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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

I am sure US has upgraded latest avionics with good Muscle in it. Specially MLU jets. USA definitively wants to win its F16 against Indian raffles and Russian Su30MKi and other competitors. US is very keen to see his jets against competitors.

Pleaseeee ..... keep such discussions out . :argh:
Okay, so they are USAF property till they land in Pakistan. Even flying over any other country's airspace? What about the PAF pilots. Would they be marked as flying a PAF F-16 or a USAF F-16? Anyhow answer this please.
Yes, U.S property.
It will be marked as an asset of U.S.
Mostly its delivered by U.S pilots, with good record on the type...sometimes PAF pilots also join them in back seat.

As far as Kasier Tufail's reply is concerned, the spare kits/parts are also supplied by U.S. There will be no new engine it will be the same -220E. There will be some spare modules of -220E included in the deal.
Yes, U.S property.
It will be marked as an asset of U.S.
Mostly its delivered by U.S pilots, with good record on the type...sometimes PAF pilots also join them in back seat.

As far as Kasier Tufail's reply is concerned, the spare kits/parts are also supplied by U.S. There will be no new engine it will be the same -220E. There will be some spare modules of -220E included in the deal.

Same goes with TAI right?
Same goes with TAI right?
Yes. TAI itself can't add/delete anything, everything in this deal is already included and approved by all stake holders.

It was PAF's choice to bring TAI in this project, the reason was the embargo episode of the early90s. PAF initially opted for in house MLU of these a/c at MRF, when U.S didn't agreed (because of Chinese involvement at PAC), PAF opted for TAI....which was a good move. Now, 41 of the 45 a/c are due at TAI' s end...no matter what U.S wants, TAI will deliver as per schedule.:tup:
Found this piece of news on the PAF F-16 MLU.

The PAF MLU avionics upgrade kits are being designed to provide the PAF Block 15A/B aircraft with many of the same capabilities as the new Block 52 F-16s that the PAF is procuring. The MLU kit replaces most of the 1980s avionics in the Block 15s with newer, advanced avionics systems from the Block 52 F-16s. The MLU upgrade kits will include: APG-68(V)9 radar; Embedded GPS/INS (EGI); Link-16 data link; APX-113 Advanced Identify Friend or Foe (AIFF); Color Cockpit with Color Moving Map; ALQ-211(V)9 Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suite (AIDEWS) Pod; Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) Cockpit and External Lighting; Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod; Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS); Reconnaissance Pod capability; improved avionics systems; JDAM capability; EGBU capability; AIM-120 AMRAAM capability; and AGM-84 Harpoon capability. While many of the avionics systems and capabilities are common with the new Block 52s and the MLU, some significant differences remain between the MLU F-16 Block 15s and the new PAF Block 52s: there are no improvements to the Block 15s mission range and loiter time; there are no engine improvements; and, there are no improvements to payload capacity. Overall, the MLU program will extend the service life of PAF’s original F-16 aircraft and very significantly increase the capability of the PAF to conduct Close Air Support and night precision attack missions.Thus armed with state of the art weapons’ and avionics suite, the F-16 MLU-III could fight any aircraft of the Indian Airforce maintaining the same level of threat which the Indians faced during the 80s and 90s.


All PAF F-16 pilots would be equipped with JHMCS
I have one question MLU upgrade kit have new engines or they are going to upgrade old one's?
If they have new engines then OLD engines will be returned to pakistan or not?
[--Leo--];2554856 said:
I have one question MLU upgrade kit have new engines or they are going to upgrade old one's?
If they have new engines then OLD engines will be returned to pakistan or not?

OH mere bhole bhai MLU ke sath new engine NAHI ay ga.:alcoholic:
[--Leo--];2554856 said:
I have one question MLU upgrade kit have new engines or they are going to upgrade old one's?
If they have new engines then OLD engines will be returned to pakistan or not?

Its not a new engine.. think of it as turbo boosted.. with new plugs and stuff as for a car.
The PAF F-16's went through an upgrade that brings them to the PW-100-220E level.
since last 30 years they fly daily sorties without loaded weapons on f-16 why ?:P
since last 30 years they fly daily sorties without loaded weapons on f-16 why ?:P

I have always wondered the same. While we have always seen jets all around the world fully loaded, have never ever seen a PAF jet with full payload.................i wonder why?
I have always wondered the same. While we have always seen jets all around the world fully loaded, have never ever seen a PAF jet with full payload.................i wonder why?

i think they keep it in storage for safety :D they are peaceful force
since last 30 years they fly daily sorties without loaded weapons on f-16 why ?:P

they can check loaded too damn they have GBUs mavrick and many other toys but they never load it :P they just keep 2 side winders and run :lol:

PAF have conducted hundred of sorties over the Tribal region dropping thousand of bombs.Yet we have never seen a single picture or video in these ten years. Also the JF-17 have participated quite a lot in War on terror.

If we don't see some thing that doesn't mean it is not there. So what you are saying cannot be termed as right. PAF after the OBL incident have become even more secretive. One example is the news of induction of Chinese AWACS in our infantry. No news about it in the media at all.

These sort of things are understandable.What I don't understand is that Pakistan Forces have never echo their efforts in War on terror. Why hiding the genuine efforts we have done against the militants.We have never fight the wrong claims thrown at us.We have never ever answer the false accusation. Pakistan forces need to look on this aspect (i.e PR) even it is as we know too late.

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