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Pakistan court grants bail to 26/11 accused Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi: Reports

Do you think you know how things work in Pakistan better than most of us? We're not so organized as you may think, and not every one takes a dump thinking and plotting against India.

You give us way too much credit. In reality, it's difficult for us to go through normal chores of our lives on a day to day basis.

Read @Irfan Baloch's post above....... read between the lines...... the government will challenge the decision..... this has been done many times before, to no avail, want to blame anyone, go ahead blame the courts and this ineffective judicial due process.

I believe you but Kindly explain this to us

How did jailed Mumbai attacks mastermind become a father? - thenews.com.pk

This is a hogwash by shielding behind the judicial process of Pakistan. He was living and enjoying. He is out or inside jail doesn't make a difference. This is a signal to both the parties Indian and anti Indian terrorist organisations that thing will remain the same.
Pakistan did the right thing. India only interested in media trial of Pakistan. All along this trial, India was extremely uncooperative.

India can go sulk.
Mumbai attack 'mastermind' Lakhvi detained under MPO
Mateen Haider
Published Dec 19, 2014 10:42am

ISLAMABAD: Alleged mastermind of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi who was granted bail by an anti-terrorism court in Islamabad yesterday has been detained under the Maintenance of Public Order (MPO) at Rawalpindi's Adiala Jail.

Well from what is now published in the media, it doesn't actually matter if he is jailed, granted bail or detained now, since he still had plenty of freedom and conveniences. Of cource unless a court actually convicts him, he should be taken as innocent until proven guilty, but then I would ask, if Taliban terrorists that are allegedly responsible for an attack in Pakistan (any attack, am not refering to the recent one!) would have the same freedom and conveniences within jail or when they are detained? If not, even Pakistanis must ask why there are different standards alleged perpetrators or?
how we are concerned with the mercy of the Pakistan, India need to kill its terrorist by self. and yes pakistan make india feel that any Goodwill(edited word instead mercy) show to them on killing of any kids in peshawar or else in idiotism. we neither need to so good, not bad words on killing, this is their country issue, and we are least concern, if this type judgements are passed thier.

Exactly! Since independence, we seen multiple wars, battles, attacks, terrorism, etc ....all supported by Pakistan against India but our spineless gov't kept bending over backwards to accomodate them. Congress still to appese them and be friends. For what? THey do not want peace or friendship period. Asking them to rein in on terrorism while they actively support, fund and train it.....has got to be a sign of stupidity on our part. The fact that we keep asking the world to stop Dawood when we know where he lives is ridiculous. Take a page or a lesson from other countries. Protect your ppl or we will repeat a harsh reality in the future.

QUITE FRANKLY ...I never understand why India and Indians are so surprised by this news? Realisitically, did you expect something differently? What are you guys led to believe? Have you not learned any f-king lessons in all these decades?

indians didnt get our strategy , we bail him , now he will go to fellow Talibans , and we will blow him up in a Air strike, no public protest , no anger from his supporter :D
Well from what is now published in the media, it doesn't actually matter if he is jailed, granted bail or detained now, since he still had plenty of freedom and conveniences. Of cource unless a court actually convicts him, he should be taken as innocent until proven guilty, but then I would ask, if Taliban terrorists that are allegedly responsible for an attack in Pakistan (any attack, am not refering to the recent one!) would have the same freedom and conveniences within jail or when they are detained? If not, even Pakistanis must ask why there are different standards alleged perpetrators or?
I hope your question is rhetorical. If not the answer is simple. For Pakistan, terrorists attacking India are not terrorists but covert operatives. Like CIA wet works . They simply use the grab of terrorists to give plausible deniability to Pakistan in the international community. Hence the comparison of these Pakistani covert assets with the militants attacking Pakistan is not real.
Well from what is now published in the media, it doesn't actually matter if he is jailed, granted bail or detained now, since he still had plenty of freedom and conveniences. Of cource unless a court actually convicts him, he should be taken as innocent until proven guilty, but then I would ask, if Taliban terrorists that are allegedly responsible for an attack in Pakistan (any attack, am not refering to the recent one!) would have the same freedom and conveniences within jail or when they are detained? If not, even Pakistanis must ask why there are different standards alleged perpetrators or?

You would be surprised to know yes they are granted same privileges as well. That PAF technician Adnan Rasheed who is involved in 6-7 major terrorist attacks, against PA, PAF, PN, Musharraf, he was allowed conjugal visits and became father in Jail

Adnan Rashid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I hope your question is rhetorical. For Pakistan, terrorists attacking India are not terrorists

Well lets say I'm trying to understand or see the other side too, without including my own opinion or an bias and if you look at Bratvas post, things seems to be different than we expects.
More than the obvious sentiment the decision for bail creats among us Indians, I think it will be more interesting to see how the public in Pakistan reacts on that, especially after the recent events. If I got it right, the bail was delayed for a day, because the lawyers and courts were not working for a day in protest of the attacks and when this happens just a day later, it is also a slap in the face of these lawyers and their protest too.
We Indians can say or complain about double standards, but that won't change anything, change has to come from within Pakistan and no, I don't think that all Pakistanis thinks like that about terrorists.

You would be surprised to know yes they are granted same privileges as well. That PAF technician Adnan Rasheed who is involved in 6-7 major terrorist attacks, against PA, PAF, PN, Musharraf, he was allowed conjugal visits and became father in Jail

Adnan Rashid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indeed surprising, similar was stated about Lakhvi too, which to an extend might be understandable, but he even is said to had an own mobile phone officially and no matter if alledged to be a terrorist or convicted, they shouldn't be allowed to have so easy access to the outside world.
Well lets say I'm trying to understand or see the other side too, without including my own opinion or an bias and if you look at Bratvas post, things seems to be different than we expects.
More than the obvious sentiment the decision for bail creats among us Indians, I think it will be more interesting to see how the public in Pakistan reacts on that, especially after the recent events. If I got it right, the bail was delayed for a day, because the lawyers and courts were not working for a day in protest of the attacks and when this happens just a day later, it is also a slap in the face of these lawyers and their protest too.
We Indians can say or complain about double standards, but that won't change anything, change has to come from within Pakistan and no, I don't think that all Pakistanis thinks like that about terrorists.

Indeed surprising, similar was stated about Lakhvi too, which to an extend might be understandable, but he even is said to had an own mobile phone officially and no matter if alledged to be a terrorist or convicted, they shouldn't be allowed to have so easy access to the outside world.

That's just a plain lie. but things are so messed up now, mobile phones are least of the devices that gets smuggled in to jails and terrorists own them. For example, Adnan rashid escaped from prison because he guided the TTP group from inside his cell through mobile phone how to maneuver inside jail. In another incident. Sindh province High court Judge Justice Baqir syed attack was orechestad from inside the prison. The person judge incarcerated, TTP gang leader, hatched the plan and coordinated the attack from inside his jail cell through his cell phone. Things become so worse, Punjab and Sindh Jail departments deployed Cell jammers outside jails this year.
@Irfan Baloch sir, yours is a shining light in a dark dark place. May your mindset become increasingly representative of your countrymen.
my respected dear,
I understand your anguish. and I share it. do you know what?
this judiciary slapped on our faces so many times. Ifitkhar Chudhary freed all Red Mosque terrorists who were caught on camera shooting at people, journalists and soldiers. even the Mullah was given VIP send off

and if that wasnt enough, the father in Law of Mullah Fazlullah . called Mullah Sawat .. the think tank behind the TTP movement was also recently freed from all terrorism charges by our sick judiciary

when I talk to you guys on victims of terrorism in India and Pakistan I talk to you as brothers as a family. I dont care about our political differences on Kashmir etc. whatever our states are doing to each other.. I address my common Indian fellows who have family and friends who feel the same way as a respectable and honorable human being does.

it is a shite situation that judiciary and politics doesnt work in Pakistan.. they are both joined together praising/ apologizing for taliban... exception being PPP and MQM who are mainly regional ethnic parties with their own darker secrets and that leaves us with army as a lesser evil to rule us .. now thats a tragedy.

Mombai mastermind has been bailed before as well by the talibanized judiciary that maintains that finding suicide jackets and bombs in a house is not a convincing proof that the owner of the house had any intention of committing terrorism (these are the kinds of judgement that judges pass when they free terrorists, who threaten the prosecutors and policemen in front of the judges that they will kill their families in front of them and then kill them too ) then they walk way in chants of praise and flowers.

and despite taking on these terrorists and suffering repeated losses we get criticised for our Afghan jihad by those people who have died or retired. such criticism really makes us weak in front of taliban sympathizers who mock us saying that our "appeasment" will never be good enough for the world.
Well lets say I'm trying to understand or see the other side too, without including my own opinion or an bias and if you look at Bratvas post, things seems to be different than we expects.
More than the obvious sentiment the decision for bail creats among us Indians, I think it will be more interesting to see how the public in Pakistan reacts on that, especially after the recent events. If I got it right, the bail was delayed for a day, because the lawyers and courts were not working for a day in protest of the attacks and when this happens just a day later, it is also a slap in the face of these lawyers and their protest too.
We Indians can say or complain about double standards, but that won't change anything, change has to come from within Pakistan and no, I don't think that all Pakistanis thinks like that about terrorists.
All Pakistanis, may be not. But their establishment, and more specifically their Military certainly does
No point in speaking with a banana republic....where their children get killed by their own strategic asset.....
The argument is that once kashmir gets settled everything will be fine in subcontinent. Till then strategic asset will remain intact.
Sorry, see my Flag, I know much better then you, i know thats not true, since you said this, I just asked you to provide the link or source, If you have any, otherwise its Okay.

Its would have been sad had your flag been anything but Indian, however now that it is, your ignorance is just pathetic! Furthermore, had you truly wanted to know whether there was any base in what I said you would have googled it yourself, found it yourself and then hid somewhere in shame. But that you are an Indian!

then who is torturing FBI and media to visit the jihadi village, and by torture you do know sarabjeet?

Torturing FBI? You high dude??
Its would have been sad had your flag been anything but Indian, however now that it is, your ignorance is just pathetic! Furthermore, had you truly wanted to know whether there was any base in what I said you would have googled it yourself, found it yourself and then hid somewhere in shame. But that you are an Indian!

Torturing FBI? You high dude??

Okay, I searched, but doesn't find anything what you said, Now can you help me..............Show me, show that I can hid myself in shame.
All Pakistanis, may be not. But their establishment, and more specifically their Military certainly does

That's why we have to adress those that are resonable and not generalize and criticize all Pakistanis because of our hurt sentiments (even if understandable), because that won't make a difference.
The outrage in India, of the Indian public and even the Indian government after the attacks in Peshawar, showing our support to the public in Pakistan surely was a better step to show that we face a common problem in the region and should deal with that and not with eachother, than what the 2 governments had done after they were elected.
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