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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Oh yeah, very shiny, very beautiful, very agile, very lethal... wow..... wonderful! :D

The most beautiful bird in the sky produced by Americans. The Sukhois and MiG's still take the edge though in good looks.
The most beautiful bird in the sky produced by Americans. The Sukhois and MiG's still take the edge though in good looks.

The F-16 looks great, I agree, but I prefer the French designs after US ones over the Russian ones.
The F-16 looks great, I agree, but I prefer the French designs after US ones over the Russian ones.

Well, IMO:

1- Russian MiG's and Sukhois
2- F-16
3- Eurofighter typhoon.

Really awesome pieces of design and aerodynamic engineering marvel.

But the russians do have a tendency to get the nos really bulbous, the aircraft is sleek, and the nose is really huge because of the radar. That is why the MiG-29 UB is the best looking A/C in russian ranks IMO.
The popular impression is that these jet will be rendered useless against let me say it out loud "INDIA" but then again US allowed the sale of the AMRAAM, we all know those are not meant to be used against talibans since they don't fly jets. So what exactly is the US preventing and even if it is, how does it effect us or in another words benefits India?

The AIM-120 was sold to Pakistan because Pakistan wanted the missile, and the U.S. wants good relations with Pakistan. It's no more complex than that. It would be insulting to Pakistan to limit arms only to those that could be used on the Taliban.

What got me going on this topic is the bold part of your quote... too many guys literally think it is a kill switch, and the jets won't even fly.

Think of the software in the F-16 as an OS, an operating system. You power the jet up, it boots, and you have a "basic installation", F-16 V5.0

You have an AI radar, HUD, algorithms to drop bombs, detect, track and engage airborne targets, navigate, etc etc. It'll fight just fine. But like any OS, you can install programs that might do something a little better than the basic OS applets. So NOTEPAD becomes MS WORD; you get more capability.

This is kind of a lame analogy, but hopefully it's understandable. Some of the software deals with super-sensitive data and operating modes. In my career, we had a vault full of material stamped SECRET/NOFORN, with NOFORN meaning "no dissemination to foreign (non U.S.) personnel. All States have material that they consider highly sensitive. What we have here is a data methodology to allow Pakistan access to critical data, without compromising that data. I hope this makes sense.
The most beautiful bird in the sky produced by Americans. The Sukhois and MiG's still take the edge though in good looks.

Enjoy them while they last! The days of beautiful, sleek, aggressive fighters are numbered. Stealth requirements are killing these beautiful lines. No one thinks the F-22, T-50, J-20 look as good as their 1990's gen IV counterparts.

Although the F-23 looks like a space ship - awesome lines.


Dont know if this video was posted before...a great performance of f16 at Izmir show!

I don't know if somebody noted or not but it follows the same routine as Haseeb Paracha did on 23 march, loop, left bank, cuban 8, high speed turn, and then rolls... nothing new....
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Enjoy them while they last! The days of beautiful, sleek, aggressive fighters are numbered. Stealth requirements are killing these beautiful lines. No one thinks the F-22, T-50, J-20 look as good as their 1990's gen IV counterparts.

Although the F-23 looks like a space ship - awesome lines.



Looks much like a raptor, but with somebody slapping it's behind in!. F-22 is the best looking 5th-Gen A/C. But all others are UGLY.

F-16, Su's, MiG's, are the most sexiest aircraft in the world. add ET to that.

An nice explanation you gave about the kill switch misconception Chogy.

Many think that the guy sitting in Edwards AFB or Pentagon will press a switch, and start controlling it and destroy it, just like a drone!

You have an AI radar, HUD, algorithms to drop bombs, detect, track and engage airborne targets, navigate, etc etc. It'll fight just fine. But like any OS, you can install programs that might do something a little better than the basic OS applets. So NOTEPAD becomes MS WORD; you get more capability.


I couldn't have said it any better. Thanks Chogy! :tup:


This may or may not be part of the analogy as well. :D

Do you have Excel 97 ? And you lack money to buy Flight Simulator ? No problem . Consistent with Windows 98 and IE 4.0 , MS has used their philosophy of "Everything inside one" ! Try these , unbelievable , but it works .

Restart Excel 97 .
Open a new blank document .
Press F5 .
A reference box will open , type in X97:L97 and press ENTER .
Press TAB .This will take you to the cell M97 .
Click on the chart wizard button while holding down Control and Shift keys .

Presto ! You are in Flight Simulator . Use mouse to navigate and mouse buttons for speed control . Control+Shift+Escape ends this and takes you back to Excel .
Enjoy them while they last! The days of beautiful, sleek, aggressive fighters are numbered. Stealth requirements are killing these beautiful lines. No one thinks the F-22, T-50, J-20 look as good as their 1990's gen IV counterparts.

Although the F-23 looks like a space ship - awesome lines.



YF-23 is my most favorite aircraft! sad it lost due to its less agility...
i read it somewhere that this aircraft was suprior in each and every way than f-22 except maneuverability. too bad Northrop couldnt put a thrust vectoring nozzle on this bird in time, otherwise this would be in service!
The AIM-120 was sold to Pakistan because Pakistan wanted the missile, and the U.S. wants good relations with Pakistan. It's no more complex than that. It would be insulting to Pakistan to limit arms only to those that could be used on the Taliban.

What got me going on this topic is the bold part of your quote... too many guys literally think it is a kill switch, and the jets won't even fly.

Think of the software in the F-16 as an OS, an operating system. You power the jet up, it boots, and you have a "basic installation", F-16 V5.0

You have an AI radar, HUD, algorithms to drop bombs, detect, track and engage airborne targets, navigate, etc etc. It'll fight just fine. But like any OS, you can install programs that might do something a little better than the basic OS applets. So NOTEPAD becomes MS WORD; you get more capability.

This is kind of a lame analogy, but hopefully it's understandable. Some of the software deals with super-sensitive data and operating modes. In my career, we had a vault full of material stamped SECRET/NOFORN, with NOFORN meaning "no dissemination to foreign (non U.S.) personnel. All States have material that they consider highly sensitive. What we have here is a data methodology to allow Pakistan access to critical data, without compromising that data. I hope this makes sense.

It completely does make sense Sir and thank you for your time to reply. And no sir your analogy is not lame, infact for a layman like myself, i wouldn't been able to understand the more technical stuff. But now i do.
YF-23 is my most favorite aircraft! sad it lost due to its less agility...
i read it somewhere that this aircraft was suprior in each and every way than f-22 except maneuverability. too bad Northrop couldnt put a thrust vectoring nozzle on this bird in time, otherwise this would be in service!

It does not look that stealthy, than F-22. May be this is just a prototype.

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