Football , is a game that unlike cricket , requires elite fitness level. A fat guy in cricket can huff and puff and make 50 runs. Football , is a game that combines
a) Athletic Burst movement - Sprints
b) Elements of Endurance , and long distance running
c) Great coordination of feet and mind.
There is a certain Level , which can be achieved , playing "street football". The level of street football itself depends on how many high quality players are playing sport in streets, 1 generation there are abundance of footballers then quality produced would be high otherwise , low quality players are produced.
Modern Football:
Modern football player
- Trains and attains the basics of sport in Academies
- They play each week in schools , college , universities
- They progress to be enrolled in scholarships in schools and Pro clubs by the time the players are 14-15 year old.
Role of Pro clubs:
- Pro Clubs offer salaries to players 2-5 Million Dollar range , so they player 100 % is dedicated to
2 training sessions per day. 5 days out of 7 days a week.
- Pro clubs play other pro clubs , and thru this competitive battle the level of player rises.
Domestic League:
- 2-3 Tear , League system is needed for 14 teams - 16 teams , so that competitive environment
exist and players , play at high level. Coaches need to be present of high quality who can train
players , however most training is already done before player turns 18 year old.
- The league needs to focus on marketing , bringing crowds to stadium and distributing money from Asian federation or government to Clubs.
Pakistan at present:
- Does not have high quality Artificial grass fields or Lush grass surface available when players are young
- Does not have high level players , who have advance skills which are passed down to youth
- The technique seen in street soccer in Pakistan is not high its mostly kick and runvs what we see in Africa where the skill level is quite high even when players are poor brazil also have poor kids but the level of football is very high at street level so any new kid is automatically trained at high level when he is playing street football.
- The training methods are poor , coaching is poor so end product is poor and undeveloped.
- League system has low financial input from investors and companies sponsors.
Pakistan Latest Result between Now 2015 and 2008, may be 29 odd international games
Pakistan vs Yamen 0-0 Draw
Pakistan vs Yamen 0-3 Loss
Pakistan vs Afghanistan 2-1 Win
Pakistan vs Labnoon 1-3 Loss
Pakistan vs Palestine 0-2 Loss
Pakistan vs Tajakistan 0-1 Loss
Pakistsn vs Krygstan 0-1 Loss
Pakistan vs Macau 2-0 Win
Pakistan vs Singapore 0-4 Loss
Pakistan vs Bangladesh 0-3 Loss
Pakistan vs Bangladesh 0-0 Draw
Pakistan vs Palestine 2-2 Draw
Pakistan vs Turkamanistan 0-3 Loss
Pakistan vs India 1-3 Loss
Pakistan vs Chinese Tipe 2-0 Win
Pakistan vs Bangladesh 0 - 0 Draw
Pakistan vs Maldives 0-0 Draw
Pakistan vs Nepal 1-1 Draw
Pakistan vs Chinese Tipe 1- 1 Draw
Pakistan vs Brunai 6-0 Win
Pakistan vs Srilanka 2-2 Draw
Pakistan vs Srilanka 1- 0 Loss
Pakistan vs Bangladesh 0-0 Draw
Pakistan vs Bhutan 7-0 Win
Pakistan vs Nepal 1-2 Loss
Pakistan vs Nepal 2-0 Win
Pakistan vs Chinese tipe 2-1 Win
Pakistan vs Guam 9-2 Win
Pakistan vs Maldives 0-3 Loss
Pakistan vs India 1-2 Loss
Pakistan vs Malasia 1-4 Loss
- Pakistan's Best moment came at Olympic qualifying rounds 2008 where they once beat Singapore 3-2 (U23)
- 2-2 Draw in Asian Cup qualifiers vs UAE
- 2-2 Draw vs Palestine
- 3-2 Loss to Japan (Ellite Rank Team in Asia)
What hold back Pakistani Team:
a) Lack of financially good professional salaries in clubs
b) Lack of coaching (high end coaching) between ages of 8-15 years old
c) Lack of friendlies for international team
d) Lack of Grounds (Artificial grass to develop ground passing)
e) Influx of international caliber coaches coming to train in Pakistan
f) Lack of nutrition and fitness standards in league
Considering PAKISTAN is next to Iran a Football powerhouse, its strange that yearly tours are not arranged to iran to play regular trianing games against Iranian clubs for practice , cost to travel to iran is marginal
Pakistan U16 Winning Regional SAFF tournament beating India 2-1
Zeshan Pakisani footballer of UK background lifting cup in malasia
Talent to hai ...... mager
- Football Federation ko 50 Million dollar ka budget bhi to mile