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Pakistan doesn't reopen border despite US apology

well I personally support pakistan this time .....
as I think most of the mess created in the world is due to US
US ko ache se sabak sikhana
1. Taliban are not something fallen from sky. US was very well within the trio. Change the name from Mujahideen to Taliban Nothing is new..

BTW they are very much onboard and nothing has gone that much wrong viz a viz strategic depth.

2. There is NO question of attempt to use. Its a fact we already have this strategic depth and all corresponding factors despite the attempts by world power/s feeding its false propaganda through neo-liberals in our elites and media. But it falls flat ;)

3. Tying in with US in 80s and also now is NOT a bad thing in my view if we are talking about strategic issue. Because we are better off with US than siding with a stranger devil

4. Its not playing both sides. Its playing your cards at the right time. That is what US is also doing. Just go and read Pentagon has also confirmed that US is part of talks between Taliban and Karzai govt.

Despite difficult situation i believe this is beneficial to Pakistan in the long run in terms of learning fighting an Unconventional war , reforming the social issues, learning how to pacify public anger and so on

I think we are a little off topic here, but if Pakistan has been right about every thing, then is the current situation of Pakistan what you had envisaged when you formulated those strategies. Because if you look at it, either your moves didnt pay off, or those moves were not very smart ones to begin with..
I think we are a little off topic here, but if Pakistan has been right about every thing, then is the current situation of Pakistan what you had envisaged when you formulated those strategies. Because if you look at it, either your moves didnt pay off, or those moves were not very smart ones to begin with..

When you formulate strategies you never know these will result 100% the way you want to. But still there are some aims and targets which are kept in mind and if you achieve any of those important ones then its not that bad as compared to losing it altogether just as the case of Indian attempts viz a viz Afghanistan.

Now come to our case. Whether we like it or not we are going to be dragged into world proxies in this region due to our location so its our compulsion to either be part of it.

If we refuse to be part of it we are going to lose more than we are going to lose by being part of it hence 80s and now.

Whereas in Indian case its not a compulsion. If you do not be part of this you are not going to be threatened by any big power :)

You jumped into it by putting all your eggs in the wrong basket ignoring the ground realities simple as that.

The ground reality is that you CAN NOT win by cornering Pakistan not because we are powerful or we are pulling the strings but it is how it is.
When you formulate strategies you never know these will result 100% the way you want to. But still there are some aims and targets which are kept in mind and if you achieve any of those important ones then its not that bad as compared to losing it altogether just as the case of Indian attempts viz a viz Afghanistan.

Now come to our case. Whether we like it or not we are going to be dragged into world proxies in this region due to our location so its our compulsion to either be part of it.

If we refuse to be part of it we are going to lose more than we are going to lose by being part of it hence 80s and now.

Whereas in Indian case its not a compulsion. If you do not be part of this you are not going to be threatened by any big power :)

You jumped into it by putting all your eggs in the wrong basket ignoring the ground realities simple as that.

The ground reality is that you CAN NOT win by cornering Pakistan not because we are powerful or we are pulling the strings but it is how it is.

Your first part is actually an exercise in justifying a strategy that harmed your nation immensely. You got into the whole Afghan mess by choice, loving the fact that you were playing the role of a weapon of a super power against the only other super power at that time. Gave a great high for a few years, till the time US needed you. Post that you were left to handle the mess and that got you where you are today.

On the other hand, you think at this time that India totally lost its bets in Afghanistan. I dont believe so. India's goal is not and never was to have any kind of military clout in Afghanistan. It has been our play to keep Pakistan off balance and looking at how things are moving on your eastern border vs western border, I dont think that India is failed in any way. Our presense in Afghanistan is more or less same as what it was an year or so back. Still gives a lot of headaches to Pakistani Military planners. And all that at the cost of 10-12 SU 30's

I say thats a pretty good deal..
Your first part is actually an exercise in justifying a strategy that harmed your nation immensely. You got into the whole Afghan mess by choice, loving the fact that you were playing the role of a weapon of a super power against the only other super power at that time. Gave a great high for a few years, till the time US needed you. Post that you were left to handle the mess and that got you where you are today.

Not by choice. There are many reasons. and all are very valid. I dont see anything wrong with our joining it in the 80s. rest we were left to handle the mess and this time too we will be left to handle the mess. It is the fact and it is going to be that way. US had created a mess in Iraq and now leaving it on its own.

So its our take and we will have to deal with it whether like it or not,.

On the other hand, you think at this time that India totally lost its bets in Afghanistan. I dont believe so. India's goal is not and never was to have any kind of military clout in Afghanistan.

Who is talking about military clout here in the first place. That would be suicidal for you.

It has been our play to keep Pakistan off balance and looking at how things are moving on your eastern border vs western border, I dont think that India is failed in any way.

Lolz you are saying as if its you who are sending militants to Pakistan from Afghanistan to keep us busy at Western border

Our presense in Afghanistan is more or less same as what it was an year or so back. Still gives a lot of headaches to Pakistani Military planners. And all that at the cost of 10-12 SU 30's

I say thats a pretty good deal..

Hmmm yup those Indian terror training camps in guise of Indian Consulates are indeed a headache for us for time being and yup its a pretty good deal by India at the cost of 12-13 SUs
Hmmm yup those Indian terror training camps in guise of Indian Consulates are indeed a headache for us for time being and yup its a pretty good deal by India at the cost of 12-13 SUs

Then only it is pity that, World cannot see in your own way and after every alternate day we used to hear the news of Pakistan's Terror enterprises having a reach till Europe.
It is essential for Pakistan and US to get rid of Taliban, Illas Kashmiri, Haqquani network and LeT. These groups conduct global operations and need to be eliminated. As long as they are in Pakistan, there will issues with drone strikes. Do you realize they killed 3000 of US civilians and planning to do a similar attack in Europe?

Pakistan cannot offered to keep the routes closed for a long time. It is just days, it will be open.

huh what GLOBAL operations, i am not convinced by this member and he is appreaing be have indian origins
Lolz you are saying as if its you who are sending militants to Pakistan from Afghanistan to keep us busy at Western border

Hmmm yup those Indian terror training camps in guise of Indian Consulates are indeed a headache for us for time being and yup its a pretty good deal by India at the cost of 12-13 SUs

Am not sure, if you are misunderstanding on purpose or genuinely, but the point I am trying to make is that by India's presense in Afghanistan, Pakistan is overly careful/sensitive towards Afghanistan and is delegating more resources and attention towards its western border than it would have done other wise. That surely takes Pakistan's attention off other items like insurgency in Kashmir.

Still a pretty good deal for the price of 12-13 SUs
I was once dating an Indian chick, if that counts

haha only indians can date indian chicks, indian confirmed!!!

seriously man, your posts appear to have a big touch of indian heart, an american will not go as far as let etc, thats not us problem in the first place and let is not global.
haha only indians can date indian chicks, indian confirmed!!!

seriously man, your posts appear to have a big touch of indian heart, an american will not go as far as let etc, thats not us problem in the first place and let is not global.

What is up with you guys?. In posts that I support Pakistan, the Indian dudes say I am a Pakistani. Now you are saying that I am an Indian. So you have to be either an Indian or Pakistani to write here?
Ok dark, to be fair, they are not that ugly who can be dated only by Indian dudes.

hehehehe i believe you.

and hey its not necessary that everyone should share the same view as we have neither its necessary that you should not criticise us.:cheers:
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