardice by physically beating me up. This is a very novel approach to me, but given the thanks you have received, probably common in your country.
Think of it as more of an opportunity You will have a chance to torture a Pakistani in real life.
You should be thanking my offer this is something modi can't even give you. It's the indian dream.
Iran is clearly ignoring bharti paid terrorist group & barking on Pakistan to make India happy.
You are the one whining about Indian treachery. Fact is, the claim over Kashmir has been the defining feature of Pakistan's existence. And if all I had to show for 70 years of fighting was a bunch of college kids pelting stones, I would be extremely ashamed and re-assess my approach.

But what do I know? I am just a low IQ Bharati.

You forgot the bit about half my country gone.

I lost what was mine, while I futilely kept trying to wrest away what never was.

And never will be.
Aurangzeb was a Mughal, has nothing to do with modern day Pakistan. That bloodline is all but lost. What Pakistani do not realize is that they were subjects even in Mughal rules and not the rulers. Accepting the religion of rules does not make US rulers. I am a muslim too but I do not claim to be among ruling elites of Mughal period. That is like any christian from Kerala claiming that they ruled over India in British period.

Of course they realize Shajida. Our brothers are keenly aware who they are and where they've come from. Right down to their prior Hindu caste and gotra.

The Mamluks, Khiljis and Sayyids were Turkic, the Lodis were Afghan, and the Mughals were Turko-Mongol. The Afshar and Najafi dynasties in Bengal were Arab, the Asif Jahi dynasty in Hyderabad were Turkic and Hyder Ali was either Turkic, Afghan or Qureshi, depending upon which account one believes. Only the Tughlaqs and the Nasiri Dynasty in Bengal had any Indian link whatsoever, and the Tughlaqs were predominantly Turkic. They made every effort to keep themselves as a separate ruling class. Muslim converts were as beneath them as the local pagans.

Trying to appropriate what others did, because they are no longer here to set the record straight. Not that any Arab believes a word of their nonsense. They fool no one.

You forgot the bit about half my country gone.

I lost what was mine, while I futilely kept trying to wrest away what never was.

And never will be.

I think we are too stupid to understand. All this is part of a 500 year grand plan. We are too myopic to see the bigger picture.

By the year 2100 the protesters would have graduated to slingshots, like in Palestine and then we will have something to really worry about. But by then it will be too late for us I suppose.
we are not supporting division of any country, typical low IQ rants, first of all Kashmir is not part of any country, "its internationally recognized disputed territory" [repeat it twice a day so you peanut size brain can grab it] and we are party to it, just like you have right to support your state sponsored occupation and terrorism on Kashmiris, we have right to support those who want accession with Pakistan. We will hear you whining when you accuse us of supporting sepratism in any of your state like you did in east Pakistan and trying your best to stir one in balochistan.. As i said there is no reason to trust hindu state.. I will choose terrorist Mullah in our west any day.
great reply. one that the Indians cannot/will not acknowledge.
The Mamluks, Khiljis and Sayyids were Turkic, the Lodis were Afghan, and the Mughals were Turko-Mongol. The Afshar and Najafi dynasties in Bengal were Arab, the Asif Jahi dynasty in Hyderabad were Turkic and Hyder Ali was either Turkic, Afghan or Qureshi, depending upon which account one believes. Only the Tughlaqs and the Nasiri Dynasty in Bengal had any Indian link whatsoever, and the Tughlaqs were predominantly Turkic. They made every effort to keep themselves as a separate ruling class. Muslim converts were as beneath them as the local pagans.

Trying to appropriate what others did, because they are no longer here to set the record straight. Not that any Arab believes a word of their nonsense. They fool no one.

And apparently per this and other threads over the years in PDF, no Turk or Persian does either.
Hindu India and Molvis Persian are great friends and super powers ........ They both with Molvis Army and hanuman army will conquer Pakistan and after Pakistan both will take down China and don't forget the Buzurg Shaitan ..... no no no , Buzurag Shaitan is not there target actually opposite ALLY 2 great super powers...............
And all those suk... who love to suk... Molvis of Iran........ after this, Stop calling your self Pakistani , Sham on you all.......
And I am ISI agent and I want to stay in india , and my name is KB and from iran I am running terrorists network and also I am Uzair Baloch and I am iranin citizen

End of story now go back to normal daily work and rotten business. Trade and trade;):cheers::sniper:
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Hindu India and Molvis Persian are great friends and super powers ........ They both with Molvis Army and hanuman army will conquer Pakistan and after Pakistan both will take down China and don't forget the Buzurg Shaitan ..... no no no , Buzurag Shaitan is not there target actually opposite ALLY 2 great super powers...............
And all those suk... who love to suk... Molvis of Iran........ after this, Stop calling your self Pakistani , Sham on you all.......
And I am ISI agent and I want to stay in india , and my name is KB and from iran I am running terrorists network and also I am Uzair Baloch and I am iranin citizen

Chacha G,

Sir, you mention some Pakistanis loving Iran and supporting her. I'm going to assume they are Shias?

Even in India, our Shias look up to Iran as their spiritual leader of their faith.

However, and this is my doubt and question, all holiest places of Shias are in Iraq. I know because my friend's parents recently (about 2 years ago) went for a pilgrimage.

I know Saddam was Sunni and did genocide on Shias.

Is Iraq (before the current implosion, where no one knows who is who) majority Shia or Sunni and what is the percentage split please?
Don't say that this loud Chacha-jan. I heard Australia has passed a new law that allows them to even cancel the citizenship of those were naturalized! If they are supporting terrorist activities abroad specially. And Pakistan does allow unconditional dual citizenship, so you may just fall under purview of that law :)
That is totally different thing , And cow lover are more dangers then Pakistan lover or Australian Lover , And one more thing , no one will kill me here only because of online forum , I trust my country and my Judicial System , Its not India and Stop Threating people.
And that bold part , Come on don't you watch TV or any thing:crazy::enjoy: Blame your Media or your best friend I m just quoting the "Fact".
And I know truth hurts.
Leave us alone g, And worry about this.
India's Assam mob kills two Muslim men over 'cow theft'
1 hour ago

Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Many Hindus consider cows sacred
Police in India say two Muslim men have been lynched by a mob which accused them of trying to steal cows for slaughter.

The killings in the north-eastern state of Assam are the latest in a series of attacks blamed on hardline Hindus in recent months.

Hindus consider cows sacred and killing them is illegal in several states.

A Human Rights Watch report last week said at least 10 Muslims had been killed over the issue since May 2015.

The victims of Sunday's attack in Assam's Nagaon district have been identified as Abu Hanifa and Riyazuddin Ali, police said.

"They were chased and beaten with sticks by villagers who said the two men were trying to steal cows from their grazing field," news agency AFP quoted senior police official Debaraj Upadhyay as saying.

"By the time we took them to the hospital at night they had succumbed to their injuries."

A murder case has been registered and two people have been detained for questioning, police said.

The Human Rights Watch report says that since the Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party formed India's federal government in 2014, attacks against Muslims and Dalits (formerly known as untouchables) have risen over rumours that they sold, bought or killed cows for beef.

Those killed in the violent vigilante campaign against beef consumption include a 12-year-old boy.

Many states are now actively enforcing bans on cow slaughter and in March, the western state of Gujarat passed a law making the slaughter of cows punishable with life imprisonment.

In addition to government bans, vigilante groups who portray themselves as protectors of cows have also been active in several states.

The groups routinely check vehicles and often beat up cattle traders.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi last year criticised the vigilantes, saying such people made him "angry", but this has not stopped the attacks against cattle traders.
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Don't say that this loud Chacha-jan. I heard Australia has passed a new law that allows them to even cancel the citizenship of those were naturalized! If they are supporting terrorist activities abroad specially. And Pakistan does allow unconditional dual citizenship, so you may just fall under purview of that law :)
And Indian are not terrorist:blah: you should stop terrorism in Kashmir and also stop spreading terrorism in pakistan through Afghanistan and Iran you are the biggest cowardly terrorist nation on the face of planet earth:enjoy:
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