This is written by an Indian in Quora, in which areas, Pakistan is ahead of India...seems plausible except for one or two.
Areas Pakistan is ahead of India.
1) Road Infrastructure.
2) Clean Energy - hydro electricity
3) Diplomacy and Foreign Policy - much ahead than India
4) Intelligence Service (ISI)
5) Population homogeneity
6) Resource Availability per capita
7) Access to electricity, I may add 90% of the population has access to electricity, the power lines are there...but power shortage makes it difficult as of now...
8) Far ahead in water access, water equity, sanitation access, and sanitation equity.
9) Urbanization
10) Less Population density.
11) Per Capita Meat Consumption
12) Less poverty
13) Less inequality, India ranks two in the world with most un-equality, after Russia at number one in income distribution.
14) Gased Pipeline, Pakistan has 10,000 Km of gas pipeline and India 11,000 or so. Looking at the size and land mass Pakistan is much ahead.
15) CNG usage, more than 6 million cars and buses on CNG in Paksitan, more than 17,00 CNG stations nationwide.