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Pakistan demands equal access to Australian uranium after sales to India

The same old story of discrimination is sure going to crop up
Pakistan asking for the same treatement as given to India????you have to be really kidding and this is not a topic where you can be joking and hurting your own a$$

Another instance of "Mamma, I want that lollipop too".

Now Mamma will have to consider whether Johnnie has been a good boy; to deserve that "lollipop".
Ah, but there is the rub!

this lollipop will cost several million dollar
Dont worry ................ if we need it that badly we will get it one way or the other . Now indian need to act like matures rather than 2 year old kiddos.

We have in the past got things we needed and if we needed we will get it in the future as well.Be it australia or whatever..................
Another instance of "Mamma, I want that lollipop too".

Now Mamma will have to consider whether Johnnie has been a good boy; to deserve that "lollipop".
Ah, but there is the rub!

you failed to mention the girlfriend of Johnnie...he must give tht lollipop to his girl next door..so he can screw her..shez a b**** :D
How about we make it democratic? We give a vote to each of the Aussies in Uruzgan not getting supplies and let them descide what Pakistan gets?
Security and nuclear disarmament and non‑proliferation

Australia places a high priority both on preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and on working towards their eventual elimination. Australia supported UN Security Council resolutions addressing Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Iranian nuclear and ballistic missile programs. Australia is a constructive participant across the full range of UN nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regimes, including the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Biological and Chemical Weapons Conventions. Australia has promoted entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and negotiation of a Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty. Australia actively pursues a non-proliferation agenda in the International Atomic Energy Agency, including through promotion of the agency’s strengthened system for safeguards and verification.

About Australia: United Nations


What a hypocritical government of Australia and got slap back by giving access India to their Uranium reserves.

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