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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Chinease military hardware is getting far closer to western/russian levels.

For pakistan the only way to keep up current nos is to buy cheaper guranteed spare part chinease hardware.

Its smart move by PAKISTAN but also the only realistic option.

Theres no way with Pakistan current financial handicap that it could have acquired expensive western hardware in bulk.

Only down side China will hold you by the short and curlies. If you fall foul of them you military can,t move they will be decimated.

This is why some nations go diverse like your neighbour india.
HQ image of Pakistan's F-16 Block-52.

I don't see IFR probe on Thunders as yet, FC-20 is some years ago... Why PAF is getting IL-78 tankers so quickly if it cannot fuel F-16? Why PAF did not go for AirBus A301 TT prior to going for IL-78?

Il-78 meet PAF requirements.

i believe indian opted for AirbusA330 mrtts, so it would kind of be a conflict of interest.
we need refuellers inorder to increase our loitering time.....now with the F-16s it is more or less are main strike weapon or like they say "big guns" we will use it sparingly....and won't keep it up in the air unless really needed! reason being it is expensive and not many our coming our way! so we are not going to be needing refullers for it!

that is my take on it...hence PAF is going for the IL78s to increase loitering time for the JFs and the Mirages....
A Pakistani Air Force F-16 on approach after a test flight on November 06, 2009 at Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth plant:


Just a question: Are the fuel tanks in this picture the 600 gallon version?
the addition of this F-16 would boost Pakistan Air Force capabilities.
we need refuellers inorder to increase our loitering time.....now with the F-16s it is more or less are main strike weapon or like they say "big guns" we will use it sparingly....and won't keep it up in the air unless really needed! reason being it is expensive and not many our coming our way! so we are not going to be needing refullers for it!

that is my take on it...hence PAF is going for the IL78s to increase loitering time for the JFs and the Mirages....

the refueler may well add some good but bro will this be wise to get two or three KC135 for a fleet of 50 odd F16 specially when 40 of them are old platforms?? i dont think so!! also keep in mind that PAF do not take the F16 as the front liner,, specially ones we are into some third blocks of JF17 and FC20 gets going!! i dont mean to say that F16 will be of no use but they wont be as important as they are at the moment!!
well this is only my point of view and you guys can differ!

Talking about refuelers, I still didn't see a pic of a PAF F16 block 52 with CFTs. I don't doubt that PAF wouldn't get them, but could there be something else in the pipline too?
The F16IN which is offered for MMRCA will be a special F16 version, mainly because it will have a refueling probe. Most pics of it shows the probe retracting out of the CFT like this:

My point is, I doubt that this will be a tech only available for IAF, if so many other F16 users could need it too. For PAF with new IL 78 it would be also a good new feature to avoid the purchase of other tankers.
So what do you guys think, could your new block 52s get these too?
the refueler may well add some good but bro will this be wise to get two or three KC135 for a fleet of 50 odd F16 specially when 40 of them are old platforms?? i dont think so!! also keep in mind that PAF do not take the F16 as the front liner,, specially ones we are into some third blocks of JF17 and FC20 gets going!! i dont mean to say that F16 will be of no use but they wont be as important as they are at the moment!!
well this is only my point of view and you guys can differ!

Given how PAF invested in raising the necessary infrastructure for the Block-52+, I wouldn't discount the possibility of additional F-16C/Ds. Not only will production in Lockheed Martin continue into 2011-2012, but there have been reports of USAF offering PAF used C/D-airframes. There is also the CCIP-upgrade package for older block C/Ds so that they can be upgraded to Block-52 standards - AESA will also be available for upgrades.

If relations with U.S. are stable, PAF will likely procure additional F-16s. At the minimum I see it executing the option for 18 more Block-52+, and acquiring ~2 squadrons of used F-16C/D from USAF. At the minimum, this would give PAF at least 100 F-16s, but I wouldn't count out additional new-built F-16s if possible. Clearly infrastructure and training is not a problem, so if the opportunity arises, PAF will take it.

The F-16 is an excellent and mature multirole fighter, and the PAF will certainly want to make the absolute most of it...

As for an in-flight refueling aircraft. I'm not sure if KC-135 is being pursued as heavily as the A-310 MRTT. The MRTT can work with both refueling methods - boom and hose+drogue - and can undertake additional missions. There may even be a longer-term benefit of acquiring the A330 MRTT if funds allow.
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i agre mark that the F16 is still an excellent platfor and also that the infrastructure and training for thme is not a problem for PAF but bro what do we have to say about the reliability of relation with US. i think this is the only reason why PAF might bail out of US military procurements!!

We need more F16s with (fast delivery and fast parts supply). Any one know about Pakistan is going for KC 135 in future ? because we really need KC135 for A2A refueling. IL 78 only refuel Chines and other hardware F16 need KC 135 any source related PAF F16 refueling ?
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