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Pakistan for sale as the UAE and Qatar make their moves

Pakistan can sell these assets now and clear all oustanding debts.
This does not cover even one hundredth of the debt
If UAE does not give the right price then we can always sell them to China.

Yeah.... no. You already sold $60Billion to China, need to balance the scales.

Besides, It's not Beijing Patwars escape to every 5 years.
Similarly, as of October 2021, external Debt of Pakistan is now around US$121.75 billion.[7]Pakistan owes US$11.3 billion to Paris Club, US$33.1 billion to multilateral donors, US$7.4 billion to International Monetary Fund, and US$12 billion to international bonds such as Eurobond, and sukuk.[7] About 15% of the external debt which is estimated around US$17.1 billion (6.15% of GDP) is owed to Chinadue to China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.[8]
This is a masterstroke by the incumbent adminsitartion and It is win-win for Pakistan.

Pakistan can sell these assets now and clear all oustanding debts.

If Pakistan's economy does not not pick up speed fast enough then UAE and Qatar will take the losses.

If Pakistan's economy increases exponentially, Pakistan can always nationalize these assets and ask these foreigner to leave.
No wonder we are in a mess because there are people like you with this level of understanding.
half the country sold to external companies, while the remaining half given to the fauj for free.

To be honest. We need to descipline our people first, else every investment or Finance will go to the drain. Specially Government sector and in General all working class. Compared to other developed countries and even most developing countries you cannot even imagine how inefficient, unproductive and unskilled our people are. By my own experience, When it comes to working efficiently, We dont even compare with people from Mumbai and Manila let alone other parts of the world. Dont know whats wrong with our corporate culture.
sell this and buy stake in Lock heed martin and use tech from that company to build up new state owned compnies
No wonder we are in a mess because there are people like you with this level of understanding.

These people are literally mentally retarded. You really have to wonder how these people manage to function in their daily lives or do they have wifi & computers in mental asylums?
Hey ruling elite of Pakistan, please improve the economy.
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