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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

what its mean ?????????
it is a unique helmet with the Pakistani flag on it instead of the traditional grey.
it is a unique helmet with the Pakistani flag on it instead of the traditional grey.

Sir gee,
Pilot is wearing a Green Helmet (very patriotic). The picture was taken when the No. 5 Squadron was returning from Red Flag Exercise in the US.

ohhh i see . thanks sir . i thought they win something so they wear special helmet:D
Considering both Pakistan and Turkey operate the F-16, what are the chances of Turkey developing poded versions of its Havasoj jammer system, and putting them on F-16B/D aircraft. For the PAF, it would only have to procure the pods and fit them on its twin seat aircraft, saving money in buying a global 6000, and the jammer F-16 would be able to keep up with the rest of the either strike package or a2a package. Finally the F-16 would have the range to keep up with any units our our forces, and we would not have to buy the J-16D, only more used F-16 (and upgrade them mostly to the Block 52 standard plus an AESA radar) to make up for numbers pulled from fighter squadrons.

18 used F-16D with these pods should be enough to form a robust “Growler” Force, and if backed up with a further 18-24 JF-17B based Growler force, our entire Air Force could operate in the expected heavily contested EM battle space, making them able to deal with enemy EW and AESA equipped aircraft as well as high end SAM networks on the border. We could also use these F-16s as part of a package operating far out to sea, of the other F-16s are armed with Turkish made SOM cruise missiles; kinetic and Jammer variants.

this would be the most cost effective option, especially for the navy


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Considering both Pakistan and Turkey operate the F-16, what are the chances of Turkey developing prodded versions of its Havasoj jammer system, and putting them on F-16B/D aircraft. For the PAF, it would only have to procure the pods and fit them on its twin seat aircraft, saving money in buying a global 6000, and the jammer F-16 would be able to keep up with the rest of the either strike package or a2a package. Finally the F-16 would have the range to keep up with any units our our forces, and we would have to buy the J-16D, only more used F-16 to make up for numbers pulled from fighter squadrons.

18 used F-16D with these pods should be enough to form a robust “Growler” Force, and if backed up with a further 18-24 JF-17B based Growler force, our entire Air Force could operate in the expected heavily contested EM battle space, making them able to deal with enemy EW and AESA equipped aircraft as well as high end SAM networks on the border. We could also use these F-16s as part of a package operating far out to sea, of the other F-16s are armed with Turkish made SOM cruise missiles.

PAF F-16s already have jammers. No need to get a 3rd party one that we can not integrate without the permission from the US anyways. If we need jammer, can always modify Mirages and JF-17s to carry them.
PAF F-16s already have jammers. No need to get a 3rd party one that we can not integrate without the permission from the US anyways. If we need jammer, can always modify Mirages and JF-17s to carry them.

The Mirages and The JF-17 don’t have as much range as the F-16 for a long range naval strike. With members on PDF suggesting the procurement of the J-16D, going for the cheaper but still robust option of a dedicated Jammer variant of the F-16 will save on a lot of cost. The current jammers don’t even have DRFM and are probably only meant as self protection suites. A dedicated jammer aircraft with three pods; lower-band, middle-band and higher-band pods should allow the aircraft to handle the full EM spectrum.

As far as US permission, it will definitely need to be procured, but in these tough economic and political times, the US would almost certainly welcome Pakistan not putting all its eggs in the Chinese basket. US defense industry could get a contract to upgrade used F-16D to the Block 52 standard, and that might also sway the current administration, now that India has dropped out of any fighter procurements from the US. If the US mends ties with Turkey, they might also allow the installation of the Turkish AESA radar, down the line.
DAYMN BOY Give us Mirages next
Well..., since your asked so politely - consider it done.

But, i'm in the middle moving so my apartment is a mess with boxes & cartons all 'round which is putting my mood off.
Well..., since your asked so politely - consider it done.

But, i'm in the middle moving so my apartment is a mess with boxes & cartons all 'round which is putting my mood off.
Take your time---Brother enjoy the new Place.
Is PAF interested in buying more used F-16 AB models?
Yes at least 18 additional aircraft new or used
I guess PAF will be getting 18 block 70s soon.

What about used F-16 AB models?

The photo was taken after ACM Sohail Aman back from the 23rd flypast.
I guess PAF will be getting 18 block 70s soon.

What about used F-16 AB models?

Don't think we have that much money especially with Covid fallout. Probably used ones at a bargain price from European countries looking to move on to F-35s.. probably then get the used ones upgraded to the latest standard.
As support for existing fleet or for new birds

For existing. We can't predict at this moment about are we really going for a new one or not... So far ... no sign...

Americans are not in any mood to offer. Nor we are in a position to ask for. They might be interested IF we are willing to pay not under the FMS.
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