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Pakistan election: the 4m votes no one wants

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I still think Ahmedis should vote in this election.

Their votes will still help bring about a change. It might be a small one for now but it'll be a step close to bringing a greater change for the future.
جماعت احمدیہ کے ترجمان سلیم الدین کے مطابق مذہبی بنیاد پر احمدیوں کے لیے الگ ووٹر فہرستیں امتیازی سلوک اور مخلوط انتخابات کی روح کے خلاف ہیں اور احتجاجاً عام انتخابات کے بائیکاٹ کر رہے ہیں۔

اس سلسلے میں متعدد بار الیکشن کمیشن سے رابطہ کرنے کی کوشش کی گئی مگر الیکشن کمیشن کے مختلف اعلیٰ اہلکار ایک دوسرے کا نام لے کر بات کرنے سے گریز کرتے رہے۔

جماعت احمدیہ کے ترجمان سلیم الدین کی جانب سے جاری ہونے والے ایک بیان کے مطابق ووٹر فہرستوں میں تمام پاکستانی شہری جن میں مسلمان، مسیحی، یہودی، ہندو، پارسی، سکھ یا دیگر مذاہب سے تعلق رکھتے ہیں، ایک فہرست میں اکٹھے ہیں لیکن صرف احمدی برادری کے لیے الگ ووٹر لسٹ بنائی گئی ہے۔

ان کا کہنا تھا کہ یہ مذہبی تفریق اور تعصب کی بدترین مثال ہے اور مخلوط انتخابات کی حقیقی روح کے منافی ہونے کے ساتھ حقوق انسانی کے عالمی اعلامیہ کی خلاف ورزی ہے۔

بیان کے مطابق حکومت کو تحریری طور پر اور الیکشن کمیشن کو باضابطہ ملاقات میں اس موقف کے بارے میں آگاہ کیا گیا لیکن اس سلسلے میں ابھی تک کوئی مثبت قدم نہیں اٹھایا گیا۔

یاد رہے کہ جماعتِ احمدیہ نے انیس سو ستتر کے بعد ہونے والے کسی بھی عام انتخابات میں حق رائے دہی استعمال نہیں کیا ہے۔

????????? - ?BBC Urdu? - ??????? ??????: ???????? ?? ??????? ?? ??????

The weasel election commission knows it’s being unfair and would not come forward to explain its position. So much for the integrity of election commissioner Fakhroo Bhai.
I think the Ahmedis are being a ***** about it.
What did they expect?
Did they expect IK to call them muslims and throw everything he has worked on out the window.
He has promised the minorities equal rights when he in power.What more do they want?
They have the right to vote but they have boycotted every election for almost 3 decades.


How can someone ask for votes to those who don't even recognoize our state,is it us excluding us or them excluding themselves?

What an irony. The same community which was instrumental in creation of pakistan is looked down upon by fellow pakistanis.
What an irony. The same community which was instrumental in creation of pakistan is looked down upon by fellow pakistanis.

they are not looked down, they are not ready to accept that they are not muslims, their belief involves a new prophet and islam doesnt allow that(khatm e nabuwat) so they are non muslims but they arnt ready to accept that
well i blame Ahmedis internationally for giving Pakistan a bad name EG: Tareak Fatah in Canada. but all in all there should be some modernism in Pakistan. just my 2 dimes .
They have the right to vote but they have boycotted every election for almost 3 decades.


How can someone ask for votes to those who don't even recognoize our state,is it us excluding us or them excluding themselves?

No they are not allowed to vote until they agree to change their religion. This is forced religious conversion by the of Pakistan. This is clear apartheid, persecution and oppression. Which other state persecutes its own citizens like this?

well i blame Ahmedis internationally for giving Pakistan a bad name EG: Tareak Fatah in Canada. but all in all there should be some modernism in Pakistan. just my 2 dimes .

Its Mullahs and their followers like Taliban Khan who are giving Pakistan a bad name. Where else do you see such bigots being most popular leaders of the country? Discrimination and hatred such as this is illegal in most countries these days let alone a politician allowed to use it to gain voters.

If you are going to act stone age then bad name is all you are going to get.

Tarek Fatah is not Ahmadi to my knowledge but he exposes bigots like Taliban Khan well.
No they are not allowed to vote until they agree to change their religion. This is forced religious conversion by the Taliban Emarat of Pakistan. This is clear apartheid, persecution and oppression. Which other state persecutes its own citizens like this?

Its Mullahs and their followers like Taliban Khan who are giving Pakistan a bad name. Where else do you see such bigots being most popular leaders of the country? Discrimination and hatred such as this is illegal in most countries these days let alone a politician allowed to use it to gain voters.

Tarek Fatah is not Ahmadi to my knowledge but he exposes bigots like Taliban Khan well.

from what i know Treak Fatah is Ahmedi just self proclaimed Sunni or what ever

If you are going to use foul language, you will be booted out of debate.

What an irony. The same community which was instrumental in creation of pakistan is looked down upon by fellow pakistanis.

No they were not instrumental to the creation of Pakistan and choosing not to vote is their own problem not ours. They do have all of civil rights to vote and contest elections. They cant get enough of playing victim which is their own choice.
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I still think Ahmedis should vote in this election.

Their votes will still help bring about a change. It might be a small one for now but it'll be a step close to bringing a greater change for the future.

They have bycotted elections for 25 years. They have rights to vote and contest elections, they instead choose to opt out and play victimhood.

If you are going to use foul language, you will be booted out of debate.

No they were not instrumental to the creation of Pakistan and choosing not to vote is their own problem not ours. They do have all of civil rights to vote and contest elections. They cant get enough of playing victim which is their own choice.

Who made a hateful person like yourself who is obviously highly biased a moderator? Read up the meaning of moderator in a dictionary before exhibiting your bigotry and bias here in the guise of moderation. You and your PTI co-bigots have no argument hence your overzealous use of "moderation". Anyone can see from your one-sided unintelligent comments where you stand.
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