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Pakistan goes beyond nuclear deterrence: Indian army chief

Anyways its their old habit to cry over everything, but i can smell something is fishy...
u c tht Harpoon missile scandal, the the Pokhran test & now cry and hue of Indian COAS
India was the country which introduced nuclear weapons is south Asia & thought it has gained the superiority over the whole region once & for all wasn't tht capability 'offensive', but then we tested it as well, now we have nukes as well & maintain edge in terms of delivery system.... This statement is nothing but a cry ababy thing, if India has the right to opt for Nuke subs, MMRCA, P8-I,su-30 MKI, MCA, FGFA & god knows wht else, then Pakistan has all the right buy and deploy what ever is necessary to keep India away from a mis adventure.... India's cry wont stop us , this 'concern' must have been thought about by India when it introduced nuclear weapons in this region, now Indian msut just shut the *** up & stop crying like babies..
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just a statement to test their nukes again. the news link that india want to test their nukes again (may be new tech like plutonium or thermofusion etc), is present on this forum. if they do this many countries will definitely not like it including Japan, china etc. they are using it as an excuse for doing their test by blaming pakistan s increasing nuclear deterrance, so that this will have less bad effect on their diplomatic realtions with other countries. in other words, a political / diplomatic / defence move, by indian army general.

:blah::blah::blah::blah::blah: Who cares about indian statements.

my dear friend, that was not a very wise thing to say in my opinion. of course pakistan and pakistani citizen care about these statements because these statements give pakistan the future perspectives of other countries and keeping them in view pakistan can make a strategy from now how to reply to it, i mean in this case, whether to go for the test or not.

i am not in favor of any kind of nuclear test from india and especially pakistan at this moment.


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You do care..:hitwall::blink:.thats why you invested 3 Minutes reading this and a minute typing this message..:lol::lol::lol:
Of course we care. Like last time your PM said "we have RELIABLE information that Terrorist from Pakistan are going to attack again soon" and in reply to this when we asked for this information to take action against those who are going to attack, The answer was "We really dont have any Information, its just an opinion."

These kind of things makes Indian statements really creditable.
How can Indian army cheif comment about another country,who authorized him?.Ever saw Kayani making statements?
The Indian Chief of Staff is not at free will to comment. If he does, it should taken a bit more seriously.

This is a comment i had written two years back. This was with regards to an article in newsweek, if Pakistan's Nukes were secure...

Posted By: thebignag @ 12/31/2007 5:30:38 AM
We need not worry about securing the nukes in Pakistan. Al Qeada and it???s cronies are not looking at stealing the nukes. They have already initiated the process to steal the state itself with all the booty. Of course, moving a few nukes from the present government control to their control will be a part of their short strategy befor the state comes under their total control. Pakistan is ripe for a steal. I would not be surprised if within the next year or so, Mush becomes history, the modernist secular middle class shot and bombed into silence and half the **** army deserting and putting their lots with the Mullahs. That is when the world will be shitting in their pants???. US will have to pay a very heavy price for creating / using Mujahedins as state policy. And the second mistake - sleeping with the enemy ??? Pakistan a key ally BAH!!

Atleast, I was correct on General Musharaf.... I Really Really do not want to be correct on the nukes.....
The Indian Chief of Staff is not at free will to comment. If he does, it should taken a bit more seriously.

This is a comment i had written two years back. This was with regards to an article in newsweek, if Pakistan's Nukes were secure...


Atleast, I was correct on General Musharaf.... I Really Really do not want to be correct on the nukes.....

You have an exaggerated opinion of your opinion.
Don't quit your day job.
The Indian Chief of Staff is not at free will to comment. If he does, it should taken a bit more seriously.

This is a comment i had written two years back. This was with regards to an article in newsweek, if Pakistan's Nukes were secure...

Posted By: thebignag @ 12/31/2007 5:30:38 AM
We need not worry about securing the nukes in Pakistan. Al Qeada and it???s cronies are not looking at stealing the nukes. They have already initiated the process to steal the state itself with all the booty. Of course, moving a few nukes from the present government control to their control will be a part of their short strategy befor the state comes under their total control. Pakistan is ripe for a steal. I would not be surprised if within the next year or so, Mush becomes history, the modernist secular middle class shot and bombed into silence and half the **** army deserting and putting their lots with the Mullahs. That is when the world will be shitting in their pants???. US will have to pay a very heavy price for creating / using Mujahedins as state policy. And the second mistake - sleeping with the enemy ??? Pakistan a key ally BAH!!

Atleast, I was correct on General Musharaf.... I Really Really do not want to be correct on the nukes.....

:rofl::rofl: Mr analyst stealing nukes is some kind of Joke or wht u seem to me a BR member, which is full of this kind of theories about Pakistani nukes, any ways Musharraf had to go one day there is no doubt about it & secondly what do u exactly mean by process of ' stealing the state', the insurgency is effectively controlled nothing like stealing of State can happen, wake up stop smoking bad stuff... Now will u care to explain this line army deserting and putting their lots with the Mullahs i really want to know wht u exactly mean by this....
o man again these guys start crying....for their chief i can only say FIRST STOP YOURSELF then SAY ANYTHNING..DO YOU COPY...on the other hand good going Pakistan....keep it up..we need more and more advance weapons....Huurrrahhhhh!
In my opinion(though i am just a student and learning from experts on these forums), there are mixed targets which needed to be achieved by the triad of India,USa and Isreal, a bill for 7.5 billion dollers to be given to pakistan in the next ten years, USA can't stop it because it might be using it as a bait to pakistan to achieve many things for example, un-checked movement of US personals in pakistan, to establish small but highly effective bases in pakistan under the cover of diplomatic staff in main cities of pakistan, just to ensure that when the time comes these special forces could couple with the paratroopers which the US may deploy in pakistan to achieve some targets, specially the nukes, coz the already established bases will provide enough firepower to engage any resistance by pak army in the federal capital which would allow deployment of US paratroopers to land safely and takeover islamabad. now the current statements by the US and Indians are a start to form grounds for putting delays and sanctions to the aid announced for pakistan and to use that aid as a mean of future blackmailing for the next ten years. this at the same time would allow india to conduct more nuclear tests and stop pakistan from any response and if pakistan does respond, then they would be in a better position to monitor our strategic forces mobility patterns and response time alongwith the locations where these strategic assests are stocked.
just a statement to test their nukes again. the news link that india want to test their nukes again (may be new tech like plutonium or thermofusion etc), is present on this forum. if they do this many countries will definitely not like it including Japan, china etc. they are using it as an excuse for doing their test by blaming pakistan s increasing nuclear deterrance, so that this will have less bad effect on their diplomatic realtions with other countries. in other words, a political / diplomatic / defence move, by indian army general.


Well that is very much plausible indeed!
In my opinion(though i am just a student and learning from experts on these forums), there are mixed targets which needed to be achieved by the triad of India,USa and Isreal, a bill for 7.5 billion dollers to be given to pakistan in the next ten years, USA can't stop it because it might be using it as a bait to pakistan to achieve many things for example, un-checked movement of US personals in pakistan, to establish small but highly effective bases in pakistan under the cover of diplomatic staff in main cities of pakistan, just to ensure that when the time comes these special forces could couple with the paratroopers which the US may deploy in pakistan to achieve some targets, specially the nukes, coz the already established bases will provide enough firepower to engage any resistance by pak army in the federal capital which would allow deployment of US paratroopers to land safely and takeover islamabad. now the current statements by the US and Indians are a start to form grounds for putting delays and sanctions to the aid announced for pakistan and to use that aid as a mean of future blackmailing for the next ten years. this at the same time would allow india to conduct more nuclear tests and stop pakistan from any response and if pakistan does respond, then they would be in a better position to monitor our strategic forces mobility patterns and response time alongwith the locations where these strategic assests are stocked.

I kind of agree with you, but its not very easy to monitor Pakistani strategic assets. Moreover, if there is going to be a situation of USA's deployment of Army, I don't think that 600000 troops will sit quite.

Its not that easy to takeover a capital city. A few paratroopers are not enough to do that.
India will make all sort of noises and so will Pakistan, what worries me is that US is joining in and make all sort of irrational noises, sometimes its about the nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands and others of reverse engineering harpoons.
No wonder why 77% Pakistanis have started to consider US a bigger threat then India itself.
We are going beyond.Stop us if you have the balls..barking won't help.
Sir UMAIRP, when i said "taking over islamabad" i didn't mean to say they want to occupy it for a century, i meant to say short,sharp,surgical and object oriented operations, they may not do that unless untill we r so wrecked up and divided as a nation, but a time may come when institutions specially army is weakened enough that the country faces CAOS, that might be the time when they could possibly strike and desire to emerge as heroes to save the world from probable nuclear disaster as they always pose themselves to be the guaranters(though they are the destructors) of world peace, it is a meak possibility but u know they workout each and every possibility.
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