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Pakistan foreign reserve fall by 663 million dollar during on 17th September week.

The net flow from SBP in 3 years is just $2b in total, including the initial time as compared to $16-18b in the last 2 years of plmn.

You need to learn abit about how central banks work and what its function is. It is maintaining liquidity in forex markets not financing CAD, e.g. balancing out around $300m outflow per month to Afghanistan (an unnatural flow) . The currency REER value is the best indicator if SBP is manipulating market or doing its job.

On top of that, can not force external factors like $500m in defense procurement, around $1b in vaccine imports along with TERF rollout in the last 3 months on just currency alone.
You can check history from April 2020 to April 2021 of forigen reserves.

August was CAD was 1.5 billion and import was 6 billion dollar and services was beyond 900 million dollar in August alone.

Real import of goods were 6.6 billion due Covid vaccine was funded by ADB and WB in August.

The main issue is 1 billion dollar import services and car import growth.
You can check history from April 2020 to April 2021 of forigen reserves.

August was CAD was 1.5 billion and import was 6 billion dollar and services was beyond 900 million dollar in August alone.

Real import of goods were 6.6 billion due Covid vaccine was funded by ADB and WB in August.

The main issue is 1 billion dollar import services and car import growth.

Services import will increase, this is hard to stop with the travel restrictions easing. This will also put additional pressure on forex market because of demand in cash by travellers. NOT TO MENTION the exorbsnt increase in freight/shipping charges etc

Car imports, one needs to break down CBU from CKD. And in CBU one needs to consider type of vehicle, either its personal automobiles or specific items like busses ( e.g. Green line busses) or construction vehicles etc etc.

In the first 2 months CBU cars were just around $100m in total which is taxed and is a source of tax revenue, now they will be taxed more.

I do not agree with restricting CKD units as it will drive down our auto industry, will not only discourage new entrants but will also discourage further localisation of industry like auto parts. This is a bad move in long term.

This international commodity inflation is hurting all over the world, just because of rapid demand due to liquidity injections by major economies in the world. At the end the poor and small like us Pakistan gets at the receiving end.
Services import will increase, this is hard to stop with the travel restrictions easing. This will also put additional pressure on forex market because of demand in cash by travellers. NOT TO MENTION the exorbsnt increase in freight/shipping charges etc

Car imports, one needs to break down CBU from CKD. And in CBU one needs to consider type of vehicle, either its personal automobiles or specific items like busses ( e.g. Green line busses) or construction vehicles etc etc.

In the first 2 months CBU cars were just around $100m in total which is taxed and is a source of tax revenue, now they will be taxed more.

I do not agree with restricting CKD units as it will drive down our auto industry, will not only discourage new entrants but will also discourage further localisation of industry like auto parts. This is a bad move in long term.

This international commodity inflation is hurting all over the world, just because of rapid demand due to liquidity injections by major economies in the world. At the end the poor and small like us Pakistan gets at the receiving end.
This i said extacly in June 2021 but you were laughing at me. I told that we going for a growth where everything is high price and shortage. It time for survival not for growth and that is why i said in June 2021.

@Norwegian can tell i lied or i said truth.
You know how many overseas Pakistanis are there in total and how much loyal they are to Imran Khan. On his one call they will send millions. Almost every one in my circle including me have roshan digital account and we keep sending dollars just because of Imran Khan.
This i said extacly in June 2021 but you were laughing at me. I told that we going for a growth where everything is high price and shortage. It time for survival not for growth and that is why i said in June 2021.

@Norwegian can tell i lied or i said truth.
I believe you also said Pakistan will default at the end of September. 7 days remaining.
I believe you also said Pakistan will default at the end of September. 7 days remaining.
Yes that is why they are reducing demand and crackdown everything. It is good at least SBP has come to sense. Moreover, I said if we go like this than we will get BOP and worse situation than dar created and if we go at this pace, which is at second gear than we will get worse situation than 2018 in October late because it will be very late to take action and all things would have gone out hand.

Yes that is why they are reducing demand and crackdown everything. It is good at least SBP has come to sense. Moreover, I said if we go like this than we will get BOP and worse situation than dar created and if we go at this pace, which is at second gear than we will get worse situation than 2018 in October late because it will be very late to take action and all things would have gone out hand.

So the situation is manageable while you put it as inevitable. Secondly, Dar’s sin was that he did not take corrective actions, which by your own post above is not the case now.

P.S.: I am still waiting for the link where Shaukat Tareen said he wants 50 billion IT export next year. And he don’t care how.
So the situation is manageable while you put it as inevitable. Secondly, Dar’s sin was that he did not take corrective actions, which by your own post above is not the case now.

P.S.: I am still waiting for the link where Shaukat Tareen said he wants 50 billion IT export next year. And he don’t care how.
No we are same again gone in 2019 due to delay of IMF program. They will give more harsh condition than before because we exhausted CAD in Just 2 months, which was suppose to be in whole year. Be ready for choke of economy, high interest rate, taxes, and full tight fiscal policy and expensive electricity prices because this must now to save Pakistan from another BOP crisis.
This i said extacly in June 2021 but you were laughing at me. I told that we going for a growth where everything is high price and shortage. It time for survival not for growth and that is why i said in June 2021.

@Norwegian can tell i lied or i said truth.

This is not what you said by a margin.

You were doing propaganda by taking number in isolation and exaggerating, on top of it many of your claims were simply not true. 😂
No we are same again gone in 2019 due to delay of IMF program. They will give more harsh condition than before because we exhausted CAD in Just 2 months, which was suppose to be in whole year. Be ready for choke of economy, high interest rate, taxes, and full tight fiscal policy and expensive electricity prices because this must now to save Pakistan from another BOP crisis.
So now no default and you shifted your story. Ok.

P.S.: please provide the link on IT export statement.
This is not what you said by a margin.

You were doing propaganda by taking number in isolation and exaggerating, on top of it many of your claims were simply not true. 😂
I was saying if we go like this till October than we will be in much worse crisis than dar left us. All statement stand correct.

If we go for growth more than 3.8 % we 100% going for BOP worse than 2018 you can screenshot it before Novemeber.

We are facing crisis because everything is super high and cannot for growth at the moment until price is down.

Bent Crude has crossed $77 and we want to have growth on petrol and cars.

Petrol has to go above PKR 150

Interest 10%

To save Pakistan from BOP crisis.
So now no default and you shifted your story. Ok.

P.S.: please provide the link on IT export statement.
If no IMF program than you can say that is what i said because we have to pay 7.8 billion dollar IMF liabilities in 6 months due to prematurely ending IMF program just Sri Lanka and Argentina.

and top of that we also have to pay 14.5 billion dollar in this FY of external debt and still some PTI kids want CAD growth on top of that.
We have to pay another 1 billion dollar on 13th October.

No Problem Government knows what it is doing :pakistan:

It is normal for Government to Buy / Sell / Pay Down Loans / Take Loans

Government put the Rope around Nawaz Sharif's neck , some resistance is expected from his Lovers
Looks forward to the financial money confiscation news and auction of his properties

  • Tomato will be expensive , cries will come out
  • Potatoe will be expensive , cries will come out
  • Sugar will be expensive , cries will come out

This is fully expected..... war has commenced against corruption and there will be rattling of dust bins by Nawaz's fans

Media and Social media of course the usual culprits

Where is the problem ? People Enjoying life in Pakistan

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If no IMF program than you can say that is what i said because we have to pay 7.8 billion dollar IMF liabilities in 6 months due to prematurely ending IMF program just Sri Lanka and Argentina.

and top of that we also have to pay 14.5 billion dollar in this FY of external debt and still some PTI kids want CAD growth on top of that.
No if’s and buts you said default at the end of September. IMF talks are due next month. So there is no IMF program this month. 7 more days to default, right?
Lol some people say i make stuff my self. He is head of treasury bank in SBP.

Imran Khan committed 2 times a a sucidie by Firing Hafez and hiring Shaukat Tarin.

No if’s and buts you said default at the end of September. IMF talks are due next month. So there is no IMF program this month. 7 more days to default, right?
You should read my statement correctly and go thorugh my comments i said late October or mid October.

It feels you are butthurt like rest of PTI follower who fool and dump to think devaluation automatically makes import decrease and export increase.

PTI fans wasted 7 years making slides and lollipop and you are wasting time things i said but giving a wrong date.
There is soo much uncertainty in the market, contracts need to be revised monthly or every quarter because of the fluctuating rate of USD and ever increasing utilities



If excess money accumulates due to the high price of petrol / diesel, then government should use it for budget support and completing current ongoing projects
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