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Pakistan Defence Upgrade

Country Flag is the country you were born in or represent.

Location Flag is where you currently reside.

Jut wanted to clear that up. :smokin:
Nice dark green color. Any dark color is nice to me. Nice update.

To see the new look, I am feeling as like - I have bought a new car, lol.

Anyway, Where is UN flag. I want to use it only in my location flag. Also I do not see who thanked me in any old post newly.
Trying to see if it is possible. Will let you know.

I don't think its possible otherwise all forums using VB 4.x would have been using that plug in

may be you can request someone to specially make it for you but it won't be easy to retrieve queries from the database if written by a stranger and not the original coder

That is why I was always in favor of 3.8.x as that is still the best software internet world has ever produced
I cannot see my thanked posts and my previous posts.. :what:
Whhhaaaaaat a pleasant surprise
defense.pk reach for the sky...
WebMaster, with the passage of time, features will come back I know, but believe me this new look is very stressful to eyes…..old layout was more attractive and professional looking……is this change a requirement for World Defense….???

Balance in size between avatar and user name needs to be fixed……avatars are too fat looking…….
@Webby: When I upload any of the animated AV it turns to a simple image! Please check!
webbie i cant see my full friend's list in my profile :(
Can't find my old posts when I click on MY-Posts.... Only the posts made after upgrade done are shown.
plzz restore my old posts also.

thanx for restoring my threads
The new logo and interface look great. There is a decrease in performance though. I am not sure what hardware and OS the site is hosted on, but with the gradual increase in load thee site will experience additional performance issues.

Fine tuning the application may be the least expensive option. Just my 2 cents. Great work!
The new change is good but i kind of still liked the old one & the performance of the site is very slow now overll look is better but still change is good sometimes cheers.. :pakistan:
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